Checking in daily to maintain focus #20

Oh gotcha. :slight_smile:

Huge congratulations to you @Dolse71! Pauly I am so very proud of you! You are fighting hard. Very well done my friend :heart::heart:


Thanks Paul! Congrats on your month and I agree 100% on the number of things we are doing. There’s too little time. Keep going though friend. I admire your tenacity.

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Paul Paul Paul, I told you I’d see you on the other side, :wink::blush:

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I did make it out of bed at 6:59! In the nick of time! And dragged my ass to the treadmill. Feeling much better today, and realizing I need to be more mindful of how I use my hands and my body to keep from causing pain. There are smart ways to move and I have a stubborn streak and I tend to want to just do it all myself, my way, whatever it is. It’s a bad habit I’m working on. It’s also what kept me from getting sober sooner and seeking the help and support of others. But, yeah, feeling pretty good now!


Good for you for getting your walks in. It sucks dealing with pain, I know too well, but sometimes keeping moving is the best thing to do. At the very least there is a sense of accomplishment. And I also am so sorry about your kitty’s tooth situation. Just remember that animals are super resilient and adaptive and I am sure things will be okay with the treatment you’re providing. Keep hanging in there! You’re doing great at 40 days!!!

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Paul, have you been working out? @Dolse71 It might just be the haircut. Congratulations on the 30 days of sobriety. Looking good you “little rascal.” lol :joy:

Good looking out @Dazercat thank you for all you do and the big thank you for your daily gratitude list. Helps us all keep things in perspective. :heart:


Huh. Ya know I keep hearing that about my gratitude list. I thought it was just for me :thinking:
I really had no idea. :pray:t2::heart:

It’s amazing how we have no idea how we touch people. :pray:t2:


Eric that is true, sometimes we do not know how much of a positive influence we have on other people. When I read your daily gratitude list it really helps me keep my life in perspective. A lot of times it’s the small things that count the most. Again thank you for the positive influence that you have on so many of us. :heart:




Late second check in. It’s part of my line of work but still this one hit and touched me. A lady I took care of for 8 years died in hospital today after complications from an operation she just had the other day. She had HIV, survived cancer and survived heroin addiction. She could be lovely and she could be an old bitch. We liked each other and hated each other at times. Again, it’s my work but through the years I forge some pretty strong bonds with some of my residents. And this time I didn’t get to say goodbye. She went into hospital on my day of, and I couldn’t visit her in hospital because of covid.
At least I don’t feel the urge to drink. Not at all. I talked about what happened and about her with my colleagues, with a friend, and now here. That helps. Drinking wouldn’t. Life is better sober and clean. also in situations like this. Thanks for reading. Love.


Goodnight everyone.


Tears for you and the sadness you’re feeling. But that song…it hits my heart in such happy-sad ways and I love it. James Taylor’s music brings me a peace like none other with it’s beautiful melancholy lifted both by hopefulness and groundedness. I had the biggest crush on him growing up, and I wanted to BE Carly Simon. Thinking of you. Thank you for sharing.


Just checking in. It’s been an exhausting few work days.

Sobriety wise, I can’t really celebrate yet… but

… It’s a 366 day leap year… :thinking:

Plus, in reality, my last drink was on October 22, 2019… so I guess Friday 23rd is when I celebrate :+1::cake:

Anyway, I’m knackered and will be having a really early evening/night :sleeping:

Take care folks. One day at a time :muscle::kissing_heart:


It’s more than a start. It’s different this time. So… here’s a little something special for you :revolving_hearts::paw_prints:


Wow wow wow yayyyyyy!!! Congrats! Screw leap year :joy::joy::joy:



Now that’s the cherry on top of the icing on top of the cake. :rofl::heart::paw_prints::heart:. Yes it is different this time, we are all miracles happening everyday. If anyone is struggling to find a power greater than themselves take a look at the power in this community. I look at the people with an hour more sobriety than me and onwards bc that’s where the power lies.


Awww!!! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

@C_8 Congratulations!! That’s so awesome! You’re so awesome! :tada:

@Girlinterrupted I read your post about your daughter and I honestly cannot even imagine how heartbreaking and frustrating the whole situation must be for you with your ex’s wife. When I was reading it earlier I had this thought, and I know it’s not really useful now, and maybe it wouldn’t be useful for you at all, but I’ll share it and let you decide. I thought that maybe it might be good if you started a journal specifically for your 14 year old, where you would journal about how much you loved her even though certain things are happening and whatever other feelings you might have or want to include. Maybe even some thoughts about things that are happening on your end that she couldn’t be aware of or that her father is lying to her about. When she’s an adult, such a gift might be invaluable to her and might do something special for your relationship with her. I’m so sorry you’re going through this right now. You’re so strong in your sobriety.

@Mno I’m so sorry to hear this news :frowning_face: I’m glad that you were able to talk about her and it helped.


bollocks to leap years let’s get this party started. Real happy for you, you are a massive part of this community and other people’s recovery and a year just tells us all what we already knew about you. You are officially Amazing. :v::heart::pray::tada::hugs: