* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

I can see him with a mohawk :joy:

Day 13. Men still suck. Don’t @ me this is my space

Update 923pm: What a weird effing night. I’m going to sleep and hoping for more clarity tomorrow.


Day 445

I try to not watch the news too much, but just flicked on the TV and there it was. They were briefly mentioning how today is the 8th anniversary of Hurricane Irene battering the northeastern US, where I live.

An unexpected flood of memories came to me. August 28, 2011. My worst year on this planet, 2011 – especially in regards to my drinking and mental health. This was at its worst, totally unchecked and unacknowledged. I still lived at home, my Mom was gone for the week. I used to love it when she’d leave me on my own for a few days. Bender time.

I was in the middle of one of my 4-to-5 day benders at this exact time 8 years ago. These used to happen with regularity. I remember drinking through the hurricane, holed up in my room in the dark. Blinds closed. Drink til you pass out, hope you don’t piss the bed, wake up, and keep chugging. Occasional walk to the store for another few liters. Try to convince the Vietnamese shop owner that I am not drunk, and to let me buy my booze and go. Not showering, barely eating. Texting nonsense to whoever would give me the time of day, but ignoring phone calls from people who actually gave a shit. Overdrafting my bank account for smokes and more drink.
As I’m typing this, I realize that I feel sadness for that person. I also feel a very strong negative reaction, tough to peg the word but I think “repulsed” is close.

Today I am grateful that I managed to crawl out of all that.


I really like you :face_with_monocle::joy::joy::upside_down_face:

Congrats @anon12657779 on 300 days! Ran out of likes this morning.


I really do think that you are generalising hear lady!

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Tristan, I think we can all look back and have similar thoughts. I know you won’t, but best not to dwell on it. Those things are best left where they are. In the past.
And you have very definitely left those days behind!

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Oh, I’m good, buddy. It has me looking at my current state with a bit more gratitude!

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I’m outta likes too. Thanks Ashley!

Checking in day 152.


I said don’t at me. See? Y’all don’t listen :unamused:


@anon44659383. That’s atting at you. I didn’t at at all!


Sigh. You’re like a Chihuahua


Love you Joanie!!
Yap yap yap yap!!


So sleep deprived and grumpy. Love it :fire::joy::kissing_heart:Sober twining!


Day 32. Was met with a challenge at work today. Handled it very well and professionally without fear or feeling overwhelmed. I think sobriety is centering and is allowing me to think things through calmly before approaching with a clear mind. Feeling very grateful. 2 months ago, it would have been a great reason to leave work earlier than I should for a bottle or box of wine so that I could shut my brain down and run away from adult responsibilities.


Checking in day 3. Laying low these first days. Feeling committed to the process. It’s a marathon not a sprint.


Love and hugs Joanie, no matter what!

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That’s freaking awesome G

Party%20Ballons Party%20Ballons


Pick on @anon12657779 it’s fun and he deserves it

Now that’s more like it! Thanks buddy :hugs: