Checking in daily to maintain focus #26

77 days done. Frustrated this evening because a co-worker has done something that I find painful and offensive. This sort of thing has normally driven me to drink in the past, but not this time. Instead I’m feeling the offense, feeling the pain, and choosing to pray. I forgive him. I don’t think he was being malicious as much as he was just being careless. Hurts all the same though. So, here I am making the right decision, and that’s a win.


Checking in just onother casual Saturday
Grateful that im sober enjoying a horror movie texas chainsaw massacre gives me the jumps :laughing: have a great day everyone !


@RyanSA Sending strength to your whole family.

@AdvntrLane One month! So great!

@icebear Congratulations!

@Petr Wowzer!


Hooray! Way to go, Fleur, on 180 days! I always enjoy seeing your numbers because you are about a month ahead of me and you give me the next thing to strive for. I’m happy for you sticking with this commitment to yourself.


Nicely Done Fleur! :facepunch::heart::facepunch::heart:


I’ve been waiting for your post! 180 days yay! Super duper congratulations to you! :smile:

I hope you are smiling big. You’ve ridden out some tough ones - just good solid evidence that you can do it!

I always love seeing your posts. And tomorrow we get to see 181! Yay! :orange_heart:


14 posts were split to a new topic: Two sips…?

I know it has been 2-3 days since I’ve been on here, and much longer since I have posted. It has been a very busy, but good, last 2 weeks. I have just been working a lot of overtime. Cravings seem to be popping up and weird random times lately, but they can fuck right off.
Will be at 70 days when I wake up tomorrow. I’m trying to catch up now on here.

@RyanSA I’m so sorry you are having to go through this with your brother.

@anon60334405 that tattoo is looking killer and congrats on the 1 year!

@Dazercat way to go on 400 days!

@Harold congrats on 300 days!

@Charlie_C I how your daughter and David get to feeling better, but looks like you guys are having some fun extra time together!

@Thirdmonkey what’d you decide on the cheese factory!!! I think I’d be jealous, but also think working there might ruin cheese for me…and I LOVE cheese!

I know I have missed many many other topics and celebrations… im sorry. Congrats to EVERYONE! Hope you’re all having the best day and weekend you can!


Interview is on monday. I have a lead on a job as a store manager or district manager for a major grocery chain. So, still thinking.


Good luck with the interview! Hope whichever way you go it works out well.


Thank you!!

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We shall see how it all turns out

Day 133. I made some Snickerdoodle cookies this afternoon. Max and I watched the rain from the sofa for a bit. I started watching a true crime thing on HBO (I’m a sucker for a story about a cult). Anyway, it was a quiet day, and we’re going to have another one tomorrow. I may make toad in the hole for breakfast if I’m feeling fancy.

@Misokatsu, congratulations on six months, Fleur!

@RyanSA, I’m so sorry your brother’s reckless behavior is taking such a huge toll on your whole family. It’s so frustrating to want to help someone who doesn’t want to help themselves. Hang in there. You’re staying so strong and helping your sisters so much as you deal with all of this sober.


Thanks Drave appreciate the acknowledgement.
For me, the best part of this post is that you’re 70 days sober. Look at you go!!!

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Thanks Eric. I have enjoyed following your, and many others, journey since I have been here. You always seem to have such good advice for everyone. You also have my cats twin so you have that going for you too lol

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Hahaha, nice snap, @Petr! And good on ya, buddy.

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Congratulations on 180!


Woo hoo! Congratulations on 6 months Fleur!!


Ahhh beautiful Fleur!! Congrats :heartpulse:


Checking in on Day 71 without alcohol. Enjoying this Saturday, relaxing on the couch watching a horror movie :ghost: