Checking In Daily To Maintain Focus #23

Checking in at Day #14 second go. Love reading stories from the newest members. Do more people join during the holidays?


Good for you. Never forget that day - or the morning after - even as the memory fades. Iā€™m sure your family is thrilled!

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Fantastic. You have really been tested this fall and survived with glory.

Thatā€™s awesome :clap:

Day 311. So last night me and the girls decorate the Christmas tree and I put up other decorations. Itā€™s the first year Ive actually done that. Before it would of just been tree and I would of been miserable the whole time. It was very fun. And looks great.have a good dayā€¦ @Rockstar24777 have a good day my friend and best of luck with everything, my advice is yes your having mixed emotions now, as we all would but you know you made the right decision, the scary thought of loneliness kicks in and weā€™re fearful, but you need to stay single and work on yourself man. Let faith txt you, donā€™t chase her again and again itā€™s going to be a fun game for her other alters and youā€™ll end up hurt more. Itā€™s not worth it. Hand it over to your higher power friend


How fun! Take pics, let us see yā€™alls creativity.

@RosaCanDo thatā€™s such great news about ChuchošŸ˜Š
@Squirt Thank you and I hope the dog is found soon :pray:t2:
@Misokatsu congrats on 4 months :tada:
@CapriciousCapricorn that truly is a miracle, massive congrats :tada:
@apes2020 thatā€™s amazing, Iā€™d have been terrified, that and I have 2 cats that would have gone mental! So glad itā€™s lifted your spirits :raised_hands:t2:
@Piglet sorry for your loss, thatā€™s a lovely reading :blue_heart:
@Rockstar24777 thinking of you, hope all is going well and youā€™ll be back with us soon :pray:t2:
@anon27760155 nice work on saying no, and I agree with Olivia, you have really cool eye colour :star_struck:

90 days clean from Cocaine! :raised_hands:t2::muscle:t2::smiley:

Well, I made it a whole 16 hours smoke-free, the night sweats were horrendous, and I faced down the overnight and some morning cravings. Will try harder after this packet is empty, I know if I can make it 24 hours then itā€™s just repeating that every day, found a quitters thread that I think is going to be really helpful too :pray:t2:

Iā€™ve not been going for walks as @Dazercat 's advice rang true that my feet need extended rest, Iā€™m definitely in less pain, but may reintroduce some shorter walks for my mental health, will see how I feel with the re-quitting smoking, if I really need the walks Iā€™ll do shorter ones, if I can cope without them then Iā€™ll keep resting. I have a video call appt with a Podiatrist on 14th January so will see what they say too.

Had my appointment with the urologist today, she reviewed my recent test results and is scheduling me for my Botox surgery in my bladder, Iā€™ve had it a few times before since 2011, itā€™s quite painful but it is the only thing that helps with my symptoms, the only downside is I have to self-catheterise after having it as it paralyses the bladder and I really struggle to pee, but I guess Iā€™ll get used to it again.

Canā€™t wait to get the nicotine out of my system so I can wave goodbye to the migraine Iā€™ve had since starting again on Friday night.

DBT tomorrow so that should help me get through a couple hours worth of cravings.


Fanfrickentabulous. . .90 days is awesome.

Shittttt. . . forgot to add that we found the dog last night. . .story for tomorrow lol


:rofl::rofl::rofl:you literally couldnā€™t wait half an hour. Donā€™t blame you though. Well done lady.


Totally 3 :grin:

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Congratulations :tada::confetti_ball::clap:

I ate 3 curries 2 rice 2 naan bread and 5 poppadoms then passed out at the table, I woke up in hospital 2 weeks later. Apparently I fell into a korma.


I love this.

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Congratulations on your 90 days Tyler. Thatā€™s great. I hope all youā€™re other issuesā€¦ God Bless you got more than your shareā€¦ work out for you.
Stay strong my friend. And get rid of those cancer sticks as soon as you can.


nothing to crazy but way more then Iā€™ve ever done before lol


Checking in Dec 10
Might be put out of work because of a policy change in background checks stressed out :grimacing:
On the brightside i have onother Job offer only thing is i would have to live in a diffrent state .
Trying to keep level headed . Hope everyone is doing amazing :fire:


@Figgie My wife is for sure. Itā€™s been many, many years since our marriage felt this good. This is better than anything alcohol could ever bring.


Absolutely still plenty of time. It will lift your spirits :slight_smile:


I love it! :heart_eyes:

We had a wild myna bird turnt tame it use to speak there really intelligent use to sit on my uncles shoulder this is in uk