Checking in Daily to maintain focus #13

Late evening check in. I did decide to do the group therapy in another town as there is hardly a waiting list there compared to here where it’s 8 months. Will hear next week if it’s going to work out. Might give my plan to buy a car a boost too btw. And secondly I’m very happy with the performance of my lower back today. Rode my favourite stretch, saw the ocean, now back home and my body feels fine. Happy! Have a good night all. Love from Amsterdam and Zandvoort.


You got this, but I get what you are saying. Moving sucks and usually includes beers. Check back and let us know how it goes!

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checkin in and if you’ve got any doubts today, I can promise you DONT BOTHER!!!

I’ll be back but don’t be an I’ll be back person.


Happy to hear your meeting was alright. Keep taking care of yourself, looks like you’re on a good road :slight_smile:

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just showing you my last relapse. Here I go again. :+1:


Day 195 …life is easier nowadays…bless y 'all


Trots op jou voor de manier waarop je naar je hele situatie kijkt! Hoop dat je goed herstelt, lieve Joost :pray::heart::muscle:
Met mij gaat het goed, dank je wel. 57 dagen in de pocket, merk wel dat ik een beetje tegen de welbekende muur op begin te lopen. Romantiseer m’n middel en gebruik wat vaker. Heb wel veel contact met mensen uit het fellowship die al langer in herstel zijn en dat doet me wel goed!


Woo hoo!!! You’re one strong lady. Always helping others while juggling your own life obstacles.

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Day 9! Ive got 99 problems but drugs and booze is not one of them! Yesterday the washing machine started smoking. Just fixed the fridge 2 weeks ago as it stopped working too. Between all that and landscaping and housekeeper I am looking at 1000$ I wasnt exactly planning on spending. I am just glad the old tenants moved out, that was a huge stress factor for me. They left a giant mess and I was afraid they wouldnt leave. New tenants come on monday and its been really stressful getting all of this done all by myself. Thank goodness I dont have a hang over to go along with it! My eye is still twitching!..Life is good, I know I am very fortunate to have all of these problems… seriously. Happy sober day everyone.


Today did not at all go as planned. I was planning on studying for tests, but guess what, I actually kinda did a little but, but far from suficient. I have also been having mad cravings, because yesterday i heard on the radio a new gta was announced. I thought it was gta 6. My head told me to get the facts straight, so i made the decission to see if it was released. Not the case, but i did saw an interesting website about gta v, long story short, i wnet down a rabbit hole and saw a new gta v dlc, cravings hit me hard. I considered resetting my counter, but i decided not to, because i didnt game or anything, if it were watching videos about games, i would have reset instantly, or at least as soon as i had left the rabbit hole. but this was only me being a dumbass giving myself mad cravings.
This teaches me i should be more aware.
I did however hit a full day of not nailbiting.


No. Just no. Can’t stand the cuteness.


Woohoo congrats!! 5 months of courage and strength and wisdom :slight_smile:

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This is the most adorable thing I’ve seen in FOREVER!!!
I totally needed this today :heart: :100: :pray:

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Checking in. 347 days of choosing not to drink, just for today. 347 days of feeling stronger and wiser. I am so proud of my sober life. I am proud of the courage I muster everyday to make the choice to put health, happiness and wellbeing first. To brave the wilderness, and be true to myself. :pray::heart: Sober life = our best life, for sure!


Day 325. Finally the weekend. House to myself until Monday night. You know how I roll, gonna be cleaning everything!

On a more serious note…there was a double shooting at a park 6 blocks from me, with one fatality. Per the news, the other person is critical but stable, so hopefully they pull through. Also from the news, the victims tried to get away, with their car stopping in the intersection literally 50 feet from my door. What’s bothering me, and I feel like it shouldn’t…is the restaurant on the corner is packed, like nothing happened, and I even saw one person getting their picture taken with the taped off scene behind them. Could’ve been an innocent thing, but with people doing clout chasing photo ops during the protests clean ups, I don’t put anything past them.

I guess what’s irking me is I live on the edge of one of the “it’s on its way up” and “way too damned expensive” part of town. My intersection is the median of it. The restaurant that is there is kinda “bougey/boojie”, and a little out of place. And I feel like the clientele aren’t really from, or connected to the area like we are, like it’s a tourist thing. Seriously, I have known people who drive through “the ghetto” just to say they’ve been…and so, regardless of the circumstances leading up to it, you’ve got a crime scene within reaching distance of your table, and I can hear people laughing and carrying on. Maybe they’re bummed about it, I don’t know. I just hope it’s not “just another shooting” that “seems about right, considering the area” to them, and they realize that it can all end in an instant.

Have a strong day…


That is just what I needed to hear today! Thank you.

4 days, 5hrs, and 58mins… and heading on the highway to go see some pals this weekend (I haven’t seen for months!) and go hiking in the mountains - to brave that wilderness too!

Stay true and real and happy and sober, good people. Thank you for your companionship on this lumpy, beautiful, clunky, and adventurous journey we are on!
Emm :orange_heart:


Checking in. Close to day 200. Thought about drinking a lot earlier but it passed.


Checking in at 4.5 days. Did two zoom meetings with my home group tonight. All welcomed me back, and I met some other members I didn’t know. It was a good day. I’m feeling better. I so thank everyone for helping me through a difficult week. :pray::pray:


You’re doing great, lady!:clap::blush:

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