Checking in Daily to maintain focus #13

Day 305. Pouring outside, so catching up on some games and Netflix. Nothing too wild going on around here.

New shirt showed up:

Have a strong day!!!




That’s so metal. :chipmunk:


@Becsta I find it both ways. Friends who haven’t reached out who say they’ve been thinking about me, but I also think about several friends but get so busy I run out of time before reaching out. Assume they have best intentions and don’t hesitate to call them. You’ve motivated me to make time today for those I’ve thought about through the busy work week but didn’t have time to call.


Daredevil squirl!! Big up & shout out from :netherlands:
Great numbers!!

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My last haircut was in february I think. I looked like crap haha! I do feel really happy now! Kind of reborn!

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Congratulations!!! A hard earned number. :+1::+1::+1:

You are the second, perhaps third 666-er I’ve seen here today :partying_face::unicorn:


Checking in on 200 days sober :slight_smile:


Woo hoo! Congrats on 200 days Alan!!

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Sober for 4 days now and will be taking it day by day. Had no thoughts about having drink. :innocent:



keep em coming, well done. :muscle:

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Checking in on day 16.
Exciting day today!..My husband and I ordered some recurve bows and I am so excited to get started on my new hobby. Something I have always wanted to learn. :slight_smile:

@GVLNative. Thanks! Yes, I think the trick is probably to prepare for the trip, but to not dwell on the alcohol side of it.

@Conor689908. Thanks! You are totally right. I just need to focus on getting excited for the trip and all of the fun, non-alcohol related things that I can do, and stop dwelling on the fact that I won’t be drinking.


Day 26 here. Going in to a holiday weekend here in the states. This will be my 1st sober holiday weekend in forever but I’m feeling ok about it. I will be spending some time with friends at the beach. Going prepared with alcohol free beverages so my hands aren’t empty :blush: I imagine there will be some challenges and frustrations but these are close friends who won’t give any grief for not drinking. Not too much anyway :laughing:.

Have a great weekend everyone :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Lol! I feel you Bec - I’m in Queensland and its freeeeezing lol it’s not usually this cold in May, I’m not coping … at all! Haha



Day 95

Father in law is improving but they are still getting him back to his normal self. Hes dealing with cirrhosis and kidney issues which was made worse by severe dehydration. Just hoping he gets better soon and that the resource he needs post hospital visit are available to him.

Planning on hitting a meeting with my home group in an hour. So glad to be sober today. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!


Day 10
I can taste it now. Sobriety tastes like rooibos tea and ginger ale.
My daughter woke me at 4.30am because it is her birthday party at 1pm. Currently she is in a princess dress eating ice-cream for breakfast. Birthday party plans include putting a unicorn bath bomb in the paddling pool, and getting a Baskin Robbins Disney Princess ice-cream cake. She also gave me a make-over this morning. It is alarming when a 7 year old is doing ur make-up and then tells u it looks a bit funny. She usually thinks it looks pretty, whereas to me I look not dissimilar to the Joker, so a bit funny to her is really, really bad. I will spend this morning gradually rubbing it off so she doesn’t notice, so I don’t look insane when the other kids parents arrive.


Had to join the bitmoji bandwagon


Is she having a proper birthday party? My son’s birthday is coming up and he is sad he won’t be able to spend it with his friends.