Checking In Daily to Maintain Focus #25

Yes. It was never even a question. No decision. No thought. Completely automatic. Weekends were just a write off. Always. Very occasionally I would not drink on a Saturday because I was so sick after drinking way too much on a Friday, but more often than not I would just push through and get over the hump by gunning the first couple until I felt normal. Sober weekends are an absolute revelation to me, and a little glimpse into how other people live. Thanks for your reply. It has made me reflect on it a lot more. :pray:t2:


I’m with you @Sparkle. I’m struggling with friends and work colleagues mentioning wine knowing that old me loved it but not knowing that old me also struggled and blacked out on it. The helpful community here have just told me to be sober for ME and think about others later. Be sober today and we will think about the holidays etc when they arrive. I am also day 28 and worried as I usually crash at around week 5 where I start romanticising alcohol and feel I deserve a drink. I want to make it THROUGH that. We can do it - more baths, good food, and looking forward :slight_smile:


Hi Freckles. (I don’t know how to do the @ thing yet) I live in Singapore. It is sober Saturday morning already for me and I am about to take my son swimming…because I can. Love it.

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Amazing! Enjoy it all. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: happy Saturday in sobriety with family and swimming! We are due for snow tomorrow, amazing how we are all connected on TS all over the world- driving the force of love and connection to fight our addiction!


This is for all you beautiful ppl


Finishing up a successful day 76 at a meeting. Have a great evening!


You’re doing it, April! So proud of you, bird Mama. :orange_heart:

Congrats on your 60 days! :grin: :smile: :laughing:


Congratulations on 60 days… keep up the good fight :call_me_hand:

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God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

P.s. You are wonderful. Ya you!!


Yeah it’s not gonna happen. You’ll keep counting because when you hit 365, it’s going to be almost euphoric and the counter in your mind will say “Alright let’s keep going to 400!” and it’ll just keep ticking and ticking.

However many days I’m at now and it’s not many but I know that everyday I wake up a little bit earlier. I go to bed a little bit earlier. My fridge-freezer is full of food and soft drinks and fruit and veg (not beer and ice cubes)… My home is warm and clean and tidy and I cannot believe just how comfortable I am not chasing a clock or a drink.

I was talking to an older couple I know from the pub I work out called Norm and June, lovely couple, about 75 years old and they come in once maybe twice a week for a few drinks. And I asked June what her favourite thing about being retired is and she said “The most wonderful thing is not living against a clock. We spend all our lives living by a clock; alarm clocks, 9-5, rush hour, bed time, kids school time, Monday - Friday…” and I reflected on that a few days ago when Norm came for a takeaway. Its really given me food for thought and for as long as its possible, im going to do my best not to live by a clock.


Day 125. Made it through a marathon week. I’m very happy that the weekend is here and I’ll have a little bit of time to just rest and gear up for the week to come. I’m going to bake some cheese bread for the blog and do some laundry.

@apes2020, congratulations on 60 days!
@FindingJesse, two weeks! That’s excellent!
@RosaCanDo, Happy Birthday weekend! It sounds like you have a great plan for a wonderful time!
@marcusmaximus2000, I hope your mom is doing alright.

Good night, soberians!


Right I agree have to protect yourself out there.

Wrapping up 69 days of sobriety. Finally feeling better after being sick all week. Covid test was negative, so I guess that’s good :man_shrugging:t2:

Pondering the future a lot. Reminding myself there will never be a point where I’m totally safe from relapse. It’s wild to hear about people who go more than a year and then it hits them. Not judging at all, but rather using their experiences as points of caution in my own life. I said to my wife tonight, “One drink and it will be the end of me.” I don’t want that life again even a little bit, but those strange and random desires still float through my mind occasionally. I really look forward to fishing with a friend of mine again once it warms up, but we usually drink a whole cooler of beers when we go fishing. I’m concerned it will be so difficult to seaparate fishing from drinking or that it will trigger me somehow. Step one is telling my friend about my sobriety, then I need to evaluate whether I need to quit fishing or not. The journey is tough, but worth it.



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Hell yeah, that’s awesome! Keep on going, you’re doing amazing! :muscle:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3:

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Checking in on Day 63! I hope everyone has a good weekend. Cold and snowy where I am, so I’m sure there will be both indoor coziness and some rolling around in the snow with my dog :blush:


Checking in sober. Feeling pretty okay heading into the weekend. Planning on making chili tomorrow and then going to a meeting after which I will meet with my sponsor. I feel less anxious and I am enjoying that along with some peace and quiet. Staying on course and keeping my sobriety at the forefront. Have a strong sober 24. One day at a time :sunflower::yellow_heart:

  1. Signing off sober. Overall it wasn’t a noteworthy day. Meh. I get another shot at it tomorrow and I have some plans in place. Get up early, yoga, meditation and a meeting before 8am. Then make breakfast for the family before putting on my lumberjack hat. I’m proud to stand with y’all. Goodnight!

D. 860. It’s been a while since I’ve checked in. Its been 41 days since I cut the end of my thumb off and its healed quite nicely, though, I don’t have much feeling and it still hurts with the slightest bit of pressure. I hope that is temporary. :crossed_fingers:

Anyhow, still sober.