Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #12

your doing great mate, your on day 50 and nows not the time to crumble. You know there’s nothing there for you. Keep going bud.

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Thank you sir

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Day 283. Workout this afternoon calls for deadlifts, which is my favorite. Weather tomorrow has a high of 79, so the cars are getting pampered, and a long bike ride is on order. Stoked.

Have a strong day!!!


Welcome! You’ll get lots of great advice here!

Day 262 ending for me. Spent the day with my wonderful grandma, bf and dug planting bushes and eating surprise pea soup outside by our little pond and bungalow. Bliss. In the evening surprisingly sorted through two massive bags of university papers I had sat for ten plus years and finally throwing them out giving up on the shame and guilt of unfinished business. Embracing the mind set that life has to be lived now and any future is to be built from hereon out, not through re-living the past and old unchecked expectations. Reached out to an old, very important friend I’ve been through so much shit together with and haven’t been super close to in a while. Let her know I was thinking of her and grateful for her in my life, and that I’ve learned a lot recently, also about our relationship.
I’m so grateful for how far I’ve come from my self harming ways and how unstuck I am becoming.
Love and strength to everyone out there on this journey :milky_way::milky_way::milky_way::night_with_stars:


Hi and thank you very much, I know its a long journey ahead but I release the only way to get those multiple days under the belt is to face it head on. So here goes… have a lovely Friday all.

Yep nice one… one… one… OK thats enough of that, well done mate.


Only today matters, your journey will only ever be 24 hours long then we start a different journey, it’s the only way. Even if you have a goal you can’t just jump there. :v:

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Ah ok, there you go, suppose that’s another reason I am here for encouragement and advice, thanks as i never thought of it that way and it makes sense, it sunk straight away :blush: :+1:

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Thanks, hope to get a blether some time, once I find my way around here a bit better :+1:

Day 32 here. Yesterday I felt a bit “off”. Hard to describe, feelings of depression, anxiety, restlessness, cabin fever. I tried to cope with some candy and it made me feel a lot worse. Perhaps Im diabetic?? Today was better. Smoked some pork belly and brisket and did some advanced yoga and was able to get into bird of paradise pose. Is that an oxymoron, being healthy and unhealthy? We will call it a keto day. Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy 1 month. @Clarity @Frank68 @Fargesia_murielae @Mno @anon60334405 @SoberWalker @crystalclear @GVLNative and anyone else that I forgot to mention.

Oh, I just realized that im only a few days behind you @Clarity How is your kiddo? Short of redecorating the walls mine is bouncing off them​:scream:. You are gonna need all that energy to keep up if you aren’t struggling already​:joy::joy:


I am potty training! My daughter just tried to taste her own pee. So yeah, just trying to stay sane. This potty training book I am reading refers to it being okay to drink a whole bottle of alcohol at this time. Like really??? I am not going to drink but this book says (on 2 occasions) its okay to drink.


Happy birthday @Girlinterrupted!

My sober date is also my birthday. It was such a shitty day last year, I wish I could say and that made me decide that that was that, but actually was pretty resigned and feeling helpless at that point. Really don’t want to go back there.


The whole parent-drinking thing is whack, the way it is normalised and even celebrated.


Day 157. I feel more on edge, I catch myself a bit grouchy with boyfriend. We are all cooped up together and I need better emotional strategies to cope. I romanticized beer in my mind today. But I did not drink.


Day 544. Not a bad day overall. :man_shrugging:




Congratulations, it’s a awesome feeling. Proud of yah, I’ll be at 90 Sunday. And cute pic on the sober selfie with your daughter. I can’t wait to do something with my girls


Day 133
Getting warmer here, will hit 30 today, so husband has started drinking beer again. It is ok, I don’t like beer, and he is as moderate as they come. I often complain about him, but when he brought home a case of beer today, he also brought some cream cheese and crackers for me. I appreciated the thought.