Checking in daily to maintain focus #28

Nice to see you around Bart! Welcome! :blush:

Canā€™t say Iā€™d be an expert in building confidence but I can give what has helped meā€¦

If you need to decide something, make a list of your choices, pros and cons, possible outcomes and also write down your thoughts, fears, reservations (or their opposites). Recognise what aspects you can influence and what you canā€™t. This kind of process helps to see a larger picture and become aware of your thought patterns. Sometimes using reason already helps with a decision making process.

Then addressing your emotional side. Learn to a best friend to yourself. As silly as it sounds, I talk to myself in third person (ā€œOlivia, thereā€™s nothing to be afraid of, youā€™re gonna do your best and that will be good enoughā€, e.g.). Gradually, and I mean gradually youā€™ll build up confidence within yourself. No shortcuts here unfortunately.


If you use the magnifying glass and search you will find it is pretty common. I have had my share, and they are quite distressing, the feelings of disappointment and regret are very real. However, I am 7 months sober and recently in dreams I am the sober one, had to give a drunk person a piggy-back in a dream a few days ago!


Thats great olivia, thanks alot. I will give those a go!

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True that, thanks!

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90 days :grin::hugs::heart::sparkles::rainbow::unicorn::fireworks::sparkler::tada: Proud of you.


Well done @manishc @paws86 @ANew @Teammeyer2021 Some great sober days out there today :+1:


Yup. I still have them occasionally. And for some people they stop having them and for some people like me they still happen once and a while. Alcohol is so embedded in our brains that it will sneak up on you when you least expect it. Let the dream be a dream and try not to let it scare you too much. I know I wake up after dreams like that dreading I have to reset. But then reality hits. Congrats on your sober time!


Thanks :+1::+1::+1::+1:

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Day 296 clean and sober today. Of to a meeting and then going to hang out with my sponsor later today. Hope everyone has an amazing day today, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:



Thank you. I actually got the long weekend off from work! My boss needed some vacation time so we closed the restaurant. Very happy over here. Spending some time relaxing, and going to see my Dad who lives alone today for an Easter Supper. No drinking, which will be different, but nice! Day 35. :blush:


Checking in at the end of day 91.
Thought about drinking a lot today. It has been such a big part of pretty much every occasion in my adult life that it is hard to ignore it on a day like Easter Sunday. We had a nice meal as a family lined up, Iā€™m off work for another week, the sun was shining, etc. etc.
Thankfully, I was able to think it through in a calm and rational way and make a good decision.
I thought about all of the health benefits. I thought about how much it took to get to three months. I thought of the money Iā€™d saved. I thought about having to fess up to you all. It was quite a deep dive.
The thing that I am happiest about though, is the realisation that alcohol does not enhance great days. Great days are just great. Just because I have drunk alcohol on many of the great days in my life, doesnā€™t mean that it is the alcohol that has made them great.
I found myself observing my day today almost like a science experiment. The food tasted better. The conversation was better. I didnā€™t get grumpy and ruin things because someone did something minor that I didnā€™t like. The atmosphere around the table was lovely. Best of all, the second part of my day existed. I was able to spend time with my kids and the Skype my parents this evening.
Life is so much better now.
Have a great sober day, wherever you are.
Goodnight. :sleeping::zzz:


Nice scary catch there Menno
Congratulations on 666 of the new you. You rock.


Nice @Mno!!! Congratulations!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Congratulations on knocking out a months worth of One Days At A Time.
Good for you Adele.
Thatā€™s HUGE :boom::boom::boom:


Quick check in. Studying, studying, studying this weekend.

@Rockstar24777 I just wanted to say I think about you every day, I just canā€™t seem to muster up the right words to say. Youā€™re truly an inspiration and awe inspiring :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Congratulations on a full month @ANew!! :tada: :partying_face:

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Iā€™m on Day 30.
I am not obsessing over my relapses. Today I am just someone who doesnā€™t drink.
Sunny and 70 degrees where I am.
Heading to a friendā€™s house with SO this afternoon. My son dates her daughter and her son is his roommate. Soā€¦we parents with our adult children. We will be 9 or 10. I am bringing rolls, glazed carrots, salad and mini cheesecake tarts that I made last night.
Happy and grateful and sober.
Happy Easter to those that celebrate.
Happy Sober Sunday to all.


Wow! Nice catch @Mno!! When I see 6ā€™s, @Mephistopheles comes to mind. :joy:


Congrats on your 30 days. Have a nice Easter.