Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #22

Successful AF wedding anniversary date tonight. For a brief second I looked at the bar in the restaurant and fantasized about a drink. But then I remembered how much that drink f’d up my life, especially my marriage. Screw that crap. I hate it and never want it back. :triumph::triumph::triumph:


Congrats on your one year! Way to go!

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:pray: thank you so much. Keep up the great work.

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What’s really cool is, coming to the random thought that I actually go full days without the physical or mental desire to drink alcohol. Like, it’s actually just become a daily habit of my subconscious mind to check in here and scroll around…but hardly ever do I actually jones for a drink. I love the normalcy of sobriety. I always wanted to be one of those people anyway. Not the ones who can only have 1 drink and be content … but, the normal ones who just didn’t drink. It’s a great place to be. Building up sober muscles isn’t only an expression, it’s an actual thing! Stay vigilant but also be grateful for sober normalcy.


Thank you, TSan! I don’t know why it hit me over the head the way it did, but it just did…

The cravings are much less now, but of course they still come, and when they come I’ve tended to think I’ve somehow failed. But just maybe getting cravings is part of my “make up”, no different than the color of my eyes really… It’s what I do with the cravings that matters. Either ride 'em out and earn another “win”, or pretend I can moderate and watch the spiral go downward from there…

This is why I was almost relieved when @Dan531 with his 400+ bajillion days posted about his recent out-of-nowhere craving. It just confirmed for me that there really is no magic finish line of “healed”. There are milestones, yes, but every sober day and every craving thwarted is the win. We’re already sober.

And your journey is super inspiring to watch too! Give Max a good ear scratch or belly rub for me :wink: :orange_heart:


Brilliant stuff, well done.

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Day 10. Yesterday was tough, but today I felt more ease. I’m so happy with my choice to not drink alcohol. I’ve made it one more day and looking forward to the next :blush:


Checking in… Day 10. Double Digits :slightly_smiling_face:


Lol Fleur! I actually round up ages too - including mine. By the time I’d turned 50, I had been 50 for years :joy: :wink:

Any word on Noisy? And can I ask about his name? I love it, just wondered if he earned it. :orange_heart:


Day 1455. In one week it will be 4 years. I’m in the hospital with my daughter for a planned surgery. She’s doing great, glad I get to be here for her SOBER!


Day 161.
Long drive yesterday – 800km – time to think about all the things I’d do differently. Think I’ve got some work ahead of me… as I can’t exactly forgive myself for things if I don’t take a good hard look at them and own them first. And I couldn’t do that while drinking…

As I posted last night – checked into my cute little air b and b late – ground floor – with keys from lock box and promptly checked out and into a hotel. (Call me a princess, but I like a door with a real lock and window coverings). The whole reason I’m here is to pack up Mom’s old room at the seniors residence, but they had an increase in outbreak today and were thinking they might not let me in. They will after all tmr, but not sure if I’ll get to see Mom in her new little room (in nursing care). Will take that news if/when it comes.

NONE of this would go smoothly if I were drinking. I’d be losing my shit at everything, on everyone. Rage-y M. Not sober, calm M. Thank you, dear TS pals, for this place, for sanding down my rough edges… :orange_heart:


Thanks a lot for your words… I now that I deserve more, after I realize that I throw my phone by accident in to the bathroom… I was thinking… Is this real??? I just get it back, I feel you a lot, I was feeling terrible becouse I was in a relation whit him for 3 years… So the most of the time he has with her, she relates with all the family, he finnaly talks to me and told me that we has sorry and she tried to kill her self twice… I dont know if it was true or not, and I dont really care, I know tha God have something better for me, and as you said Im lucky of not having kids or getting married to him a crazy, jelous, liar macho!
Im sober… And stronger


Im feeling better know, Im sober and I dont want to know anything about him, he is a piece of garbage. Thanks a lot!


Gotta add…

There’s lots of scraped knees and elbows and hearts on here… @marcusmaximus2000, @Rockstar24777, @anon27760155… Go easy on yourselves please and feel the love we’re all sending you. :heart:

And of course - every day is a win, but here’s a shout out to @RosaCanDo! @Milele! @Thirdmonkey on one tobacco-free week! Double digits for @Drave! @anon51903143! @Peace! @MagicILY!

I’m not allowed any more mentions this post. We’re all worth celebrating. Good days and hard days, wins and woes. :orange_heart:


Thank ya much! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: You, too @M-be-free49!

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Its really hard to face the reality… But I know that I deserve more, Im sober and feeling stronger. :heart:


Double digits is double amazing! :joy:
Congrats to you. I hope you are proud!

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No sign😥.
He was a stray in the garden. He meowed a lot. I would say to the kids “the noisy cat is here”. And once we adopted him be kept meowing a lot if we went near where we kept his food.


I so sorry Noisy cat hasn’t come back. That happened to me with two kitties over the years. I used to make up different stories about where they’d gone, because you honestly never know with cats that started as strays. Sometimes they get wanderlust. Or have second homes…no joke! It’s hard when your heart gets wrapped up in a little creature and they become family. Hugs.


So glad you made it safe and sound, after getting a hotel room after all that! I, too, would have made that choice. Yikes. Your trip sounds a lot like my drives down to see my family in Kentucky, I did the drive solo a couple times pre-pandemic and it’s a haul at just about the same distance. Hope your tunes carried you and you had some good “thinks.” Best wishes for a smooth day tomorrow.

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