Checking in daily to maintain focus #26

Day 112 free from Meth. Seems that altho daytime me has things under control, my subconscious torments me during my dreams, with the frequency increasing. This has been once of the largest reasons for relapse in the past. At least I didn’t get high in my dreams, but it has woken me feeling both dissapointed with my subconscious and also an urge to get high. Quite frustrating.


Good hunting!

Day 222.
Today in numbers:
Woke up to -36C (-33F) with a windchill of -47C (-52.6). brrr!

Set my alarm early to catch this :point_down: (hoping to win a thumbs up from @C_8 :wink:)

I then went back to sleep and magically awoke to 222.33! The day just has to be charmed! I said to myself. There was no daily walk (see above re: brrr), but the sun shone bright into my wee home. There was yoga, coffee, tunes and saturday chores, readings and assignments for my fun writing courses, cooking, checking in here lots too. Perhaps a mundane weekend day on paper, during a pandemic and cold snap no less, but… sober days like today? Nothing beats 'em.

We did another one. You know, we can do it again tomorrow - I believe in us.
G’night, big love to all. :orange_heart:


Congratulations Emm!!!
That’s worth lots of thumbs up :+1::pray::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:




Thank you! I feel like I’ve passed some kind of TS screenshot test! :joy: :rofl: :laughing:


Way to go Fleur! That’s super.


Check in as day 386 winds down.
Had a fantastic day, an emotional day. a day that will bring change.
Did my regular morning routine. Prayers, readings, gratidudes, shower, coffee, text\email or call with mom and sister.
Went to wayside for lunch, played some cards and visited. Cooked pizza dinner and chaired an AA meeting. Walked home it was cold, minus eight degrees but I made it. One of the guys my friend Kevin got me a one year medallion. Sharing about my journey to that actually made me cry, good cleansing tears.
My friend and housemate Dylan is the other reason that I’m emotional. I am almost positive he is in his room relapsing. All the signs that I have seen from his previous relapses are there. He is ignoring my texts and knocks. He ignored calls and texts from some of our other friends too . He isn’t answering the house manager who is asking me whats going on. He just moved in here from one of the five other wayside supportive houses. This disease sucks. They almost kicked him out before but myself, Andy and him suggested he come to this house since the three of us are close. Somehow I am now here almost alone :cry: :cry:
I’m grateful for the other guys that live here and my family, other friends, for TS. but over the last eight months these two are the guys I got the closest with. Recently one of them relapsed and partly smashed his truck now the other, who knows, it really sucks and hurts. I know I shouldn’t take it personally but for some reason I kind of do. I am sick too. FUCKING crying again.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.

God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. you deserve to be happy. ya you!!


Nice catch there lady.
I actually love a mundane sober Saturday. Especially if I can get my walk in. But that’s freaking cold.
Have ya ever thought of moving south?
Just saying…

While I’m here to stay on topic I’ll squeeze my check in here too.
Checking in. Still sober. Very mundane Saturday as well.
Pretty sure I got another one in me tomorrow too.


Day 826 has just begun. No-one brings the coffee in my bed. That sucks.

@I.cant.We.can Brian, keep going on your sober journey. I can imagine how hard it is to lose people on that journey but maybe in some time they will join you again.

I will have another ‘fun’ day in my old apartment painting, cleaning just so to please my beloved landlord. :skull_and_crossbones:

I wish you all a sober and nice weekend and all middle Europeans as not too snowey and slippery one! @Mno


Way to go Petr!!

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Nearly missed this, amazing Fleur!! :popcorn::tada::wink::pray::birthday:


congratulations on your six months… i hope your singing shows were good i enjoy them too and should start watching them again.


Day 394!
Woke up early today! Going on a 16km hike with my best friend. Gonna be fun!

I think I met someone new that’s worth keeping in my life… still early to say but she’s nice. Anti alcohol haha! I guess life will go it’s way.

Have a great sober sunday!

  1. Opening this thread it felt like a chore to do at first, seeing about 100 unread posts. Having read them all, I just feel glad and grateful I did. This Sunday morning I feel so privileged to be able to share a part of all you great brave sober folks’ lives, victories, losses and struggles. It makes me feel so much stronger to be part of this community. Sober and clean together we stand. Love you all.
    Not a day to venture outside. There’s an official snowstorm blowing. And though @M-be-free49 would probably have a walk in her swimsuit with her doggy, for me it looks and feels arctic out there and I’m not going anywhere today. I got all I need right here. No need to go out for booze, or weed, or cigarettes, or whatever mind altering crap I could fuck myself up with. No way. Not today.
    I’m going to stay right here. Read a bit, watch a movie, do some homework for my therapy group, have some more soup and cuddle with Luna. Have as good a day as you all can. Clean and sober. Love from my place. The picture doesn’t do right to the scenes outside.

    @Petr & @M-be-free49 Beautiful guys! Together you make 999.99. Lovely.
    @Misokatsu & @CATMANCAM Yay you both for 180 days of beautiful sobriety. Huge congrats.
    @anon74766472 & @Jonachav123 Funny how just a couple of hundred km’s to the south there’s nothing going on weather wise. Have a great hike Jonathan and strength and success your way Franzi.


Coming for you Conor!


Day 434

Nice @Mno… Always have a pleasure reading your comments…
Your humbleness and confidentiality at the same time its uplifting… .

I wish u all a blessed day


Thanks Ramon. Always nice to see you. Congrats on 434 days, that’s just great friend!

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Congratulations :tada::confetti_ball::balloon: