Checking In Daily to Maintain Focus #25

Thank you for your input, kinda interesting how you put it I like the perspective


Day 198.
Trying to keep a healthy work-life-exercise-sleep routine (and online/offline time) in place, both with the new year and the increased restrictions. And keeping my motivation up too. These got out of whack last spring when the work-from-home thing started, but I feel better about my ability to hold onto a routine this time.
I did, today, after some wretched zoom power workout, finally give in to a building craving for sweet potato tortilla chips. (It might have, in fact, looked like a scene from Jurassic Park.) I’m sober though, so no regrets. :wink:
G’night all. We did another day, and we can do it again tomorrow. :orange_heart:

Lots to celebrate!

Sober Quadruplets? @Charlie_C and @FeelingBetter and @Dee134 and @JB.5280 congrats on 60 days!

@Briella You’re still killing it at 50 days. Keep on keeping on, one day at a time!

@Tryingtogetitright 180 days is amazing. I’d say you’re getting it right!

@DrkniteNZ wow. 725 days? Just wow.

@Clarity you OWN this year! :laughing: I feel it. :heart:


Allow me.

Sixty days is very well done JB. Good for you!


Way to go Moonshadow. Now that’s what I’m talking about!!
Moonshadow 4
Craving 0

You won another day :waxing_crescent_moon:


Thanks, Dazercat! I gotta say I love reading your posts. You are amazingly prolific here. Oh. And you are a meme slingin’ animal!

Bye for now…


Day 335~ Today’s been a good day. Many reasons actually but overall a great day. I got my 11 months today as I’ve mentioned and got the hair did! Win win!! :joy::tipping_hand_woman:t3: No but in all seriousness I NEVER did anything for myself before. I hated to spend a cent on myself unless it was for booze. The hair appointment I mention because it was with one of my sisters the kinda bitchy one. I’ve vented about her before. She’s just so judgmental all the time and always looking for a confrontation I feel like. I dunno :woman_shrugging:t3: it went ok though. She of course had throw a few jabs my way but after like 20 minutes she was like omg I haven’t laughed like this in a long time. It made me for in that moment remember we did once have a close bond. I hate being estrange from most of the family and COVID certainly hasn’t helped matters. I want to have a relationship with my family but they are so difficult to deal with. I know time will tell how it all will play out. I have tools now that I’ve learned over the past 11 months to help protect my peace of mind. I don’t owe anyone anything and I do not have to tolerate the drama. I can walk away and that’s ok. I’m not the bad guy. I don’t have to fix everything and one.

I think one of my favorite parts of getting sober is realizing I do not have to sacrifice my own happiness to please everyone else. I do not have anything to prove to anyone except myself. Always remember you deserve happiness and you shouldn’t feel guilty about wanting it. Keep fighting the fight. It’s worth it. You are worth it.



Amazing! huge congrats! :smile: :orange_heart:

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Thanks M :blush::yellow_heart:

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I’m here, I’m alive and I’m sober.
Day 137
But probably not for long.

Same morning chaos again.

No help today, the new new social worker, who’s according to me don’t have a freaking clue what she’s doing said she’s going to start a full on investigation including the entire family. And is going to start within four months. It’s two weeks since we in the children psychiatric recommendation called the emergency unit at the social service so they could act immediately. They’ve got all the case files, it’s all served to her. My husband is about to loose his job, and no one does a shit.

When she was moved to us it took them one day. No investigation.

I’m one breath away from emailing the social security head and ask if anyone on their f*** office is capable of doing their job.

But I’ll probably have to wait until I’m not furious to get it right and not lash out in total anger. I’m not sure what he can do about it, but someone is responsible for their incompetence and I refuse to be a part of a full investigation. Cause this got nothing to do with us.

The cards predicted a good day, but maybe they was wrong for the first time.

Over and out


I did it, I sent an angry email to the head of the social service. Guess I’m officially a “Can I speak to the manager, Karen” now.


Which is sort of funny bc it’s officially called a Japanese mandolin.


And just like that we got called to a meeting at the social service office on Tuesday, to discuss what kind of possibly they’ve got to help.

Guess Karen does get things done sometimes :joy:


Good work Karen. Sometimes we got to make ourselves heard or nothing happens.


Thank you. I guess, honestly I usually don’t go this far. Or lash out like that, because it won’t get anywhere. But this time it did.
The system where you have to fight and yell with all you got to get just a little help for your kids is crazy. And it requires that you are in good shape to do it. Not everyone are, I also got the advantage that I’ve been on the inside, I know the laws, I know their system and I know who I should aim my criticism at so it hopefully gets effect.

I hope you’re having a good day. Mine just got a little better :cherry_blossom::blush:

  1. Happy I did housekeeping yesterday so I can concentrate on other stuff today, like therapy in a couple of hours. It’s not quite bringing me what I thought it would but I’m only in it for a little while and I’m not about to give up. One day, one session at a time. Some steps forward and some back, and hopefully more forward then back. Looking over my shoulder it has worked that way for 586 days now. I’m still making progress. Keep going all. I will too. Sober and clean. It’s worth it. Love from Amsterdam. Pic is not from today but I like it.

    @MrsOdh It’s sad it works that way but it does. good you know your way around a bit. It seems to be a universal (or at least European) problem with Youth Care. Our national ‘Jeugdzorg’ has been a total chaos and shambles for at least 10 years now. Extra government money going there every year, but no end to the mess in sight.


Checking in for the first time on this thread. Feeling pretty good this morning and wish the best day possible for everyone. Stay Strong my friends!


I asked my councelor to make a contract with me that effectively “forbids” me to drink /have a relapse for the next few weeks until my reha starts. That was 12 days ago.
I don’t feel awesome due to the current circumstances but I sleep well, feel rather healthy (eat way too much late in the day though) and stable at least. So that’s good!


Checking in on day 51. Not too much to report. Got a good night’s sleep but I’m still tired. :sob::sleeping: It’s difficult in the winter, it feels so good to stay warm and cozy under the covers. Have a great day TS folks. :grinning:
@M-be-free49 thanks. It feels so good to watch the days add up. Being sober is definitely my thing, if only I could get my diet and exercise in check. :thinking:🤦🤷


Welcome @StayStrong

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