So, I’m doing the whole30 w two friends who drink (one socially and one I feel more than socially, she got a DUI last year and still didn’t want to stop drinking). The hardest thing for them is giving up alcohol for 30 days. The girl who got the DUI last year texted us this morning saying she some champagne last night and I’m a little frustrated. I almost caved w food that I wasn’t supposed to have because I was tired and hungry but I didn’t. I pushed thru. Because I knew I made a commitment and I didn’t want to go to them and say I messed up (accountability and all). But she texted us saying her boyfriend opened a bottle so she had some. We’ve been on the whole30 for over 2 weeks, we only have about 2 weeks left. She couldn’t just go 2 more weeks and the way she presented it was like “well…he opened it up so oops”. I’ve gone over 2 years without alcohol and it hasn’t always been easy. So it was frustrating that she made a commitment with us to not slip up w food or alcohol and she did and acting like it doesn’t matter. This whole30 isn’t always easy but again, we all made a commitment to each other. Idk. I know it doesn’t matter as long as I continue and do this for myself but It brought up a lot of feelings for me. So I am grateful that I am strong enough to stay sober and strong enough to change my eating habits and dedicated for at least 30 days (although I plan on going longer)
Thanks man it just kind of spilled out, guess it needed to. Progress, I never used to do that.
Yes indeed. Especially the right (yellowish) one (who’s actually a dog) needs surgery. He’ll get it once the teddy surgeon in town opens up again.
Whole sentence
That’s the ticket, there. This is for you. It’s on her if she can’t stick to it, that just speaks to her own lack of commitment and discipline.
I think A LOT of people who try going off drinking for a bit (including and especially “normal” drinkers) don’t realize how difficult it is to stick to it until they actually try to do it. That’s when the excuses come out (“he opened a bottle”, etc etc). Sounds like a great idea to stop at the time, but when push comes to shove and their resolve is tested, they fold.
Keep doing you.
Day 353. Even tho I have the medicine I fell into a good depression, didn’t make it to work the last 2 days and just been sleeping. Fucking sucks and I can’t just pull myself out of it, I try. I’m sure my boss is pissed off. Idk have a good day
Hang in there Mike. Depression sucks big time. Try to do something small, like have a walk around the block for example. Something. Anything. Thinking of you.
I had to look to see what whole30 was, however it seems as if your friend used an out by having her BF pop a bottle, like well its here why not.
The best part is you decided to keep your path whether or not your friends choose to participate
I feel you man, depression sucks, you want to sleep all day but cant, you want to die but you want to live. I been battling a funk myself
Hang on man it will get better,
13 days sober today after a brief relapse. I am staying determined and will always fight for myself and my sobriety!
I’m so sorry for your kids and you Amy. Prayers and hugs
I keep fingers crossed your ultrasound turns out to be ok. Be kind to yourself. It’ s understandable you feel grumpy with all the pain. This too shall pass. Wish you all the best
I’ve been clean for six days!
checking in sober & tired. was triggered today by open beer standing on the table (normally not). will dig behind that craving tomorrow. good night
I haven’t had the thoughts of using in a while, but right now my mind doesn’t want to do this anymore. I’m just feeling done with this all, my mind is trying to trick me into if I have a couple drinks things will be ok. I won’t go back that deep dark road. I know I will tho, bc I’m already on that dark road and I’m not even drinking. I just want this all to plz pass. I want to feel normal again and not be depressed
Goodnight all.
Maybe tonigjt…
Stay strong man, the urge will pass and you’ll get through it. Just don’t pick up that first drink.