Checking in daily to maintain focus #28

Jeez, that is scary. Will be praying these meds help immensely and you can get to feeling better again. Hope you have a good weekend too. :heart:


Way to go Graham!!
300 days :+1::+1:

Hi Chad,
I can relate to your pain. In December my mother had her non-palliative medicine withdrawn and lasted a week. Strangely she had appeared in a dream very strongly and told me when she had decided to die while she was still lucid. She got it right! Her guiding spirit appeared to her disguised as a doppelganger of me as she was convinced I was in her house and had to go round looking. That may all be nonsense or co-incidence but my regret is that my sister set herself up as power of attorney and would not let her die at home as she wished. She expressed her wish to go home to me and I said she had the mental capacity to override the power of attorney but my sister is very controlling and I had no legal right to challenge that according to her solicitor. I could rant for hours on that but I really just wanted to say I know how sad it is when someone is at the end of their and there is nothing you can do about it. I also stole morphine from him but always ensured he had enough, repeat scripts seemed quite easy to get then. That’s in the past for both you and I. I hope your uncle is comfortable and passes peacefully. My thoughts are with you.



Congratulations on 300!! :+1:

… the second screenshot made me dizzy :sweat_smile::joy:

Edit: Is there a time limit on the moving gif thingys? Snoopy is supposed to be dancing :upside_down_face:


Day something.

Falling apart. Raw. Sad. So very sorry and sad about everything.

the person I need the most, whose love I’m craving like crazy… is ME!

Tonight I’ve seen a glimpse of the importance of loving yourself with love that is patient, kind, compassionate and unconditional.



Days don’t really get better.
I suppose that there is a spectrum, from functioning pretty well, all the way through to being so depressed that I find it hard to do my work.
Of course, working 7 days a week provides me with a good place to run and hide from the world. It’s just as well that I work / live alone. I can’t imagine that ANYONE would want to be around a perpetually depressed person. Even I’m sick of myself… not that that’s anything new.


Hello Love, we are here for you too :heart:


I thought we had a thread somewhere for positive news as a counterweight to all the sh*t in the world. Can’t find it. So I put it here: Yesterday over here a truck driver saw a person that was about to jump from an overpass on to a busy highway. Truck driver stops his truck, against the flow of traffic, right under the overpass the moment the person jumped. Person lands on roof of truck. No serious injuries. :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :hugs:


Good to see you!! My #1 fan!!! :blush:

This made my day!


Good to see you too! :wink:


Checking in, day 5. Starting to wonder if AA is for me. Going to explore some other avenues, like recovery dharma. Whatever it takes… sober is better. Hangovers suck!! Happy Friday to all :purple_heart:


Well i don’t want to talk poorly about the program and it may just be my current experience with my sponsor. I just feel that there is a lot of drudging up of the past that I personally feel may be better done with a therapist. I do like the meetings and prayer though. I just feel a bit confused at the moment.


Oh, I’m so happy! :tada::clap::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Thanks Dan! :hugs:
I heard your weather is beautiful up there today and tomorrow… :sunglasses:

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Thank you so much

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I just saw this!! Yes sir… that’s how you do it! Fantastic job. You get alllll the ice cream! :hugs:


@anon27700620. I’m sorry to hear that. Truly. Battling addiction and depression is a double whammy. And as the numbers show – so often hand in hand. I see you have been on the site for quite a while. And I hope you have made connections here that make you feel better. And people here do want to be around a perpetually depressed person. No judging it seems. I hope better for you!! And I’m glad you are here.


Checking see how everyone is doing . me been sober for a month


Yes I forget sorry thank u reminding me

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According to your profile, you’re a little over 3 weeks sober. You posted that you were a week sober a few days ago. Now you’re at a month?

I guess sobriety comes easy for you. The 1st month was a huge challenge for me. It was an hour at a time on most of those days. You bet I kept track of every single night my head hit that pillow sober.