Checking in daily to maintain focus #26

I hear you. The high temp on Sunday here will be -8 F. :cold_face:


914 days alcohol free. Went to an alcoholics funeral yesterday. All I can say is Iā€™m glad Iā€™m on the winning side of this messed up battle going on in our brains. Happy Saturday


Holy *%#$ Rosa! Thatā€™s just wrong! Come here and get warm! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :palm_tree:


@MagicMama we all need to hunker down and stay warm, it sounds like!

Icebear, big huge congrats on your 180 days!!! Enjoy some special tea or hot chocolate!

@anon79808082 I think weā€™d all love a trip south right about now, and Maggie is probably wishing she didnā€™t come home!


Great, let us know when itā€™s done.

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Iā€™ll hold an open retreat for my winter friends here, lol


Iā€™ve made that drive a couple times, itā€™s not that bad LOL! Iā€™m there in spirit, trust me!

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Nice one Allen :wink:

Absolutely brilliant your killing it :sparkler::fireworks::tada::sparkles::metal:

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@anon60334405 Iā€™m totally late to the party but huge congratulations on your 1 year. I absolutely LOVE your tattoo. The pizza guy shit is ridiculous but I hope you can see, through this incident, just how far you have truly come. I am so proud of you bro as you keep kicking ass at kicking ass.
@RosaCanDo Late congratulations on 5 months. It has been my pleasure and such an inspiration watching you grow over this time.
@Matt So happy to see this and best of luck to you. ā€œLiving in the presentā€ is my daily goal and feels so much better.
@RyanSA HUGS You & your family are in my prayers. Mourning the loss of a living person stuck in addiction is unfortunately something I too have experienced. Itā€™s not easy but you need to take care of yourself and do your best to let it go.
@littlemisschatterbox WHOOP WHOOP look at you go sister. Your shares and support are greatly appreciated and I am totally inspired by your 500 days.
@Penguin Feeling the feels has been the hardest part of sobriety for me yet the most rewarding in terms of healing. Congratulations on sitting with them and living life on lifeā€™s terms.


Thank you! :pray:
Itā€™s funny how I got used to see the nature in my invironment. I live in a suburb near a protected nature reserve. But I walk there almost every day so itā€™s hard to see the beauty of it sometimes. If I go to work I take a D tour trough it to have a healthy start of the day. I walk a lot, this week I walked 37 km/22 miles :sweat_smile:


Thank you! :+1:t4: congrats on 237!

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Thank you!! Itā€™s definitely nice when they just sneak up! Not every day has been easy but itā€™s been worth it thatā€™s for sure!!

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@Dazercat Congratulations on 400 days. Your presence here, on many threads, is sooo appreciated.
@icebear Congratulations on 6 months. Keep kicking ass at kicking ass & stay warm.
@RosaCanDo, @icebear & @anon79808082 Itā€™s -36 Celsius here today.

235 days. Returned home yesterday from a much needed getaway. Much of my day today will be consumed by cleaning. Came home to 3 adult males in the house and my house looks like a bachelorā€™s pad or a version of Daddy daycare!! I am happy to be home and will enjoy some blasted tunes while I keep my mind busy attacking the house.


Hey! Thanks! Excited for many more months and to get far past my last record of 3 years sober. Just taking it one day at a time tho! :muscle:t4:

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:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: I freaking love him and that show!! However I was shocked and impressed for sure lol you nailed that right on the head!! Bahahaha


Thanks girl. Have a fabulous day

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I didnt really pay attention to what getting your milestone chip meantā€¦until today:-)

Motivated for the next one now! What are the next ones in AA? :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Checking in at the end of day 34. Another sober Saturday. Made pizzas with the kids today. Never done that before. I wonder if itā€™s linked to being sober. :thinking:
Have a great sober day, wherever you are.
Goodnight. :zzz::sleeping: