Checking in daily to maintain focus #26

I send you a virtual hug and really am hoping that you can find some way not ending in jail. What about calling the police when someone is being threatened. It sounds all very complicated and scary to me your personal situation.
Your brother has its responsibility for himself and you for your sobriety. What I read is that you let him go and I guess that’s all you can do. Protect the rest in a peaceful manner and let him go.


Don’t let him destroy your life to be agressieve yourself and end up in jail. Be there for your mother and sisters instead. Search for help: call the police.
Take care, that sounds like a lot to deal with.


I’m here, I’m alive and I’m sober.

Tweenie started the day with going out of bed, having one of her infamous outbreaks again.

Me and my husband had an argument because I’m tired of this shit, and I ain’t intrested in being investigated by the social service.

Had a long talk with Ma this morning, and she said that the situation is going totally out of hands. I agree, I just don’t know what to do about it. Luckily I gave away the only bottle of alcohol we had in the house yesterday (Yep, champagne my husband still drinks occasionally, but he’s one of those moderate drinkers)

We also got unexpected visitors last evening, it was a nice surprise. Old friends that has moved back to a nearby village after years living in the other end of the country. I haven’t even met their youngest son, because they lived so far away. My 18 y/o and theirs now 17 year old and 19 year old was best friends when they lived here. They’re coming back next Sunday for a longer visit. Just moved back and they wanted to stop by and say Hello.

Also I’m trying out one of those magazine/newspaper apps and found a magazine I’m just dying to start reading Southern Lady. So today I plan on sitting in my kitchen in the sunshine, eating some gummibears and read that magazine.

Weigh is starting to look good to, so that’s also a positive thing. I just wish the bigger things in life would be going at the right direction too.

Wishing y’all an amazing weekend. :cherry_blossom:

  1. Just finished my coffee. Had a good long sleep. Feeling pretty good while the whole nation is on high alert for serious winter weather tonight. Will see. For now I’ll enjoy my weekend sober and clean by making a big pot of winter soup with no recipe but my own. And taking some of it over to my bestie and enjoy it together, and hopefully be back home in time before it starts snowing in earnest. Although cycling in snow has its charm too. Have as good a weekend as you all can friends. Clean and sober. Love from my place.

    @I.cant.We.can Brian you make me tired just reading your post. What an energy. Also your prayer moves me. First time ever something like that does. Thanks so much.
    @RyanSA So sorry. I hope you find a way to keep everybody safe without having to resort to violence or something like that. In my thoughts friend.
    @MrsOdh Enjoy your Southern Lady, my Northern Lady. Enjoy your leisure time. You deserve it and you need it. Hugs.

There are millions of families who have lost people they love who will disagree with that statement.
Never means never to people like us or we roll the barrel each time we pick up. I for one am fed up playing Russian roullete with the devil bc one day he’s gonna get lucky too.


Hi! Day 58 for me…
Read an article this morning on doctors weighing in on whether it’s ok to drink after getting the covid vaccine. Phew! They said it’s fine. :unamused:
Another article said my area (NE Ohio) has RUN OUT of beer cans to fill. So they have to purchase a whole new system to use bottles instead.
What the actual fuck. If this doesn’t show what a problem there is with alcohol, I don’t know what does.
This, plus the new alcohol home delivery service (you can get entire bottles of liquor delivered straight to your door) is just infuriating to me. It’s all about money. The state is broke, and they don’t give a shit about helping people along with their alcoholism as long as they get their money. I’m just disgusted.
But, I am sober. Fuck alcohol.
Have a beautiful, sober day people. Stay strong, and don’t give in.


It’s a matter of perspective I think. it might be helpful to think a relapse isn’t the end of our world after we relapsed already. Saying, well, I did quit before, I can do it again. Right now! Because this is not the end of my life, not the end of it all.
On the other hand, IMHO it’s much better to believe and handle and live our life like relapse actually IS the end of our lives when we are sober like we are right now. As it is in a way too, because it will end our sober and clean life. It will land us straight back in all the troubles and bullshit we were in before we got sober. Never I want to be in that hell again! So hell no I’m never going back because that would end all I built since. Congrats on 76 days friend. Have a good sober weekend. Peace.


Damn Bro that’s terrible, it’s even worse when it’s your own family,

You know the drill man, the great escape puts you at risk as well rendering you useless for your family,

I wish I had the answer for you, when they are that far gone it’s hard to reel back…

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Day 34. Checking in. Makes me so happy to see so many people sober and fighting the good fight with me. :wink:
Had a great sleep last night, I’ve been really stressed about my sleep lately, sober sleep without alcohol is something I’m not used too. I usually have to sleep alone (no noise, dark room, cool temperature) to get some rest, and I was feeling quite guilty about it for a while (I thought my husband would be offended). Last night we had a chat that it’s not him, it’s definitely me, and I’m sure my sleep will regulate eventually so I can sleep in the same room as him again someday :joy:. For now I’m doing what I can to survive. Especially when I work the next day.
Today I’m off to the restaurant, hoping it’s a busy day again, can’t think of why so many people want cold vegan wraps and salads when it’s -20 outside, but it’s been very busy lately. Feeling blessed to have found a job I love going to every day.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday!!!


Congrats on your 76 days. My opinion about relapsing is changing over time. I think what you mentioned that it is not or might not be the end of the world is true or can be when you already slipped. When I am actively working in my recovery which I think I am and will until I die this thinking would be like an allowance, the door is not closed just leaned on.

When I read the stories here from people relapsing after long time (maybe many won’t report on this) and how difficult it is for them to start all over again, it makes me humble and sometimes I am in disbelief that they stand there like they never had the former period of sobriety.
That is why I don’t want to dive too deep into thinking of well I did it before, I can come to it back later.


Congratulations on 500 sober days! That is great. And wow how your kids honoured this. You are gifted to have them around you :pray::hugs::sunflower:


Didn’t even realize I would be hitting a month today lol time sped by for me. Waking up to seeing this is a great joyous surprise and I’m so thankful to be here, sober and enjoying more of life’s gifts again!!

Thank you all for being here. You’ve showed myself and others that we aren’t alone and can be heard, understood and even cared for by new people.


Hey all, day 237 for me.

@AdvntrLane Congrats on 1 month! That’s amazing!!

@SoberWalker That picture you shared is beautiful, I’m so jealous you are able to take walks with views like that!

I hope everyone has a relaxing weekend, see you all around TS :love_you_gesture:


Nicely done! Isn’t it great when a milestone sneaks up on you?! I think that means you’re doing something right. Congrats!


Ryan, I have no words… Wishing you all a safe day/evening and a plan to move on with out him interfering in your lives.

Day 152: Today it’s day 2 of our extended polar vortex period, it’s 0 F but feels like -15, the high will only be 5 today, and I hate to break it to my dog but we might skip our walks today. I took her out just around the block yesterday when it was a little less than 10 deg but also windy, and she did fine but started dragging me home and trying to gallop, that’s when I knew she’d had enough of the cold. I feel ya, Lupe, but I do miss the walks myself now! So we will play indoors today and keep warm. No big plans, though I’d like to get cracking on this sweater I’m knitting and finish the sucker so I can move on to a new project.

Amigos, stay strong and stay sober today. Sending my love your way. :heartpulse:






Day 34: Checking in. Echo @RosaCanDo… ^^polar vortex. Appreciating the auto start in my car so I have a warm ride to AA.

Nothing new to share. Settling into this newish routine and feeling healthy and strong. Know I need to start adding some inside activities here soon so we all dont go stir crazy at night. Then adding skiiing lessons once it warms up again.

Kiddos started back in a hybrid school model. So very much needed, both from am acedemic standpoint and a social interaction need.

Hubs made a casual comment last night that when I was drinking “I wasn’t that bad, for the majority of you drinking it was a lot of fun”. I think he is missing his drinking partner. The comment sent my mind into a tailspin. In the end, I made the mental choice to dismiss his words, that this was not about focusing on what he was choosing in this moment to remember, but instead that I am doing this because of the way I felt when I was drinking…and after I woke up from drinking.

I later casually commented on what his brothers were doing this weekend:-) It may be that he needs a break from the new routine that I am in and also have some social time with others. He seemed to go with it and may make a trip this weekend to do some fishing and beer bonding with them.


whew made it. New record!