Checking in daily to maintain focus #17

Checking in and enjoying sobriety. During my 3 1/2 mile walk these days I been enjoying the nature I’ve taken for granted and stopping for a stretch when my hip hurts. Usually I just rush to get home. I’m retired. I got nothing to rush home for. So I stop for a figure 4 stretch on my back and look for a good pic of what’s around me and just appreciate it and take it all in.
Thank God.
I got this.



341 Days. Very busy day at work with multiple vitual meetings which I managed to schedule with time in between. Not like last week when they were overlapping. Checking my calendar actually pays off and reduces my stress. lol

I heard from a friend I met in detox and she relapsed on heroin. I took this to heart because she reached out last week and I didn’t take the time to respond. My life was very chaotic and I didn’t read desperation in her text. Now I’m feeling like I could have stopped her instead of being selfish with my time. I need to make a conscious effort to be there for fellow addicts instead of having a pity party for myself.


Hitting day 60 tonight. Things are going really well and I am excited for some good things happening in my life. I hope everyone is having a great sober day, I am going to try to be more interactive, just been really busy!


Due to better sleep, I finally felt rested enough to get up earlier than usual to get into work. I also made peace with my coworker. Proud of myself.


@Lisa07 Those kind of thoughts won’t help you, give yourself a break. You have plenty on your plate, it is not a pity party, there is only so much of you to go around.


Oh please don’t do that to yourself. You’re a wonderful friend who is spread very thin right now. We are all responsible for our own sobriety. I know when I’m in relapse mode, nothing magical someone says stops me from relapsing. I think the actual decision is made far before the action. You’re doing great :revolving_hearts:


You’re right Beth, nothing I said would have stopped her.


Thank you Fleur. I do have too much on my plate and trying to guard my own sobriety. I can’t save others when I’m barely keeping myself afloat.

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Day 194~ All good vibes and energy lately. Life has been pretty perfect… my kind of perfect. Been super busy with work and getting the shop open I’m tired but excited for the future and hopeful. Feels good to be alive and sober.:muscle:t3:



Thank you for sharing this video!!
This group is amazing :slight_smile:

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Day 0. I fucked it up, again. Tho that was the longest I’ve made it since March 25th(yay?!). Dont really have anything else to say right now. Just thank you everyone. For always being here and for always understanding. We are stronger together. I just need to find more of my own strength again.


Hugs, @Just_Laura Plenty of us have been where you are. Pick yourself up, learn from it and move on!


Thanks :heart: I know I’ve been a cheerleader for yours, as well as many others, sobriety. It truly makes me happy to see others succeed in this. I just have to actually believe the things I say for myself. It’s like, I know what to do. I did it for a while and felt great. Why would I keep ruining it? Idk.


Sending you big hugs Laura. :hugs:


What up sober fam? I’m on day 148. Crazy how time just flies on by.


@Lisa07 maybe you could have and maybe you wouldn’t have. We torture ourselves with what could have been, but it’s a fruitless exercise. You cannot save the world. It’s still hard though, I know. And maybe there is a lesson for you in all of this. Only you can know that. But in the end, only she is responsible for her choices. I think it shows the depth of your heart that you wish you had been able to be there for her.

@vaariesga 60 is awesome! Keep it up!

@Just_Laura you did great. This next time will be longer. Just keep pushing forward and keep showing up here.


I’m sorry you’re back at day zero. I’m glad your back to start again. You know what you got to do and you know your capable of doing it. :pray:t2::heart:
Really glad your back.


Day 760.

Just thinking I haven’t checked in in a while. So there you go. Carry on, champions! :v: :heart:


I can tell you’re feeling really horrible about this. And I totally get that. But what Beth said is exactly what I want to say to you too. (Except I cant quote on this device dang it.) @Girlinterrupted
And I also believe you know this too. Addiction and someone you know relapsing really sucks.