Checking in daily to maintain focus #18

so true. After the glimpse of what sobriety can bring us just after a couple of days or weeks, I saw how much the obsession I had with alcohol was just in fact and obsession about avoiding stressors, feelings, adversity. But the thing is, they all seems that much of a stressors only because of the booze itself… Sober I can do anything in my days… where is the stress in going to work? where is the sad feeling of waking up sober? where is the adversity in making dinner? Nowhere. It came all the way down from the bottle.


Today is day 100 for me and I have to admit I’m very proud. I never could have imagined doing this and I know I couldn’t have done it without the forum and all the great people on here.

Thank you guys, you are all awesome!! The sense of support and community here is amazing and I’m proud of everyone else on here who is fighting the same fight for sobriety every day.

I don’t share a ton on here but you all do feel like another family. Have a great day everybody :grin:


Checking in sober and cigarette free :heavy_check_mark: the back to work anxiety is setting in which is a sign that I still have a ways to go… i hope we can all find some inner strength and tranquility today :yellow_heart::dizzy:


Woo hoo!
100 days is amazing :partying_face::partying_face:

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@Nordique Congratulations! Triple digits!

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Sounds lovely April :blush:

@Dolse71 thank you!!!
One week sober!!! I am happy to say that


@Charlie_C I am proud of you

Is incest really something that happens more often there than elsewhere or is that just some BS

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That is not sick. That is just… NOT gonna happen! :crazy_face: :wink: :sunglasses:

More seriously, both time I had my longest sobriety stretches, about half a year, I drank because of an occasion in Christmas time. For one, damn, occasion. But guess what, I woke up each time 2 months later, drinking out of control and blacking out often. Half a year of taking care of myself, planning and heading to a better self, I chose to stop that for one day, like Thanksgiving or Christmas, but it led me to 2 months bender, and almost a year to be able to start back my journey into sobriety.

:sweat_smile: :v:


Day 102 clean and sober today. I found a place to live and I move in in a week. Also my old boss wants me to come work for him again and is investing in a work truck for me that I can pay him back for. I didn’t ask him to do that so I’m really grateful. I hope you all have a wonderful day!!!:sunglasses::metal:t2:


Story of my life!!!

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Congratulations on hitting triple D’S :clap: :clap: :clap: . You’re in it too win it


I just laughed so hard at this, and I needed that after that workout😂 so thank you!! Well my answer is this… I have lived here for about 3 and a half years, and I’ve lived in 3 other states. This is the ONLY state I have not only heard about it but that it was actually something that has taken place. Not for me to judge, but also a not something I like either… To each his own…


Lots of chemical changes! It’s normal to feel the way you do. Stick to the basics as much as you can. Eat good food, drink lots of water and rest as much as you can while your body adjusts. You won’t feel this way forever. Promise. :hugs:


Day 377 check in. I’ve been slacking on my AA meetings so I’m going to check in here more. I used to do a meeting online almost every night. But less people seem to be on online lately so I started going back once a week in person. That’s all I feel comfortable with because people don’t wear masks inside the room. It’s very frustrating to me. I think people are so selfish. We have quite a few cases here in Texas. Anyway, for today I’m sober. That’s all that really matters.


Congrats on hitting :100: days!!! Woot! Woot!

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Do you have/have you explored any other hobbies? I know you’ve mentioned walks and you clearly like to cook…I think if you suspect there is a problem then there probably is. Scheduling time online has always worked well for me in the past, usually a morning and an evening session. This became especially important when it was disrupting my sleep. I hope you try something to help with boundaries, sounds like it could be important. It also is a pretty safe place for you to spend time, though, so keep that in mind, too.

That’s simply wonderful! You may think you don’t contribute much here, but it is of the highest quality and so appreciated! Well done and look forward to many more days to come!