Checking in daily to maintain focus #11

Yay… To 6 months of sobriety, keep on stacking them days ODAAT! :tada: :confetti_ball:
Blessings and sobriety!

How can I attent this meeting? I would be interested to join if in my time zone :wink:

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Day 2,…higher power help me with my thinking, little panicky,bad dreams. .strength, hope and courage.:sparkles:


Hang in there Sister. Glad he is free from the corona and maybe in a while also the scaring the shit out of him by the doter can be seen as a blessing in disguise. These are the things we need sometimes to wake up… By giving this love and care you are being your own HP.

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1 :upside_down_face:


Day 4. My dreams are getting more intense at this point. Weeds were growing out of my livingroom walls, felt kinda gross.
Oh well… It’s a new day.

Keep it strong, keep it sober. Have a nice day folks! :sunny::four_leaf_clover:


Hope you feel better today and it was the milestone itch you were feeling.
Congratulations though with it Cate!! :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:

One week is awesome @Laura37 :trophy:

Is it :100: yet @jjcarson92? I wanna be the first to congratulate you! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Well done! :confetti_ball: Triple digits!!! :facepunch:

Sorry to hear your partner is still sick @Lisa07 :pensive:, that must be hard to watch.
Hope the diabetes is not that bad so it could go away if he is living more healthy?
You are a strong lady.

Stay with us @anon60334405. Keep your mind distracted if you can. Maybe by listening to some recovery podcasts?

@Briella, sleep it of if you can and try again. Never give up :heart:
This one is for you:
2 steps

Day 581 :coffee:
Busy day ahead at work.
Not much to say. Decided to be less on my phone. I think it’s become a new addiction to me to surf a lot on it. Time slip trough my fingers…


Day 130! Actually had a very good day today, got to relax for most of it and chilled out watching movies. Onto tomorrow!


Been thinking this morning on the spiritual side of recovery,can yoga be a spiritual practice?,as well as praying to higher power to guide thinking ,as well as guiding actions? confused by reading a thread on spiritual stuff which was mostly about Bible :no_mouth::no_mouth::no_mouth::thinking:


All the 3’s :star_struck: Happiest of sober mondays to ya all


I would say that yes yoga practice can be spiritual. While spirituality can definitely be related to religion, I think it can be broader than that. For me spirituality is feeling connected to something bigger than myself and yoga helps me tap into that.


Yes bigger than myself,I would like to be sober for the long term,not just 2 or 3 months, I am trying to think of all the things I can help connect me to a higher power that I hope will make my sobriety stronger…I feel like this is my last chance in a way…my mental health hasn’t been good, feeding it with not so positive information and picking up alcohol.:face_with_head_bandage:. thanks for replying :two_hearts::fist_right::fist_left:


6 months sober AF and 22 days ahead of where you planned to be with nicotine too. Yasss :woman_singer::sparkles:


Wowzers :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck: get you sweetie, so chugging proud of you xx

Sometimes when we look at the long term we can pile all this pressure on ourselves. I know that is something I do when I have a bad mental health spiral.

Bringing it back to today and just focusing on what it right in front of us can really help. And yoga is something that can help ground you in the here and now!


@Jane.c it certainly does make such a difference, I felt that on my walk last week. Always wanted to swim in a cold river, I bet that woke your senses. I am working on cold showers with Wim Hof at the moment up to about 15 secs, so total respect for your swim. So pleased you feeling better, and found something that helps :bouquet:


I’ve seen a bit on wim hof,!..let us know how that goes :dizzy::blush:

wow, congrats Cate on 180 days no alcohol that is fantastic… so happy for you

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his breathing technique I do twice a day found it really helpful. Brings a bit of focus to me. Took me a while to get the technique, but now I am used to it. I subscribe to his YouTube Channel and there are a tutorial and beginners breathing videos. My son is even doing it and loves it.

Not finding the cold showers so easy, but keeping at it, as the benefits are supposed to be really positive.
I think he is a legend:)


Day 7

Had a lazy day yesterday which just frustrated me as don’t like being lazy (I tell myself off!). So got up this morning, took the pooch to park, ran for 2 mins, walked for 2 mins in total for 30 mins (beginners half marathon plan), that felt good. Did Wim Hoff breathing, meditation, breakfast. Now checking on here.

@Lisa07 213 days with all you have on your plate you are doing amazing. Good your husband is on the same page with no alcohol that must help you? Like others, I was not aware it causes diabetes! Gosh, the medical implications are huge, I just only worried about liver and brain which should be enough to keep me on straight and narrow!! Grab rest when you can and hope your husband continues to improve so can help you. :pray:
@jjcarson92 your days are stacking up and you a whisker away from triple :slight_smile:
@anon60334405 I wishing you strength all the way, those thoughts are exhausting and relentless in the zone. We all know the answer. You are doing so well keep strong.
@Conor689908 congrats on 250!!!
@Briella was so sorry to hear, but you are back here. Try not to be hard on yourself, I was in your place 8 days ago and it is not nice at all. Get back into the days and you will feel better. Thinking of you

Now interview prep as did none yesterday, could not focus. So lets hope for today.
Have a good day all