Checking in daily to maintain focus #29

Hi all. Can’t tell you how glad I am that I found this community. Started my journey to recovery yesterday so it’s my first full day today. Seems harder than when I’ve just ‘had a day off’ maybe just the thought of it bring permanent this time.


Beautiful. I like your approach to these days. Took me to some deep places. Thank you.


D 215

Forgot to set my alarm, so I woke up way too late and I’m still feeling drowsy. Got a new haircut, which I like a lot :heart_eyes: Spent a day without my phone doing simple fun stuff.

I wasn’t able give much value to little things and simple fun stuff while depressed and hurting. I’m beginning to see them in a different light nowadays. I’m learning to nurture my soul with beauty and gratitude because life is unpredictable. You never know when shit hits the fan. It’s a form of self compassion I think - giving myself a break and consolation.


Thank you, you are the sweetest. What a lovely post, so thoughtful

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  1. Ms. Monkey and I have been together for 9 months today. The only way I have those 9 months with her…sobriety. I read relapse threads…in the beginning relapse seems so damn easy. It seems like a fight to stay sober. For me it was a battle. Today’s 9 month anniversary is one of many reasons I am so happy I fought that fight in the beginning.

If you are facing a relapse, just know that if you fight through it and dont give in…you are giving yourself a great future…probably one you cannot even imagine.


I love that little guy!!! Thanks for the nature fix!

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Welcome Kris! You’re in the right place! Read, read, read around here all you can and stick around. You’ll make some new friends and meet some really nice, supportive and funny people from all around the world!


Good morning friends - day 171! Very sleepy this morning - busy weekend and then busy again yesterday. We spent the evening doing some more planting and laying mulch… we have had 8 yards of pine bark mulch delivered recently and the big pile at the back end of my driveway is getting smaller… I’ll send some pics of all of our handiwork soon.
Chatted with my brother yesterday - Dad has begun some mild physical therapy in the hospital (trying to walk, etc…) and they will move him to their rehab wing soon. After he is done with his rehab/PT, we feel that his dementia has now progressed to the place where he won’t be able to live at my brother’s home with them any more. We are starting to evaluate our options. It is sad. He was a big tough Marine - but now 85, frail and a bit lost. Without prompting by my sister-in-law, he doesn’t seem to even remember me much on the phone.
Have an awesome day! I’ll do mine sober!


Good morning. 4 month check in. Strong in sobriety and strong in becoming the woman I am proud of.


Congratulations on 4 months!! Keep up all the hard work :+1:


I’m checking in on day 324, excited and grateful for another week of sobriety.

Taking back everything alcohol took from me, one day at a time :muscle:


Good morning. Lots of folks racking up some SERIOUS numbers. I am joyfully on Day 60. There is no way I will not be crowing “I have Sixty Days” tomorrow. I just feel good these days. I get a great deal out of this place. Just reading and relating several times a day. It is making a difference every single day.


Day 14 sober. I am cautious about my progress. Almost every milestone is triggering. Specially week 2 or week 3


Feeling as though I need to do more to help others. My job is truly rewarding in that department but I don’t need to be paid to make others feel good. I hope you all have a wonderful today. Keep shining :heart:


Day 21 Feeling tired after going for walks on Sunday and Monday. I’m definitely out of shape…lol. Now off to work, have a good day everyone!!


That is so great to hear, April. My recovery has been strengthened so much by working the steps. I wish the same for you!


Day 326 clean and sober today. Registered for classes yesterday then went and talked to the director of the program. He said he hasn’t heard from the big boss yet so I’m going to back off for awhile and let things happen as they are meant to be in their own time. So proud of all of us doing this recovery thing together ODAAT. I really love you guys, have a kick ass day!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Congratulations @Mbwoman, @MagicMama and @Thirdmonkey great job!!! Really happy for you @apes2020 and good job @Bomdhil! Also proud of @Complicatedmama for making it through clean and sober, good luck on getting your house!!!


Proud of you @Tomek!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Aww, thanks L! I have been lurking occasionally for a little over a week. Posting very sparsely or in private. I will forever love this place and I am totally grateful for the path that TS set me on. But I have been leaning on my program, my HP and my sponsor a lot more lately and my life is full. It is paying dividends in so many areas of my life but I’m not sure if I will make Regular status with my inability to keep up with the forum. :crazy_face:
