Checking in daily to maintain focus #11

Day 18, feels like it’s been forever but in a good way. I am losing all the bloat from booze and my skin is starting to look really good. I was all red and blotchy, blech. I’m starting to look so much better. I live in Hawaii and our stay at home order just got extended til May 31st. This is a good thing because in the whole state we only have 3000 hospital beds for over a million ppl. So anyway, looks like I have a lot more time up here in my apartment to work on myself getting healthy and staying sober. I know some people are going crazy staying at home, struggling with sobriety. For me, it is helping. I’m trying to stay focused and super zen about it all.
Happy to have y’all out there! Stay safe!


Checking in :cherry_blossom:


Day 535. I just want to throw it all in the fuck-it bucket. That kind of thinking for me doesn’t include temptations for alcohol anymore, but it’s still important to my sobriety to manage it properly, as is healthy coping in general. Plus I can’t say I won’t ever be tempted in the future, so I need to keep my tools sharp. But I just want to Quit. Everything.


Stick with it.


Crack on, CHAMPION!

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Aargh, my back pain was getting better but today it’s awful again. I wonder if I’m unconsciously sitting or moving in a tense way because of covid19 anxiety, and maybe that’s part of why this is flaring up. I would be staying home anyway, no travel, so it is not so bad, but it rrrreallly hurts right now. Trying to be very conscious and play tape forward when I start fantasizing about how using alcohol as a painkiller.


Great job on the big 30!! :trophy::raised_hands:


Checking in… 26.27 days here! Grateful for each sober day. :heartpulse:


We’re glad you’re back here checking in. :+1::raised_hands:

Thanks for checking on me :hugs:
Very busy day, 3 Zoom conference calls and I put together four desks and four chairs today!!! I’m really getting a kick out of finding my inner savage. Boo yah!!



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Great to hear Mel!!! I love your posts and honesty…it is a help to me.

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Day 124

Volunteered to do some extra work to share with the rest of the team. I always over-think these times (what if everyone else doesn’t think they are good enough? will everyone find out how dumb and inexperienced I am? i have to choose the topic, what if I choose a ‘bad’ one? do people think I am over-stepping my boundaries as a part-time teacher and I should leave it to the full-timers? but if I don’t do it will they think I am lazy? what if people tell me all the things wrong with it and I am embarrassed? what if they don’t tell me and just talk about it behind my back? yadda yadda)
I have to choose a Youtube video and think of some comprehension and discussion questions. Hardly reinventing the wheel.


My group has meetings every day at Noon and 7pm CST if you’re in the US. You’re welcome to join any time. Message me and I’ll give you the Zoom Meeting ID.

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You hung stuff on the walls too! You’re crushing it. :blush:

Hate that you’re feeling that way @Ifs. But I’m pretty sure quitting everything isn’t the way to go no matter what you feel like in the moment. You’ve been working so hard… Can you dial anything back? Or do you have to go all or nothing? Try to find a balance maybe? I know that’s hard. Wishing you peace and serenity. :heart::hugs:


216 Days. I was so happy to get out and go to the office yesterday. Today I find out my boss has the virus. I spent time with her yesterday going over projects. She wasn’t feeling well and said it was allergies. Come to find out, she was tested Friday after coming in contact with an infected family member. I wish she was open about these facts ahead of time. I was also with her a couple days last week. I didn’t get it from my husband so now I wait to see if I get it from her.


NOOOO I hope to goodness you dont get it!! :crossed_fingers:


That sounds entirely negligent. If u feel slightly ill, u isolate, everyone knows the risks now. Fingers crossed u r ok.


Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers: and praying you’re okay, that was very unthoughtful and cruel(hopefully not deliberate) of her. I could just smack her face. Be well my TS friend. :hugs: :two_hearts:
Blessings and sobriety!

  1. Work day ahead. I’m ok. Worrying about lots of stuff, but not about my sobriety. Life still is complicated and hard but at least I don’t complicate it any further by stupid drinking or drugging. Have a good day all. Sober and clean. Love from Amsterdam in spring.
    That’s just crazy @Lisa07. Hoping you’ll be alright.