Checking in daily to maintain focus #15

Day 196! Feeling okay. Happy to still be sober after all tis time and all my bad moods and cravings. Glad to be in recovery


just got home from work. I have to wake up in less then three hours to do some traveling so I can make it to court, for a DUI from 5 years ago, at 9 am. Almost a year sober and very grateful for my life today. Wish me luck. everyone have a good night.

  1. Coffee. Mixed bag this morning. Slept pretty well. Staying in waiting for a call with the result from my covid test. Could take another day. Still got a sore throat, otherwise not feeling sick. Beautiful weather outside. Well I do have a balcony.
    Secondly awaiting a call from the mental health nurse at my GPā€™s to talk about my depressed state. Getting a bit anxious about that. Iā€™m not great on the phone. And not sure what I want. Got some time to gather my thoughts and feelings. I better do.
    The TS zoom meeting last night gave me some mixed emotions too. At times I feel so ficking inadequate. I can write OK, I can talk OK, but in company I tend to totally lock up and get very anxious. Which is all my own thing, there couldnā€™t be a more welcoming inclusive bunch of folks than the ones that are there. And I get to hear some great stories too.
    Anyway, Iā€™m still glad Iā€™m here and still glad to be clean and sober. One day at a time. Together with you all. Thanks for being here. It helps so much to know Iā€™m not alone. Have a good one all. Sober and clean. Love from my balcony.

    @Chiron Happy your kitty seems a bit better. Good you took her to the vet clinic.
    @Misokatsu Glad youā€™re here. You know what youā€™re doing. Good analysis now work it! Yes you can.
    @M-be-free49 Nice post M. May you wake up with the same positivity you went to sleep. Love the deer.
    @Charlie_C Take care Charlie. You know where we all are when needed.

Good morning TS folks :sun_with_face: Iā€™m up super early on day #5. I actually got some really good sleep last night. Not totally ready to get up and going but I feel alright. Itā€™s only 5 a.m. here so Iā€™ll probably lay around with my snuggly girls and get moving in a couple hours. Feeling great about making it to day 5. Honestly it went by fast. I hate that I keep relapsing but every time I learn something new about myself and my addiction. Happy to be sober another day. Have a Wonderful Wednesday everyone :grin:


I love this post @SoberGuyUSA itā€™s made me smile with joy for you . Thankyou for being part of my journey x

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Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night everyone. I have not watched tv/Netflix for1,51 days and I already feel more energetic and happy. Last nights meeting ended up ending very late, so I am a bit tired. Looking forward to another great day.


247 Days: Itā€™s just after 3am here and shocker, I canā€™t sleep. Needed to check in because Iā€™m extremely grateful for being sober. Moving day is finally here and Iā€™m headed to my new house tomorrow (well today mow). Started loading the moving truck tonight with my son, itā€™s amazing how quickly the truck is filling up. Had a new king size mattress that I had stored in my garage because it wouldnā€™t fit in the house Iā€™m in now, was all excited to set it up at my new place. Ruined by mice, already in the dumpster at my workšŸ¤£ Had a huge metal bed frame fall and put a deep 6" long gash in my shin. Canā€™t sleep because my mind is racing. But all I feel is gratitude.

Grateful Iā€™m sober. Grateful for the time Iā€™m spending with my kids. Grateful for finally starting to get my shit together. Grateful I stopped blowing all my extra money on endless alcohol so I can actually go buy a new mattress today :rofl:! Not grateful for the mice, but I can live with that, lesson learned, glad they were comfortable!

Grateful for this sober community for sure! Going to try and sleep for three hours and then get up, finishing packing as much as I can into the moving truck and then head to my new house.

Off of work until Monday so really looking forward to some time off as well! Much love to all of you fellow addicts!! Stay strong, stay sober, one day at a time.


Hopefully your results are negative. Hang in there. Love that your facing your issues and doing what you need to in order to have the best life possible. Keep fighting! Been awesome being on this sober journey with you. Really appreciate all you bring to this community.


Just reading this post makes me very happy for you. I hope you wonā€™t have anymore trouble moving in in a few hours. Hope you can get some sleep beforehand :slight_smile:

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It is! No matter what I do or what happens, I can handle it better. Life is fun again. And when itā€™s not fun I can deal with it on a healthy way. When Covid began I thought ā€œHow would it have been beeing still drinking during these times?ā€ It would have been a total mess!
Wishing you a great sober time Scott :slightly_smiling_face:


Take your time and come back when youā€™re ready :hugs:
@SoberWalker those are fantastic news :partying_face::+1:t2:

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Day 95. I had about 43 days the last time. The last relapse was dark, scary, unsettling. I had not wanted to go back to those places, yet I found myself there. I documented the details of that last relapse and stored them in the ā€˜resetsā€™ on this app, and although at the time I felt hopeless and distraught, when I occasionally reference that reset it reminds me of how the relapse started, and where it ended up. I always seemed to forget the negative consequences of my using as soon as I felt better. Self knowledge is very helpful. Have a great day everyone!


I hope you hear about the results soon. Iā€™d feel anxious as well.
FWIW; obviously without having met you, I think youā€™re one of the kindest, most compassionate people (person :thinking:?) Iā€™ve had the pleasure to get to know, truly.
And if I could tell you honestly, I feel/felt so anxious on those meet ups that I havenā€™t stepped back in there, so you are brave to push through your anxiety. Give yourself more credit! :hugs::heart:


Wow! 18, what a blessing :revolving_hearts: I hope itā€™s just a minor and she gets to come home soon. Sending prayers.

Edited to add: Just saw your update!!! Great news. Thatā€™s one tough kitty :heart:

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How exciting though to be going ā€œhomeā€!
Iā€™m thrilled for you. I felt that pain in the shin when I read that, lol. Thatā€™s the worst!
Look forward to seeing your house get put together.:heart::blush:


Iā€™m so glad you had the conversation and didnā€™t let it build up. Growth!! Whoot!

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Iā€™m thinking of you both too; Iā€™ll say a prayer for her now also.:heart::heart:

Day 26.stay safe and Sober :v:t2:


Checking in day 3 !


Got 1 day in the books! Checking in one day at a time!