Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #22

15 days. Today for some reason my problems seemed solvable. I guess my mind is hitting on all cylinders again.


Yeah, as he got bigger he started scrapping with the other cats nearby, he probably went off to find his own territory.

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Thank you so much! It feels great!!

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Day 298~ I was feeling a little bad earlier like I was being left out or didnā€™t fit in ( Kinda a long story)ā€¦but then saw this meme below and thought hmmm :thinking: well shit thatā€™s true! Leave it to Rudolph. :joy: Anyways joking aside Iā€™m always gonna be a giver and Iā€™m coming to terms with the fact thatā€™s not gonna change and some people, well some people are just assholes and suck. Thatā€™s all. I can either choose to dwell on it and really let it hurt and bother me or just keep being me and just know that some people donā€™t deserve my kindness and heart and move on. So thatā€™s what Iā€™m gonna do. Iā€™m a sensitive soul, I always have been. Iā€™m learning to except thatā€™s who and how and I am and thereā€™s nothing wrong with that; the only time something is wrong with that is when I allow the hurt from others actions control my emotions. Iā€™m stronger than that and wonā€™t allow the negativity in my life anymore. Being sober I literally discover and learn something new about myself each day. Itā€™s truly a blessing and a gift Iā€™m so thankful for. Sobriety is that one thing that I just know deep in my heart that is meant for me. Iā€™m so grateful to MYSELF for making the change. Anyone struggling or new to the sober journey; just know YOU are worth, YOU can do this. ODAAT. :pray:t3:




Weā€™ll be okay just as long as we can get back to basics when things get tough and talk about them. Youā€™re doing great Emmā€¦ i got a good chuckle out of the bajillion comment :laughing:

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Day 3. I have been addicted to alcohol and weed for a long time. Tried to give it up several times but somehow it persisted. I tried to give up alcohol with the help of weed but after a few days or weeks things went back to the way they were. I have to give up both. So I am doing it cold knuckle. One good thing that came out of this is that my wife really took care of me. She took me to a doctor and he prescribed me some medicines. I feel much better after the meds. Before the meds I was feeling horrible.


Day 814 :coffee:
Good morning! Seens like my mornings start earlier every day. Today at 5 :hugs: without my alarmclock!
Still remember my morning in my drinking daysā€¦
Couldnā€™t get out of bed and sometimes I called in sick because of my hangover. Bad days, bad memories.
My sober mornings are a great gift of being sober! And my new ink too! :wink: With my saved alcohol money I can tread myself on new ink. I have my 5th tattoo session for my full sleeve tattoo today. It costs loads of money, but I can afford it! :confetti_ball::facepunch:

Letā€™s make this day a good day, letā€™s make it a sober one. #gratefull

  1. Coffee. Day off. My place is more or less done for now. Sunrise looked very inviting. And even though itā€™s clouding over a bit I feel itā€™s high time for a little hike. Sober and clean. Have a good day all. Love from Amsterdam.

    @SoberWalker exactly the same here Claudia! Except for the ink that is :wink: Love yours though.

Congratulations with 1 year sober! Thatā€™s a great milestone to reach! :confetti_ball::facepunch::confetti_ball:

Thank you! :hugs: Maybe we have to meet some day when Covid is gone and the sun is shining. Would be nice to see you in person.

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We could have a walk. Sounds nice!

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Checking in, day 33. Yesterday I still felt depressed I was sick, had fever, so I thought, this is the perfect time to tell my best friend, that I have a crush on her. Yes, Iā€™m THAT stupid.
We were chatting and she told me about other guys so I stopped her and told her that I feel more towards her than I should as her friend, that Iā€™m really sorry and had no other intention than forgetting her (romantic-wise). But at the moment itā€™s hurtful for me to read her stories about others. She handled it very well, our friendship is the most important for both of us, so now we will keep distance for a while while still communicating occasionally, and later we will just catch up, where we left off.
I guess we got closer to each other than ever and for me personally itā€™s a great feeling to put this burden off my shoulders, that I donā€™t have this secret any more. I felt really bad as a friend and as a spouse to have this emotion. Now that I told it, it will be easier to let it go.
I had to close this chapter so that I can work on moving on, focusing my real life and present days.


Then we have a deal! :+1:
Love to hike

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That is beautiful!!!


Well done for being open and honestā€¦ That is a brave step esp as she is your best friend. I hope the time apart helps you to heal and move forward. X


Yes, I will miss her so much as a friend as well. But Iā€™ve tried everything else, because I didnā€™t want to endanger our relationship, but that didnā€™t work out, so I had no other option left I guess.
But Iā€™m really glad, that sheā€™s not mad at me, we could talk about it as real friends and it didnā€™t distance us.


Happy Birthday Mr Misikatsu.
Blessings and sobriety dear!
:sparkling_heart: :hugs:

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Thank you! Iā€™m very happy with it too, still a few sessions to go. No pain, no gain :wink:


First week sober, A huge thank you to everyone posting here :slight_smile: