Checking in daily to maintain focus #17

Congratulations on your three weeks. That’s so cool. Things really started feeling good for me around the three week mark. House was clean as a whistle and sleeping at night was heavenly. Especially without waking up in the middle of the night with my mouth so dry it felt like I swallowed the cat. And the added benefit of no hangovers, definitely feeling good and well worth it. Keep going. You can do it. And it is so worth it and so are you. :pray:


Day 185~ Today was another good one for the books. Being able to recharge and just relax was needed and I certainly didn’t waste a second of it. :heart: Camping in the past was bringing a roadie on the ride to camp… and being passed out by 7. Always waking up the next morning with the most intense anxiety and praying I didn’t say or do something completely embarrassing the night before. Got home today and just had a lazy Sunday watched a movie, did some laundry, and got groceries. Tomorrow I’m attempting to cut most sugar from my diet. Since stopping drinking I’ve allowed myself to have extra sweets which was helpful with my cravings to drink but it’s time to get back on track. So ya I’ll probably be a raging hangry bitch for a few days lmao :joy: but like booze this is something I can take on. It will be super hard at first but I know it will become easier with each day. Keep kicking ass friends! :muscle:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3:



Hello beautiful people, long time no see! I have hit 50 days now :slight_smile: had a great vacation, but came home and found out there was a small fire under my house and a water pipe busted (water pipe was kind of lucky because it put out the fire and prevented damage), still trying to determine the cause, have an investigator coming out tomorrow. Wild stuff man. Holding strong though. Hope everyone has been doing well!


So glad you had a nice vacation and able to create some special memories with the fam. Sorry about the house situation. :disappointed: I swear every time I go away something happens at home. :woman_facepalming:t4: Congrats on hitting 50 days!! So awesome! :muscle:t3::tada:


Same here, Im going to start saving for post vacation issues before I go :joy: I am going to get through it like everyhing else though…could have been so much worse!


Lol :joy: right I may have to do the same! Hopefully the inspector figures out what the heck happened. And your :100: right can always be worse.

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Yeah that would be great I would like to join


Yea, some hinky stuff…kinda concerned. Should know more in the morning, I just cant shake the feeling that something is not right…ya know?

Ya I don’t blame you. Seems odd that a fire would have started under the house. :thinking: And the pipe bursting that like you said was a blessing honestly. My friend just lost her house to a horrific fire… two pups inside also. So heartbreaking :cry: hope you get answers tomorrow to ease your mind.

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Mind if I send you a message?

No not at all. :blush:

Day 11. Not as bad a day as I expected. Started getting tired and my feet hurt around 2 and, not gonna lie, I thought how a drink would take that pain away and get me through as it had many times before. Then I thought about how if I had one, I wouldn’t stop and I still had 7 hours to work. And I was in charge of a lot of money and locking the whole place up at the end. So many times in the past I had left work very carelessly and forgot to do things that I would normally never forget to do. And I also had to pick my daughter up after so it was never really an option, but the thought was there. I’m glad I was able to dismiss it so quickly. Then I also remembered I brought a red bull with me and that solved everything! Came home to find my new cat had used the litter box (after :poop: in the closet last night) so she’s definitely a fast learner. And super adorable and cuddly! Soaked my feet for a while and now I’m making late night grilled cheese before we watch more Umbrella academy. Going swimming tomorrow. And that’s my only plan for the whole day. Amazing :heart_eyes: Goodnight everyone!


Checking in day 22


Rad! I need to do this excel thing with my vinyl records!



Day 30
So I sat there waiting for the counter to get to 30 so I could get the perfect screenshot, but my phone delayed and I was one second off. :laughing: :sweat_smile:


Checking in day 30.93

Made it through 4 days of camping :camping: which at first was a trigger. I worked through it and gladly hit 30 Days in the Giant Redwoods.


Also known as butt-dialing - usually phones are in back pockets, and if you don’t put key lock on properly some movement can trigger the phone to call a random number. My phone is always in my bag, so should be bag-dialing really, but the word is butt/bum-call/dial. Any word in your language like this?

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@Joy awesome #s. Killin it!

@Chiron 30 days is a grwat milestone! Good for you!!

@Tryingtogetitright I have never been camping but always wanted to go. Congrats on making it thru and staying strong. There are certain activities that still get to me sometimes but just gotta keep that positive mindset! :slight_smile:

Almost 2am and loving the insomnia im facing. Wish me luck, gonna try and get some zzzzzzs


@Chiron Congratulations! Keep going!

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