You must be driving yourself mad with all this, I feel your pain. I’m back to day 3 and I really really really want a drink. They say that those that can’t do it teach it so what’s your advice for today.
I often wonder whether we are just sadistic by nature bc we could do what we want but prefer to live through the pain of trying.
One day mate all this will be worth it and while your still here you’ve not stopped trying. Chin up
Good one Allen.
Good morning. Day 79 checking in.
Day 36…checking in friends😊
Morning of day 7, checking in.
I started a morning routine that included short reflection on my emotions related to sobriety. I was wandering if I should make a topic with it so people who are starting their journey could maybe get inspired by it… and it would make me accountable to a community. I don’t know, I don’t want to look as some kind of narcissist posting in my own topic… (even if I know it’s now how I look to other people journals) But I don’t know, every time I write for myself I feel I should be sharing, but never know to who to. Just some thoughts.
Great day guys
112 days alkohol free.
Back to 90 days.
Holy moly, what a crazy start to 2020.
I receive an email from the Center for Action and Contemplation every day. Definitely not for everybody but it is a useful message to a recovering catholic like myself.
Here was the first paragraph I received today.
It is hard to bear God—but it is even harder not to bear God (Think Higher Power, if you prefer). The pain one brings upon oneself by living outside of evident reality is a greater and longer-lasting pain than the brief pain of facing it head on. Enlightened people invariably describe the spiritual experience of God as resting, peace, delight, and even ecstasy.
I want the easy, restful way. If recovery feels like a duty and a chore or a punishment that you’re giving yourself for all of your mistakes, it shouldn’t. Stop fighting everyone and everything. Surrendering that illusion that I could do it my way was the best decision I ever made. Everyday isn’t gonna be golden and I am going to have to trudge sometimes. I’d rather trudge the high road with the faith that I’m not walking in circles with a map made solely from my own life experiences and stinking thinking.
Beautiful @liv_m. I love your sobriety as a super power…it really DOES feel that way…so well put.
@Fargesia_murielae, finding peace in the storm of life thru mindfulness and meditation has helped me so much as well.
Keep coming back and keep working toward your goal. You are human. You are trying. You will get there. Reach out when you are questioning, play it thru to the outcome…regret and shame. You know the road of using…you know where it leads…it is not going to lead you anywhere new. Sobriety/being clean…now that is a whole fresh new world waiting for you to discover.
Congrats on your year!!! So exciting!!!
Thank you Cristel You are doing so well. I often look at you, and a few others, for guidance on this crazy journey.
… I am also going to TRY to step away for a while.
Beautiful numbers Claudia
Don’t try and come between us now, I’ve already booked the tickets.
I think you are doing amazing work! @Fargesia_murielae … my father has aspergers pretty severe I would say and he had a really hard time showing emotion so I love reading your posts and seeing in the mind of an autist.
Today I hit the 10 day mark. Made it back to Vegas. My mother in law says she hasnt drank in 12 days!! I hope she keeps this up cuz its hard to be around her and stay sober sometimes when she is downing handles of scotch like there is no tomorrow. Plus now we are staying with them again because I miraculously rented out my house for more than I could refuse. Which was super lucky. So all good things!
Hey, no judgement here