Checking in daily to maintain focus #15

Day 10, things have been going pretty good!


Did some stretching for my hyperkyphosis and checked my body measures bc I was curious. Iā€™m down from a 42 (US size 12) to 40 (US size 10).
I started sports only to get a stronger back and now I get the gift of shrinking :heart:
Have a beautiful sober day friends :kissing_heart:


Checking in sober, Day 197. Yesterday made 28 Weeks! Working on painting my momā€™s house for her, hope to finish a second coat today and re-hang the shutters to complete one side of the project ahead of a chance of rain this afternoon. Have a great day, everyone!


So glad kitty is okay and just a UTI. :heart:

Day 2
On train to london to drop off laptop / mobile etc from job. Once that done will breath deep and start again properly.

Always worked in IT hated it so souless and a trigger for relapse as so much pressure and no reward. I know what i want to do - support work in some shape or form and think i have the empathy for it. Such a change of direction for me. Have signed up for some courses.

Bit excited, be broke, but if my mind right i shall be okā€¦ only taking 20 yrs to get here!!

@Mno good luck with testā€¦

Have a great day all :pray:


Day 160~ ughhhh :confused: my mom always said if you donā€™t have anything nice to say donā€™t say anything at all. Iā€™ll leave it at that. No response is a response and a powerful one. Still soberā€¦ fighting the fight. :muscle:t3:


Day 42. No stories, just being.


Thank you ! :hugs:

thank youā€¦ god its been a strange few months. But pleased to be back.


Hope sheā€™s ok ! :pensive:
Mine is about to have babies for the first time & Iā€™m freaking out on the whole labor part :grimacing: lol

Carpal Tunnel is alive and shit.
I suspect I may have some arthritis going on too.

On the bright side, I am finding errors in my work emails, and it makes me happy to know that alcohol was NOT a factor. Couldnā€™t say that not too long ago. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


omg! This is me, especially at work, and often with no filter :grimacing: :hugs::kissing_heart:


The twists and turnsā€¦ just got a call whilst coming home from dropping off work stuff got an interview tomorrow with a homeless projectā€¦ so got to be sober! I willā€¦



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I do plenty of venting just not todayā€¦ well right now. Need to gather my thoughts and feelings first. :heart:


Nearly day 2

In the spirit of ā€œif what you are doing isnā€™t working, do something elseā€ I spoke in an online meeting today. I have listened in on a few, but not known how or what to say, and to be perfectly honest, had no idea what people got out of them. Luckily this seemed to be a small pre-meeting meeting (less than 20), and people were using the chat function, so I could message that I wanted to share without interrupting (which I loathe doing). And I totally burst into tears. I was very surprised by my very emotional reaction, to something that I couldnā€™t comprehend.


Ahhhā€¦cleansing tears. I cried the first time I shared. Totally normal. Well done speaking for the first time! Keep taking it one day at a time. :blush:


Iā€™ve noticed you have stayed sober for a good bit since being active. If this is helping you Iā€™d say it might be worth sacrifice other things


So cool :sunglasses: love it!! :pray:t3:

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There is a strong theme of self reliance that runs through much of the self-help content and an idea that the source of change comes from within the individual. Ultimately, I do think it all has to come from within the individual, but that could look like deciding I need to ask for help and then being willing to accept the help and apply it in my life. I canā€™t do it all by myself, but I do have to come to terms with that individually.

If Iā€™m honest, Iā€™ve had some confirmation bias going on around self help and recovery. Iā€™d read, listen to podcasts, listen to other folks share their stories here, and then cherry pick the ideas that I liked. Usually that meant leaving out any of the approaches that would involve me being vulnerable to another human being. Itā€™s easy enough for me to type out what Iā€™m feeling or going through on this forum, but itā€™s a different level for me to go to a meeting and share, to have in person conversations with my sponsor, and to call other guys in the program, that I barely know or donā€™t know at all, and have conversations with them. That scares the shit out of me, because thatā€™s too real. I like to keep people at arms length and be able to retreat into isolation when I need to. Allowing myself to be vulnerable on ANY level, instinctually feels like a lack of control to me and it freaks me out.

I have been doing those uncomfortable things recently though, because itā€™s obvious Iā€™m not resolving this addiction on my own volition. If I couldā€™ve done that, I wouldā€™ve done that years ago, or on any one of the many other times Iā€™d been desperate for recovery. So Iā€™m keeping an open and willing mind and trying to accept the help and guidance that others seem to want to offer to me.