Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #22

That is so great to hear about your mom. I’m glad y’all got to have a talk and she smiled. It’s those little things at this stage in her life and yours that are so meaningful. I know all too well what you must be going through. That Alzheimer’s/dementia thing really sucks. Both my parents pretty much had it together. It’s so hard as a child but there are fun times where y’all can still have a laugh. But sometimes you got to dig deep. God Bless you and give you strength during these times with your mom. And a sense of humor when all else fails.


Day 120, 4 months!
Couldn’t have done it without this community! Thanks everyone. Ive been feeling pretty good lately. No cravings. I wish I could feel like this all the time.
@RosaCanDo I was thinking about this the other day… But remember if you drink, sure you aren’t annoyed in that moment but you will be annoyed later on by things that usually wouldnt bother you! At least thats the case for me.
@Jdiaz Glad to see you back checking in! Ive missed your posts!
@TMAC Man, that sucks that your back is acting up again. Another MRI wouldnt hurt! I really wish your doctor could figure this out. I will pray you feel better soon!!
@Joy Way to go on 500 days!!! You inspire me to start running again. You are killin it! :fire:


Thank you! And thank you @CATMANCAM and @anon27760155 also!

Yeah, it can be so overwhelming for the close ones. I mean, those with dementia are still the very people we knew so well, so all those little moments when they seem so much more like themselves are such blessings.


Oh that is so beautiful! And such a relief to your heart, I’m sure - to know that she isn’t suffering from delirium and that she’s turned things around. So very little of our aging parents’ health is in our control, but it sounds to me like you are acing that test of your sobriety. Well done! So glad you connected with your Mum :heart: :pray:


Thank you so much! This is indeed such a relief. And yeah, thank you for cheering me on in my sobriety. It’s been challenging lately, but your words and what others have said have really touched me! :heart::pray:t3: Loving the TS TLC.


Congratulations on 4 months @Clarity!! I’m so proud of you and I’m sure your best friend is too.
yay ballons


Hi Milele,
I know what you mean. My father had vascular dementia. I am a “Dementia Friends Champion” and I run workshops for the Alzheimer’s Society. Something I always cover is that people do not lose their emotional memory. Your mother may not recall what you talked about or even that you talked at all, but the feeling she got from talking with you will stay with her for a long time. :pray:


Great job on your 4 months PDebs. That is fantastic. Really excited for ya. You’ve battled through a lot of bullshit to get here. Proud of you. Do another Christmas dance with that 2 year old to celebrate.


Day 7 under the belt, had a good day today, went for a dawn run, ironed everything in the house, made a cottage pie and put a straightener on my hair.
Feeling positive for tomorrow. After coming out the other side of first sober weekend, life seems much more clearer


You are absolutely right about that! I’m thinking my irritation is frequently coming from other sources and he’s just my easy target, also.

Way to go on 4 months! I am looking forward to getting there, too. Congrats.

Day 6 went well, no triggers nor cravings. Yay! But als still no real conversation with my husband about quitting. He drank a couple of beers. I kinda looked away and maybe suppress some feelings but I’m afraid he doesn’t understand how big my alcohol problem is. And I wanna save all the energy to get through the first weeks. Thinking of writing him a letter though. And ask him not to react yet.
Good thing today is that I collected a bunch of old toys and clothes together with my toddler. We’re gonna give them away to the Salvation Army to help out other families. Normally I hardly have the energy to do that or I’ll put it off until it’s too late. Like the new me so far. Or maybe it’s the pink cloud, but will enjoy it as long as it will lasts.

Good evening and sleep well!


Oh, am sorry to hear about your father.

Wow, that’s something I didn’t know! It’s comforting to know that the feelings stay for a long time. :pray:t3::heart:

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Checking in, day 17. I started the morning with a new habit: I showered in cold water. I thought it will be like hell, but it was actually cool (not just literally), I got really refreshed afterwards. We ordered Asian from a good restaurant, it was the best I ate in a long time. We also got two pheasants from our neighbor who is a hunter, we put one off for Christmas. In the afternoon I met my friend and had like a two-hour conversation, he really is an inspiration for me, the way he thinks, his lifestyle, everything. I even worked a bit and worked out in the evening, so this day really charged me up.


4 Months!! So awesome to see this. I know some parts have been really tough, but you’re still doing it. Something to be proud of. :grinning:


Checking in on day 30 :heart_eyes::sunglasses::sparkles: hurray I’ve made it a month again. This time it’s a complete game changer. Having AA on board and my sponsor makes THE difference. Everything is going to be all right. Good night beautiful people :heart_eyes:


Yaaay 4 months is so great. Congratulations :tada::confetti_ball:

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Nice one Charlie. We never give up :pray:

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Congratulations on a month @anon35096624! It definitely sounds like things are different this time around just from reading your posts. I’m really proud of you for trying new things.


Thank you. You are so kind. And you are doing absolutely amazing. Your days are just awesome!!! Hard and dedicated work. Just wow :heart_eyes:

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Goodnight everyone.