Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #12

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I get this, my brain can be a really inhospitable mine field sometimes. I even know where the mines are and I still think it would be different if I stepped on another one. The best way for me to get out of myself is to focus on helping someone somehow, some way. How can I help my wife with her needs, how can I help my son, how is that person I talked to at my meeting last week?. Iā€™m struggling, I bet thereā€™s something I can do to help that relative or friend whoā€™s probably struggling too. Itā€™s not an 11 step program. The 12th is the most imortant but Iā€™ll admit these times do make it more of a challenge to help others. Maybe get on that blog and write about your strategy for when your gas tank is empty at the 11th mile a 12 mile trail run?


Day 23 and Iā€™m very tempted to go downstairs and have a drink. Iā€™m feeling very anxious and would like to blow some steam with a glass of wine or gin. My mind is questioning as to why I need to quit? I donā€™t black out, get drunk or anything so y not have a glass. It all doesnā€™t make sense right now


My wife can hear me doing nothing from a quarter mile. All my meme scrolling must now be done while taking out the trash.


Day 287. Just workingā€¦nothing wild going on.

Did make these rad veggie burgers from black beans, oatmeal, and the pulp from my juicing. So good.

Have a strong day!!!



Day 36,

Did some core exercise followed by vinyasa flow yoga and added a bonus meditation session at the end on love, acceptance, kindness and compassion. Feeling refreshed.

Happy birthday @Conor689908 May this year treat you better than all others before it.


At some point you decided to make a commitment to yourself so at that moment you obviously knew you had a problem of some description if you drink now that problem will resurface. Now your just looking at the positives in a back to front way, I donā€™t black out or I donā€™t get drunk, well if you donā€™t get drunk then donā€™t drink and you wonā€™t black out if your sober either. Iā€™m just curious but if you havenā€™t got a drink problem why did you stop.?

How about make 24 hours a goal itā€™s a lot more achievable and the mental rewards are more often, everyday you can go to bed and say ā€œWell done me goal reachedā€


Still here. Struggling but here.


Is there one area in particular that is causing you to struggle? I find it helpful to de-construct the problem into bite sized manageable piecesā€¦


As long as your here, thatā€™s all that matters right now. Everything else will come. :v::muscle::pray:


You can and you will find balance. Seriously, dump away here. Youā€™re doing everything right, but youā€™ve hit a really rough patch. Punch it in the face, I know you can. This is my cockroach advice :joy:

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Happy happy birthday @Conor689908 :man_dancing::balloon::unicorn::purple_heart::dark_sunglasses::cherry_blossom::taco::gift::tada:

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now your a bloody chef, is there anything you canā€™t do :metal: well done on your sober days, brilliant as ever.

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I saw your steak dinner and your cake, itā€™s official, Your forty and fatter than your jeans you put on this morning, enjoy the rest of your evening :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Hahahahaha. I was actually a cook for 10 years, before my current job (which hit the 12 year anniversary today!) The kitchen is a favorite spot for me.

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signiture dish???

night mate.

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I made a mean manicotti once upon a timeā€¦

Now, when I was in the BBQ game, this was my Crown Jewel: The ā€œHell Pigā€. Texas Hot Link, pulled pork, my teamā€™s homemade red sauce, and our own recipe spicy slaw. Always our best selling sandwich.