Checking in daily to maintain focus #26

Doin what I do with you peeps. Thx for the help, support and for just plain being there…Be well Peeps


I’m happy for everyone that continues to keep trying. I made it to almost 6 months and had belief that it was okay to have some alcohol… needless to say now I feel like a failure… just gotta keep trying.


Its not failure, its unfinished success Author Unknown.

Welcome back, @Alynn361! Today just focus on today, its your day to succeed♥️


Excellent work friend! 6 Months is awesome. Enjoy the pyramids. I was there in 1973, 7 years old, and I do remember it. Made some impression right.


Looking good for a Deadman my friend! Love your numbers. Thanks for being here and sharing your sobriety.

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@anon27700620 Congratulations! I would love to go to Egypt.

@Alynn361 Many of us have been there. Eventually the message that no drinking at all is the only way to go sticks. It only has to stick once.


I bet that was cool, Menno. Did they look huge? I can’t imagine standing near them!


I am happy to see you here Amanda. You’re no failure. The past is just that. Tomorrow is still far away. Today is when it happens. Stay sober today and repeat tomorrow. You can’t fail. Get support from us or from any group you feel at home with. Alone it’s too much. Together we can do this. Success.


pretty big yes


Oh WOW! So incredible! And camels, lol.


You were and are adorable still, lol! I bet it was exciting.


your t-shirt looks like the retro logo for CBC only in skulls! brilliant.


Thats an amazing quote qnd much needed :heart: Thank you! I dont plan on leaving anytime soon! :heart:

Its crazy how alone a person can feel, thank you, one day a time!


Congrats :tada::balloon::confetti_ball:

I knew you can do it,

Intuit huh? Wanna do my taxes??

congratulations!! real happy and proud for you :tada::+1:

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Day 135. I’m really struggling with my depression these days, and today it was all I could do to get out of bed and get to work. This will pass. This will pass. In the meantime, let’s talk about the good things that are happening around here:

@anon27700620, congratulations on six months!

@Dolse71, 140 days of awesome sobriety! Huzzah!

@Charlie_C, happy, happy birthday!

@RosaCanDo, I want to see pictures of the home projects! You sound busy in a very good way!

@Tomek, it sounds like you’re doing well. I’m glad the half marathon is giving you a goal to work toward. I can’t wait to see some of your carvings once you get your new tools.


I’m sorry you’re feeling down. As for me in dark times cuddling my dog gives me some sort of calm feeling, that over all this whole stuff has some sense. I’m glad you have Max, I hope he can help you get through this.


Day 224.
Whew! Busy Monday at my desk and on here too!

@Charlie 58 years young and a few days shy o’ the big nine oh! Go you! I hope your grandson celebrated with you in grand style. :relaxed:

@Fargesia_murielae Congrats on 1.5 years! I so enjoy your check-ins. Thanks for sharing. And big yay to small anger.

@Clarity Phew no covid! I hear you on getting back into shape… slow and steady wins the race, I say… (but I’m sprinting to the finish line for your Day 200!)

@anon27700620 Ah, I’m glad you were able to go on your trip! And happy 6 months to you. Amazing job declining the booze on the plane (damn wine pushers!). Looking forward to your diving pics!

@Tomek your statement about carving: “I can’t wait to start, as it completely switches me off.” I love it. I love finding those things that are like meditation but in life. I hope you post more pics of your sculptures/carvings.

@TSan Yes, it will pass, but I hope those clouds pass quickly, friend. I always look forward to seeing your check-ins – rain or shine.

And to everyone else – let’s be proud. We’ve crept, crawled, soared, trekked, floated or otherwise done another day. Let’s go for another tomorrow. I know we can. :orange_heart: