Checking In Daily to Maintain Focus #25

Day 145: soooooo well rested after a great night’s sleep. Off to find some eagles! Happy sober Saturday gang!


Day 362. Beating myself up a litte bit, the kid I lift with has been helping me with my form, I sent him a video of my deadlift just to confirm it. And he said still wasn’t good, I’m glad he is honest with me tho, the last guy I lifted with just kept saying it was good when it wasn’t.
I’m really emotional, I feel like I did in the first week of recovery, one minute I’m happy and feeling really euphoric,the next I’m feeling super sad and wanting to cry lol. I’m kinda of second geussing myself on this tattoo, like do I really want this for the rest of my life. Ppl are gonna ask about it all the time and I suck at talking in real life, I still studder alot and lose focus and my mind doesn’t put the words in my mouth. Like when I txt my mind throws it all out so fast, but when I go to talk the words they won’t come out. But I’m not gonna back out, y’all will be seeing a tattoo on me Monday with pics from start to finish. Much love everyone have a great day


Hang in there, Mike. I worried about that before my first tattoo also, and to be honest it isn’t people’s business just like whether or why you don’t drink or use isn’t anyone’s business either. At times I have just said “it’s personal” and people just drop it. But you’ll figure that out in time. I’m so excited for you! When we make big life changes like getting a tattoo or even the fact you’re almost at a year it makes sense to have emotions about it.


Thanks girl :heart:


Oh Mike, everyone on here who’s approached that one year has talked about how shaky the emotions can be - maybe different for each person, but still. This is a really big deal!

Doesn’t matter if everyone on here loves your tattoo or not (and I love it, btw) - it’s so significant to you, and that’s all that matters. If anyone else on the planet doesn’t like it? fuck 'em. :wink:

I don’t think I’ve ever clearly told you just how much watching your journey, and sharing it with you through the posts you share with us - has meant to me and my own journey. How much you’ve encouraged and inspired me, made me laugh out loud like a lunatic at my desk all alone (lol), and made me teary when it shows just how much you adore your girls and they adore their dad.

We are a crazy mixed bag of people on this forum! From all over the world, all kinds of worlds, and probably not a lot of things in common on paper, but so much in common when it comes to what’s inside. Please know how much your presence here means to me and so many others. Please know how grateful I am you are in our worlds and the world. :orange_heart:

Now get in the car and go get some ink! :laughing: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Checking in on another day :slight_smile: today is starting off to be a good day! Woke up healthy and full of energy and ready to tackle the day. I have the day off of work so I’m going to clean the apartment and fold laundry (my favorite :roll_eyes:) and then do alittle shopping with a gift card I got for Christmas. Excited to spoil myself alittle lol. I just love TS. Don’t know what I would do without you all :rose:


Can’t wait to see your new tattoo! I’m so inspired by you Mike. You’re journey has surely helped so many people including myself :slight_smile:

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Laura - thanks! We had a very nice time. The weather was nice and cool (about 50F) and we got there when the zoo opened, so it wasn’t crowded. He is so cute - we got to actually see some lions and tigers up close this time and he was doing his little ‘roar’ all day. Now he’s back home at his house napping, and we’re about to do the same! Have a great Saturday!


So how do you make a vegies burger

Day 1415 and am soon approaching my 4th year of sobriety. I am grateful for many things these days but above all my little human being who is 1 month old now. Biggest gift of sobriety :heart::pray:


Honestly, sounds like ideal practise material to me Mike. One item, one subject to focus on. One thing that’s good and real and true in your life and I know you are friggin proud of. As I am of you friend. Can’t wait for Monday.


Wow! Congratulations on everything! It is nice to see your name pop up around here again!

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Those eyes!! They just look right into your soul! Beautiful♥️


I highly doubt you’ll ever regret the tattoo you got for hitting one year of sobriety. My guess is you’ll get hooked on ink, tatts are addictive for me personally. Just make sure you really know where you want it. It’s a great tatt with great meaning.


69 days free of alcohol. I’m feeling as though I’m getting my freedom back. I always felt alcohol made me free by giving me courage to do things I wouldn’t normally do, but all it really did was give me the courage to be an idiot and offend people.

Bad days still come and go, but at the end of the day, I’m a sober.


Checking in afternoon
Eastcoast is going crazy in walmarts :laughing:
Jampacked cause of a snowstorm were suppouse to get tomorow patience is something ive learned to practice alot during sobriety a win/win for me !


@AdvntrLane congrats on 3 weeks :tada:
@Blake11 congrats on your nic free week :tada:
@apes2020 congrats on 60 days :tada:
@FindingJesse congrats on 2 weeks :tada:
@anon60334405 I’m the same re written Vs verbal communication, I’ve always been this way, words just don’t come when I attempt to talk, sending solidarity. Remember the tattoo is for you, and I like that quote you shared about never being ashamed about your recovery, so wear it with pride :muscle:t2:
@MissDuse congrats on almost 4 years and your baby :tada:

173 days no alcohol.
141 days no cocaine.

I finished the program I’ve been watching early this morning and feel kinda lost without it. Tried to read afterwards but didn’t feel like it so only managed one chapter. I guess it’s restlessness again, but I’ll take that over being as down as I was earlier in the week. Resting my feet due to pain today. Was hoping the sun would make an appearance but it wasn’t to be, maybe tomorrow :pray:t2:

In an hour, the singing programs start, and I love those so I’m excited for that. Gives me something to look forward to all week too :partying_face:.

I love coming here. It always leaves me feeling good, so thank you to all of you for your contributions, we really do have something truly special in TS :blue_heart::raised_hands:t2:



@M-be-free49. @Mno. @Butterflymoonwoman. @Dan531. @CATMANCAM. Thanks guys you rock love yall


Well, I haven’t been hitting myself with anything today, so that’s an improvement, I guess.