Checking in daily to maintain focus #28

Day 7 checking in! I feel good I’ve been much more productive in these 7 days. Still have urges to reach for a drink but I’m hanging In there


Congratulations @AyBee!!! Day 301 clean and sober today. I love how we all watch each other grow and how we are all walking this path together sober. What a blessing to have each other, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Lol :joy: that’s my Dad. :wink: The top pic is the last pic I ever took of my mom. Well obviously I didn’t take it. Not bad for 88? Sometimes I wish I could have been sober for them when they were alive. As my dad would always say “oh well what the hell.” So they are part of my inspiration now!
I’m out of the numbers game until quintuple fives. I hope. Too nerve wracking.
I hope you are well.
Thanks for the mention.
BTW. I’m not a big Marvel fan. But I love Deadpool. Nice pick :heart:


Take your meds! If you don’t like them talk to your doctor before you stop. My son did that twice and ended up in a psych ward both times. Not knowing where the fuck he was or who I was. He swears now he’ll never do that again. Talk to your doctor.


I mean cmooon does it get any better then this in love with my line of work 19 days sober I’m feeling OUT F***
STANDING :tada::tada::tada::tada:HOORAY ME I LOVE MEE AND I LOVE YOU GUYS CAUSE wee are TS FAMILY Sober is the path to be oh so HAPPY :rofl: Seriously tho


Not bad at all. And your Mom looks great too! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Seriously, they’re lovely photos, and I love your Dad’s saying. That generation is/was awesome, IMHO.

Those last two numbers let you off all other numbers :partying_face::kissing_heart:

All good here. Trying and failing to enjoy my work. Hey Ho. :woman_shrugging:t3: Hope you have a lovely day/weekend! :kissing_heart:


Oh the addictive brain is strong in this one :grimacing:
It might be screaming at you this weekend. Early on, and still, I start every day with gratitude. Be grateful for the wonderful things and feelings you have when your sober. That always knocked my addictive brain down a peg. And early on when I wasn’t motivated. It’s ok. You don’t have to be motivated. Can you walk? I would put on some music and walk. Twice maybe 3 times a day. I was surprised, after I powered walked my ass off, how good I felt. Another punch to the addict brain. If I could just do those 2 things early on and not pick up it was a win. And you got all of us here to help. You don’t even have to interact. Look at pet picks. Look at memes. Look at the inspiring pictures of nature thread. Use us.


“Okey dokey pokey locky”
Another Dadism. They were so cute in their old age. Unfortunately, stubborn fucking pains in the ass. I can’t wait :crazy_face:
Glad I’m off the hook.


Another day of hope and promise taking off like a rocket…be well everyone…


Checking in today with a day full of work meetings ahead of me. It’s going to be a long and mentally draining day! I’m going to keep positive about it, pop in here a couple of times during the day, and at the end of it all I will take my dog for a walk instead of going to the store. That’s the game plan anyway. :slightly_smiling_face:

Have a wonderful Friday all!! :sunny:


I’m so sorry for the loss of your brother Marc.
Your writing about it here is very beautiful and so inspiring :rose:
Thanks for the hope.


@DougM congrats on triple digits :100::tada:
@Dolse71 congrats on 200 days :tada:
@OfTheNorth congrats on 60 days :tada:
@AyBee congrats on 700 days :tada:
@Wunderbar so sorry to hear about your Uncles condition, I’m glad you were able to see him, I pray the end is as peaceful and comfortable as these things can be. :pray:t2:
@Julied congrats on 60 days :tada:
@manishc if you feel okay without the meds then great, but there is no shame in needing medication. Perhaps a convo with your doctor to trial weening off them gradually would be safer so you can be monitored.
@Jes congrats on your week :tada:

242 days no alcohol.
210 days no cocaine.

We still haven’t exchanged, so I’m having a bonus weekend in my beloved flat. It will probably be the last. I don’t have internet apart from on my phone as it was disconnected yesterday, so I can’t watch any Netflix or Prime and I don’t have a TV license so I don’t watch regular TV. So I’m feeling really glad I’ve got the packing of my kitchen still to do to keep me busy. It feels like a big job but once I get started I’m sure I’ll enjoy it like I have with all the other packing :smiley:

I didn’t get an interview this time round for the job I was hoping to get. I don’t know what any of this means at this point. I tend to feel inclined to listen to what the universe tells me when it’s repeated itself plenty of times.

Really amazing to see everyone doing so well here, despite trials and losses and addict voices trying to lead us back to the hell we escaped from. I’m proud of all of us :star2::trophy:


So DMX’s music was played all through my childhood. His death hits me pretty hard. Rest In Peace Earl Simmons. :tired_face::pray:t5:


Congratulations @Rockstar24777 my sober twin brother for making it to 300 days with all the shit that life has thrown at you recently. :fist_right::fist_left:


Thanks @Piglet and congratulations to you too bro! I can hardly wait for us to get a year clean and sober! Have an amazing day Graham, glad to be on this journey with you :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Hahaha thanks @CapriciousCapricorn f**k yeah!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Son of a bitch. He didn’t make it?

Damn. If it was the late 90s or most of the 2000s and you had DMX on your track, you knew it was going to be a hit. May he rest in peace.


Unfortunately, he passed away. Only 50. Shits devastating.

  1. Still not feeling good but I now have answers. My cortisol levels are low and am almost in Adrenal crisis. I went to work today and I was sent home. I was told to go straight to the pharmacy and start the meds right away or I could end up in a coma. Nothing like scaring me to death. It does explain all my symptoms I’ve been having. I am trying to stay positive but I’m home in bed again like I have been for the past 2 weeks. My main worry is what’s next…I have another specialist to see. I will get through this I have faith. Happy Friday Sober fam. Hope you all have a great weekend :purple_heart:

So good to have answers! Wishing you a speedy recovery.