Checking in daily to maintain focus #20

@Imcrafty @Tomek @Mno thank you all :pray:t3: I working thru it but itā€™s so hard. I really appreciate the support :yellow_heart:


Dude itā€™s okay to have a bad day, week, or even monthā€¦ it happens, thatā€™s life. You are 100% right about setting boundaries with your friend/employer. Donā€™t ever feel stupid, man thatā€™s just the addiction trying to seep back into your life. You got 132 days clean, you are a fucking rockstar.


Congratulations on 4 days! It sounds like you have a fantastic husband.

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I think you need to take a few days for you, Courtney. Maybe a massage or something like that. Is next week going to be relaxing? I hope you can have some quiet ā€œyouā€ time sweetie. :kissing_heart:
I agree with Menno too; your heart is still healing.:two_hearts:


Hang in there Courtney, Iā€™m sorry youā€™re having a hard time, sorry about your furbaby too. I personally find that i get disappointed less if i have no expectations which btw is way easier said then done. The only person i can reasonably expect anything from is me. Take care of yourself on your special day (thatā€™ll be my 1 year).


I second thatā€¦ Schedule in some uninterrupted you time asap. Alone. Disconnect from everything and everyone for a while :kissing_heart:


@anon79808082 @Dan531 @apes2020 you guys are right. Iā€™m gonna just take a little me time. I really do need to stop with the expectations I just get let down. And @Dan531 thatā€™s the best day ever!! :tada: much love to you all. :yellow_heart:


Thank you @Dan531 that means a lot man right on :sunglasses::metal:t2:

Hi. Iā€™m at 2.5 days. Hang in there.


Hi there. At 2.5 days sober. Been thinking of you. Hang in there.


Thank you @anon79808082, @Tomek, @Dazercat and @anon28001181 for the support and advice. I spoke with him today and I was actually surprised by what theyā€™re wanting to do in 3 months. If they do what they say theyā€™re going to do itā€™s going to be a huge opportunity for me to improve my quality of life, both work and personal. Iā€™m going to contact the school and drop a few classes. I was only planning on taking one class but with financial aid they registered me for 8 classes and thatā€™s just to much for my brain and spirit right now. Iā€™ll keep you guys updated about the school thing and today was definitely a win for me facing what I needed to by talking to my friend/boss and Iā€™m also sober so yay!!! Thank you all so much have a great night!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


There you go. Getting it sorted out. Thatā€™s awesome, man.

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Thank you bro :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Oh, beautiful trail! Thank you, beautiful Olivia :blush: :orange_heart:

Our trails look quite similar. You do have a bit more snow than here though right now.

Mostly, I donā€™t enjoy crowdsā€¦ ā€¦unless theyā€™re trees. :laughing: Seriously! Simply impossible to feel lonesome in a forest, in the company of so many treesā€¦ :evergreen_tree:

Edit: I will bring you along in my :heart: on my next forest walk (saturday!) and then you can have all their/our love too!


Hi Olivia. Iā€™m glad I saw Emmā€™s post to you cuz I missed this today. Glad you were able to ā€œadultā€ today. Sorry your struggling.

I wish I could do more.
I love the pic of your forest. It looks like a winter wonderland. I hope we get some snow this winter. Itā€™s been so dry here Iā€™m worried itā€™s just going to be a cold dark all winter. And besides that I bought my first snow blower this year so we probably wonā€™t get any snow. I hope you have a better day today.


Day 115.
Iā€™m tired, but a good tired. When did I find time to drink? To numb the evening away? I am being careful to make sure I donā€™t numb out on busy-ness (Iā€™ve done that before - society seems to applaud it as ā€œproductiveā€ instead of ā€œaddictionā€ - sigh).

I forget who said it on here - about the differences between real sober life vs what i thought itā€™d be. Of course it has its hard moments, cravings, days - but life is so much more vibrant. An adventure still - but not full of risk and sabotage, putting my life on hold while the glass is in my handā€¦

The thought now, of coming home from work and predictably numbing out - while my life sits by waiting to be livedā€¦ this holds no appeal. My only concern is that I will one day in the future think itā€™s a good idea to pick up a glass. Thatā€™s why I come here daily (even if only to throw a few likes here and there). 115 days seems like a good stretch to me, but itā€™s nothing compared to the time I lived the old way.

Thank you for being here. Together, every day, we take the old way down another notch or twoā€¦ :orange_heart:

@Luckyredz donā€™t lose hope. thereā€™s plenty to find here in those further along than we areā€¦
@LeeHawk always good to see you here!
@Dragonflygirl82 big hugs. i hope for better days ahead. I fully support the ā€œProject Me Timeā€ others have recommended. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Good job on your 115 Emm.

ā€œMy only concern is that I will one day in the future think itā€™s a good idea to pick up a glass.ā€

I feel like this all the time. Mine is more Romanticizing that nice bottle of red. But, I donā€™t want to drink today. I wonder when that feeling leaves? If it leaves? I was thinking of starting a topic about it and see what some of the old timers say about it. Sometimes it drives me nuts thinking that way. But I donā€™t have the urge because ā€œIā€™m not drinking today!ā€
Good night.


Checking in! Day 7 complete :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Woo Hoo !! One week :white_check_mark:
That is so great to hear. Proud of you and you should be proud of you too.

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Yes! start a topic!

My plan/hope is that every day I choose this, it leaves less and less chance I will ever choose otherwise. Maybe we should carry just a spark of that concern with us, so that we are never caught off guard, feeling ambivalent and invincible one day? Or when some new kind of unmanageable situation presents itself? (like, say, 2020? lol!)

I dunnoā€¦ ā€¦you go ask the seniors. Theyā€™re eating lunch at their tables in the cafeteria.
Iā€™m still a junior, and besides Iā€™m too shy. And kind of a nerd. :laughing:

Grateful for you. :orange_heart: