Checking in Daily to maintain focus #13


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Wow wow wow! Congrats on 9 months. I know it hasnā€™t always been easy, but youā€™ve worked hard and pushed through. Amazing! :heart::raised_hands::heart:

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Day 28. Iā€™ve been here before several times and yet always fail. I feel like failure is just on the horizon. But Iā€™m doing things differently this time ā€” therapy sessions, IOP meetings, meditation. I canā€™t fail again.


@crystalclear 9 Months, thatā€™s a full term lady! Huge congrats!


Today is all any of us have L. Yay you and go you and doing good you. Just keep going.


Hell yeah! Congrats on the 9 months!!

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So happy to see this Donna, nice job!

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Thanks! Appreciate it.

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Thanks @Mno youā€™ve been such an encouragement to me. Appreciate you.


9 months!! You are MY hero!! Great job!! :raised_hands::tada:


207 Days: First of all it makes me thrilled seeing all the people taking on this battle for sobriety. Seeing some great numbers popping up and love hearing from all the people refusing to quit even after they slip backwards a little. We canā€™t fail as long as we keep trying!

Things a relatively good except that I canā€™t sleep and even when I do sleep Iā€™m always tired. I hate sleeping pills and have tried everything else. Finally broke down and went to my doctor. Sheā€™s running a bunch of tests and bloodwork, hopefully she has some sort of help because life is pretty good except my energy is zapped!

Love seeing all the work and support from this TS community. Letā€™s all get one more day!


Thank you Chris!:grin::heart:

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Checking in day 4! I had a great sleep last night.

Im looking forward to the boozefree weekend :slight_smile:


Day 5 here :slight_smile:
Kind of afraid of the weekend coming upā€¦ my brother is moving and itā€™s usually a kind of day that i would be drinking some beers in the day and ending up at my place drinking more as a treat of a big day of work done.
Donā€™t want that.


You got this!

Maybe try to plan out another treat for the end of the day that you enjoy? My friend and I are getting vegan sundaes tonight!

Does your brother know you are trying to not drink?


Maybe I should tell him before hand, exactly. Well Iā€™m gonna do that.
And Iā€™m vegan too so thatā€™s sound like a good treat for post moving day hahaha :sweat_smile::muscle:t2:


I hope the chat with your manager went well and that you have a beautiful, restful, happily sober weekend! With or without makeup on (I can relate!)

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I defintely recommend telling your brother! I was so relieved after I told my sister, and she was super supportive. She said if I ever was havinng a hard time or felt like I was going to cave, to call her and I can stay with her until that feeling goes away.

Yes! Get some vegan ice cream!! Im excited for this sundae tonight. :yum:

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Day 2, 17 hrs. Went to my first ever AA meeting. I only listened and observed. I earned my 24 hrs sobriety coin. Iā€™m not sure the direction Iā€™m taking. I just know Iā€™m searching to doing things in a different way. I got a contact, who I will call this afternoon.


Hi, @M-be-free49! You are so kind. Manager convo was fine, but I still feel ashamed and Iā€™m definitely going to see a decline in my performance review. I am finally eating. Long walk with dog this morning. Little bit of work. Noon zoom meeting AA (it was fabulous). Try to take a nap. 6 pm zoom meeting AA. Ice cream and a movie. Regardless of what happens professionally, my sobriety comes first. Working towards 5 days. I never want to experience a week like this ever again.

You are beyond kind, and I so appreciate your support. How are you holding up?