Checking in Daily to Maintain Focus #22

Hang in there @anon27760155, I’m so glad you bought the trainers instead of something that would’ve led to a relapse. I know you’ve been having a rough go if it but you’ve been kicking addiction’s ass every day, even if it doesn’t feel that way. Just keep fighting it!! You got this.

@RosaCanDo I’ve been trying to figure out the same balance of not letting myself become lazy. At first I needed to remind myself that it’s ok to take a break and just relax; that I don’t have to be doing something productive every second of every day. Now I need to focus on balancing that and making sure I’m still actively working on my sobriety and making forward progress. I hope you have a relatively pain-free day!

@Tommo I’m sorry you haven’t found a meeting that was right for you man. It’s great you’re still searching though, that’s the important thing. What would we do without TS, right? This place and everyone here is amazing.

@SoberWalker I love that tattoo! What does the writing say?


You’ve really nailed it, that’s a balance that I’m having trouble with. A pattern in myself I’m noticing more and more, this all or nothing thinking and behavior, is something I want to work on. Not quite sure how to address it yet…


The shift from “I can’t” to “I don’t” has been so beneficial to me. I’d heard this sentiment repeated a lot over the last year, but I honestly felt like it was just semantics and some simplistic platitude that made people feel better. I guess I wanted to think that things were more complicated than that, or that I was more complicated than that.

For me personally, by accepting that I don’t drink anymore and taking it off the table completely as any type of option for coping, I’m forcing myself to deal with life using different coping skills. Healthier coping skills. Life can still be complicated and complex, but I’m finding solace in the simpler, if not always easy, solutions. Gratitude, honesty, accountability.

My thought process has boiled down to “I still have to deal with life. I don’t drink. So now what?”


Day 169 clean and sober today. Realized even though I might be getting used at work and not being compensated for it that having a bad attitude only hurts my recovery and makes me feel like crap and it’s hard to endure the day. Flip the script and I’m happy and grateful to have a job. Have a great day everyone, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Good luck! The last few times I have tried, the machine told me they were too busy and to call back. I had to call four times, because they put a hold on my return because I hadn’t file 2018. I filed 2018 the same day I filed 2019, but I had to file 2018 by mail (due to Covid??? Whatever IRS!) That was back in April, they still haven’t processed that return. The guy I spoke to said there are semi trailers loaded with returns and they are just working their way through them.

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Congrats on 5 days Jean.

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Whattttt! Oh man basically the same thing for me. I filed 2018 late by mail. Did you get your stimulus check?.. between 2018, 2019 and my stimulus check the gov owes me 9000$ :expressionless:… seriously could use that right about now!
My addiction is still biting me in the butt because thats why I filed 2018 so late.

I did get my stimulus - but probably because I filed electronically for 2019. So, that triggered the stimulus. They still owe me 4K for 2018. And yes, that would help a bunch!

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Did you get 2019s tax return? I filed 2019 electronically and still nothing and no tax return either… LOL sorry so many questions this has just been looming over my head for months now.

Double Digits, my people. I have been busting my butt, working it all. Even when I don’t want to, I am hitting NO LESS THAN two meetings a day, staying even when it doesn’t feel beneficial. There’s always a nugget, always. It’s hard. I’ve cried. I am still not sleeping. My psoriasis is having a field day. Usually that tames right away - not this go 'round. That’s even more reason to stay AF. Psoriasis LOVES alcohol and gluten and dairy (and cigarettes but I am not there yet, one demon at a time.)

@Peace Congratulations! Huge!

@WCan - I was right around the 60 day mark last time I threw in the towel. It is all a mind f*ck at this point. I am going to get a punching/kicking bag this time around, paste my Alcohol Voice’s face on it, and beat the shit out of it from time to time (peace loving Buddhist that I am).

@RosaCanDo Same! I am working through some pretty major back pain and I can’t get my self to Covid-Chiro… :grimacing: I did get up early because I couldn’t sleep, usually I would just lay there being pissed I can’t sleep. :slight_smile: Yes, to the balance! I am (was!) also “all or nothing.” Alcohol gave me a perfect reason to do both: all the alcohol, nothing of the rest.


I did get 2019. That’s the one I had to call four times to resolve. Did yours show accepted? I filed through FreeTaxUsa (which is not free).

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what don’t kill you makes you stronger so they say, not sure who they are or even if they were addicts but they say it anyway. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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This has made my day seeing you rolling into day 100, you’ve worked dam hard to get here and totally deserve to feel proud of yourself. I’m more impressed you haven’t pissed anyone off for 100 days :joy::joy::joy::joy:what the fuck is a matter with you :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


40 days today.
Have dreams about drinking. Feel a bit of sadness when I drink past my favorite places. But im hanging in there. Not going back.


Trying to get better everyday, focus on maximum potential. It ain’t easy but damn… I’m kinda killing these addictions… not gonna lie :smirk: :smirk:


Thank you! So far so good!!

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@Luckyredz , @Boymomof2 & @Peace Congrats on 30! :tada::tada::tada:
@DarkStar Congrats on 40! :tada:

100 days no alcohol :raised_hands:t2:
68 days no cocaine.

I’ve felt restless today. Foot still massively painful so I didn’t want to push too hard, though I did get out for a slow short walk. It benefitted my mind so much, I’m really hoping the injection starts to work so I can get back out for the longer ones soon, must be patient though :pray:t2:

I do think I need a job now. So I hope I get offered atleast 1 out of the 2 interviews I’m scheduled for (though I really don’t interview well :unamused:) and then I just have to pray my mental health wants to behave for once :pray:t2:

Thank you all for being here and sharing your wisdom. I’m relating to the all or nothing mentality posts, even around things that non-addicts wouldn’t consider an issue. I don’t feel as bad when I’m using it on healthy habits though.


Yeah I’m still working on it too. Ironically I just got back from the store among other places and my wife told me to sit on the sofa and watch TV and relax lol…guess I haven’t perfected the balance yet and am still running around like a chicken with my head cut off.

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Checking in. Took two walks with my puppy today. Beautiful day out so lifted my spirits. Hope you all are having a great day!