Checking in daily to maintain focus #11

Checking in. Day 1 (again). I don’t know if today will be THE day, but I’m trying so damn hard to stay sober. I am going to simply focus on one day at a time. Glad to be here. Grateful for life!


128 days alkohol free.


Have you tried zoom meetings?

27 days! :tada::tada:


Like zoom AA meetings? not yet. I’ve found some that I want to try. I really need one I can go to every day. Any suggestions?


Thank you. :green_heart:

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Yes, zoom as meetings. Others here know more than I do; @Englishd

That’s a nice one too Conor! Here is everything closed too, so it takes a while before I will get mine too. The tattoo artist has a waitinglist and because it’s closed now it’s even longer :pensive:

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Day 274. New stuff for the gym arriving this week, stoked on that. Google Hangout with the band tonight. Good times for sure.

Lunch today. Ruled.

Have a strong day!!!


Day 95!! Good Day to all.
Much to say, where to start, morning, I woke up early, grateful for that. Prayed and read my four daily readings from AA, NA, CA and unknown daily reflection type book. Prayed had coffee and started in with cleaning up myself. Roommate made bacon and pancakes very good. Lots of communication with family had a video chat was nice to see and hear them. Messaged a handful of friends and my sponsor as usual just to say good morning. Some heavy hitting conversations emotionally with a few people already today. I like it, however can be exhausting. Think my roommates and I found a new place to rent so might be able to move out of this cramped spot. Waiting for a call from long term treatment(3 months) which I’m told to expect today, fingers crossed. Have an aftercare zoom meeting at 4 and then NA at 7. A fair amount of uncertain situations and I am working hard (and posting this helps) to relinquish control and allow my HP to guide me. :v: & :heart:


I did not relapse… but still i scored something unfortunately becouse my neighbours are NSB… :partying_face::partying_face::rofl::rofl::rofl: a fine for loud music while chilling @ home…
Really pissed me off after a hard day of work and clean the house project… but he , still all good and sober !!! @Lisa07 nala sends her regards as well.
@Mno gappie , hoe is het daar in de randstad dan? Hope you’re good as always !
@Fargesia_murielae jij ook alles flexxie ?
And @Girlinterrupted + @anon79808082 how are you both holding up!

Bless ya’ll


That makes me happy to hear you’re still sober @050Nl. I hope you don’t have anything to spark temptation. Give Nala kisses for me. :kissing_heart:

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That sucks! Neighbors to me; I’m friendly but don’t want to hang out. I’ve had baddd experiences with some.
Thanks for the shutout! I’m doing really good. My son just called; he payed back part of money he owes me electronically then asks to borrow, lol. He does have a check to open a new account but banks need you to make appointment online…so he says…:laughing:🤦:heart_eyes:

Check pets pics, she posed 4 u

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So he sais indeed :roll_eyes::rofl: lol , i wish my bank was like you :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Awesome stuff to hear and that you are reaching out and checking in. Congrats on the days you’ve been able to abstain from you’re substance of choice, that’s not a little deal. It’s a HUGE DEAL and you outta feel proud of yourself. Everyday I feel is a new day to continue to become stronger in ourselves, and our sobriety. I commend you for the way you are connecting yourself with others right from the beginning, I feel it’s key :key:. Keep comin back!


I’m fine Joost, thanks for asking. Fine as in the adjective and not the noun… That must have been some loud music friend! :crazy_face: :metal: :metal::drum:




Thanks :v::pray:…I like DEADS…:fist_right::fist_left:

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