Checking In Daily To Maintain Focus #23

Okay re checking in ! did some reading on here im not trying to say that all is good but after doing some reading my.mind is collected and cool im naturally a very positive upgoing up beat person so this app helps :mask::heart::heart::heart:


Checking in with 700 days. So glad to be sober


Mid day check in. Cold wet rainy snowy day. Got the dogs walked while there were great big snow flakes falling. Now itā€™s just rain. And cold.

The fuck it train just pulled up :grimacing: but I am not going to start making pitchers Bloody Maryā€™s on a cold cloudy ugly wet day. No Iā€™m not!! Iā€™m going to sit on the couch with the puppas. Put on the Christmas tree. Turn the fireplace back on. Get a nice cuppa tea. And put on Itā€™s A Wonderful Life. Cuz it really is a wonderful life when youā€™re sober. I reckon I already drank a life time of Bloody Maryā€™s anyway.
I hope everyone has a wonderful sober day. And just donā€™t pick up today. Donā€™t worry about any other day.

Clarence the Angel: ā€œStrange, isnā€™t it? Each manā€™s life touches so many other lives. When he isnā€™t around he leaves an awful hole, doesnā€™t he?ā€

:pray: :heart: :christmas_tree:


Huge Congrats @CapriciousCapricorn!!
Your progress is absolutely amazing! Thank you for being such an inspiration.
congrats fireworks


Evening/night check in. This therapy group work is exhausting. Weā€™re beginning to get serious into stuff and I feel such a huge blockage inside. Damned Iā€™m scared. A life long hiding, pretending, and shielding the real me from the world. To achieve anything with this therapy the protective layers have to come off, have to be peeled off one by one. Today I felt the kid inside for the first time really. It made me terrified. I donā€™t dare to let it out yet. But I will. Iā€™ll get there. Even though I think it will break me in two. One day at a time. Iā€™m sober and clean. Iā€™m not alone. Thanks so much for being here all. It helps so much. Love.
PS. I can look out of the window during therapy and see this tower.


It will break you in two, you will put it back together and it will be better than ever. Tough, but worth every step of it.


Day 39ā€¦
Everything its going difficult here, my mom is at the hospital due covid since today 3 am, I feel so confused and lonley, I been having suicidal tougths, I canā€™t do it by my self, she is a single mother and I have no sibilings, I trully dont know if I can do it anymore, I know that I need to been strong for her, but Im getting tired of everything.


You can do this. Donā€™t panic, just breath and focus on the facts. Focus on what you have to do step by step. Call a friend if anyone is available or call a suicide prevention hotline. They can help, they are there to help you. Reach out here anytime.


Hotline for Mexico: (55) 5259-8121
or: 55 5533-5533


Thanks a lot! I will call, a friend told me that will be here after work and stay with me, but I dont feel confortable anywereā€¦ I dont eat since yestarday, I trying to find a way to been strong, she is already intubated.


The doctors and nurses are working to help her, they will do their best. Stay with your friend even if itā€™s not comfortable - itā€™s natural that itā€™s uncomfortable everywhere now. Try to eat a bit, drink water and try to get some rest.
Youā€™re not alone, your friend is with you, hotline professionals are with you, we are with you.


Secondly check in today! Iā€™m out of surgery and waiting for a room I guess. I donā€™t think I died so press on it is!!! I really love you guys a lot and am so grateful that you all are here! I went ahead and texted her to let her know Iā€™m ok etc. she said she we can talk when Iā€™m not loopy and in the hospital. Not sure what to say so Iā€™m going to do a little bit of practice journaling in my Notes app. Thank you for all of the prayers and support!!! Iā€™m praying for clarity and simplicity when it come too what I would like to share with the alters. Please continue to keep me in your prayers, love you all!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


@Rockstar24777 Fab news!

We have found Noisy! :tada::tada::tada:
Was checking a website that deals with people swapping and selling all kinds of stuff, including strays and unwanted pets and there he was! I could see his photo, and the blurb saying he was a stray(:grimacing:), but I had to be a member of the website to message. Fingers shaking I tried to register, but even after I entered my email an email didnā€™t go to my account. I could see other people who are registered ā€œlikingā€ and possibly messaging to get my cat. Finally after an hour I got a mail, but then I had to upload pics of id. But it wouldnā€™t accept. I tried and tried for hours, kept getting rejected. Desperately texted all my friends if they were a member so they could message him not to give my cat to someone else. Finally a friendā€™s husband was a member, but he was still at work so had to wait for him to come home. At the same time another friend took me to an acquaintanceā€™s house to take a photo of my id with their phone as maybe my camera wasnā€™t good enough. My clearer photos of id were still rejected. Finally the husband came home and said u have to hide some details on the id (so why show in the first place). Finally id was accepted, like 5 hours later, and could message him. Then he was suspicious it was actually my cat, I sent him photos, and he was like, hmm, not sure, but I know my fucking own cat! He insisted on me first meeting to check it is my cat, then he will give him back later, but at least I know Noisy was not given to someone else and I will get him eventually.
And from now he will be 100% house cat.


This is such great news. Make sure to take a pic with Noisy and his happy humans.


Took the old man to get some chicken nuggets & a sunset stroll. wouldnā€™t have done that if Iā€™d started drinking after work! :raised_hands:


Beautiful day there! He looks happy too, :kissing_heart:
Where are you?

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I donā€™t mean to be cheesy. But this is a Christmas miracle. Iā€™m so freakin happy for you and your fam. Shit like this worries me sick for the cat. And you too. Please, Iā€™m sure you will keep us posted. I want to see Noisy in a pic all snuggled in bed.


Thatā€™s awesome news yay!!!


Iā€™m so happy for you guys!!


I am so freaking proud of you Menno that takes so much courage and strength!!! I remember ā€œseeingā€ my little guy and it was very nice but weird as well. I feel my little guy when I have anxiety, terror, fear etc. Iā€™m real proud of you doing the work. I believe itā€™s the ā€œcauses and conditionsā€ that lead us back to looking to escape through substances. Love you man youā€™re kicking ass!!!