Checking in daily to maintain focus #29

Love this. :revolving_hearts:
Inspirational. :boom::muscle:t2:

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Iā€™m here, Iā€™m alive and Iā€™m sober.
Day 253
Paā€™s birthday today.
No news from the hospital yet.

We just discovered that the stairs leading upto our house. A concrete stair, is literally falling apart. The reinforcing bars is crumbling like crackers, just like the concrete underneath. So the summer garden project is kinda sealed already. And my drivers license seems very far away at this point.

But at least weā€™ll get some things done around the house, thatā€™s always a good thing.

And until Iā€™ve heard anything else from he hospital Pa is still alive so thatā€™s also good.

My teacher moved the project plan deadline from today to Wednesday for me, and thatā€™s also a good thing. Unfortunately I still donā€™t have a project because I canā€™t focus on thinking. But hopefully thatā€™ll change soon.

Tweenie is still at her Maā€™s place, they didnā€™t want to get her back here because they were having a cold. So sheā€™ll be back Saturday or Sunday instead.

So itā€™s nice anf calm here for another week. Itā€™s nice that I donā€™t have to try to deal with her on top of everything else. Iā€™m not sure I could do that.

Happy Monday everyone.


Congratulations @apes2020 That must feel amazing. Your description of the perfect weekend has made me desperate for the next weekend already :heart_eyes:


Really helps reading through the comments here, Iā€™m 3 days into my 1st time wanting to go alcohol free after god knows how long being a heavy user, it causes me no end of problems and want to escape its grasp instead of making excuses for it. Thank you people for sharing your different difficult stories and feelings :metal:


I think part-time so you can focus on recovery is perfect. Last year I worked 3/4 days a week only and used the rest of the time to focus on mental health. And piss about on YouTube, but mostly focus on mental health.

@MrsOdh Sending strength to your father.


Thatā€™s awesome, congratulations :heart:

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Good morning friends, day 177! Up early this morning with David! Emily wasnā€™t feeling well so we kept him overnight. Taking him to his preschool in a few minutes.
We had a big motherā€™s day celebration at our house yesterday for 5 different moms. 3 generations of momā€™s! Dinner was awesome! Linda made a lasagna from scratch and also a baked ziti. Salad, garlic bread and lots of desserts. It was nice but a bit hectic. I went through about 6 diet cranberry ginger ales! I was happily sober through it all!

Have an awesome day! Iā€™m going to do mine sober!


Good morning you beautiful people. ā€¦

I truely thought i was at breaking point, so i did what i do best i hid well under my bed sheets, the tic attacks have not been pleasentā€¦ I have an appointment with the nerologist so will see where it leadsā€¦
Takeaways have been the only option as i really canā€™t cook without some dick deciding it looks nice on the floor :rofl:ā€¦

These days/weeks are where i want to be chemically enhanced but nope the gremlins have not won because im fucking committed to a life outside the pure hell of addictionā€¦

Keep going as all of us deserve to be free of the addiction that has spun our lives out of controlā€¦

As always be kind to yourself :call_me_hand::facepunch:

  1. I dont know how it is everywhere else, but here we have one heck of a worker shortage. I might be the only buisness fully staffed. I am having a hard time finding gratitude in that. My people are greatā€¦I should have a warm heart. What troubles meā€¦I am trying to overstaffed my store so they will be fine when I go on vacation. Nothing I can but keep on trying to find that extra person.

YouTube is a non negotiatble must have time for me daily as well lol :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I like to squeeze in my YouTube time in the mornings and watch a bunch of motivational stuff. Stuff that primes me for my day so to speak :hugs: I couldnt live without youtube lol :joy:


Oh my lord girl you need some blessings sent your way !! You are plagued with issues coming at you one after the other :grimacing: im going to keep you in my prayers tonight that the stair gods work there magic and send you a miracle OK :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::heart::pray::kissing_heart:


You are strong to keep going through the hard times!


Day 332 clean and sober today. Have a great day everyone, love you guys :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Checking in on day 330, have a great start to the week everybody!


Hey! Our sober dates are similar! Itā€™s nice to have a ā€œsober twinā€ along the journey! I also did a big move across Europe in February, what a coincidence! Where are you headed?
Great job on staying sober at a bar and opening up to people :partying_face: I just recently started to tell my friends I had a problem, itā€™s only taken me 3 years talk to someone about it :flushed::sweat_smile:, but I feel so relieved!!! Iā€™m finally not trying to do it alone and itā€™s making all the difference so far. Youā€™re doing great :raised_hands:


Itā€™s Monday and I woke-up Alcohol and Cannabis free! Diving into my Annie Grace Experiment, and then off to PT to address my sacroiliac issues.

Mindful, Grateful and feeling Blessed!

I hope the day/evening treats you folks well!

Stay your courseā€¦keep rising and keep thriving! Never stop fighting for you, because you are worth the fight beautiful soul!



Checking in at the end of day 127.
Went to bed late last night because I was watching the Grand Prix (it starts at 9pm here), so Iā€™m going to bed early tonight.
Have a great sober day, wherever you are.
Goodnight. :sleeping::zzz:


1007 days alcohol free happy miserable Monday


Checking in Day 1 no Alcohol complete Iā€™m going to keep coming back and never stop until I achieve it until It becomes a way of life again Marijuana I have 2 years I donā€™t smoke it cigarettes coming up on 60 days overall optimistic for the future I start my old local job back today looking forward to it and Iā€™ll keep coming in !


Glad youā€™re still here!! Keep fighting the good fight, we got your back :muscle: