Checking in daily to maintain focus #29

@apes2020 So happy to hear you have programming in place. I really hope it’s a good fit and the added support you’ve been looking for.
@Complicatedmama Awesome job on the disposal and congratulations on placing an offer on a house.
@SoberWalker Happy to see you back Claudia and looking forward to your updates.
@Thirdmonkey Happy anniversary to you & Ms Monkey.
@MagicMama Congratulations on 4 months Maggie. Miss you lady :kissing_heart:
@Mbwoman Congratulations on 60 days
@Bomdhil Congratulations on two weeks. Give yourself credit for where you are & continue fighting the good fight one day at a time.
@Licorice Congratulations on 3 weeks.

322 days. Hit a bit of a snag with our sitter and won’t be starting my new job until tomorrow. It is what it is but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t at least a lil disappointed. Online learning will start soon and I need to hop in the shower and reframe my mind. Awoke feeling irritated with no reason other than thoughts of the roommate. I’m determined to get through “this” the best I can but will feel so much better once a date has been set for his residency here to end. My man had a “talk” with him about his attitude toward me and the small talk that ensued yesterday was more annoying than anything. I haven’t experienced this desire of avoidance with someone since I was in elementary school and it’s annoying as f*$k. I feel weak for having this desire and related feelings and may need to reach out for help to positively get myself through it.


I love this Tony. Very well put.
It is amazing how we will cut ourselves down. But we would go to bat and praise everyone else for even just a single day. I hope I can remember this if I see someone being negative about their days of sobriety. Every day is a freakin gift and an accomplishment.
Can’t wait to celebrate with you.


Congratulations on your 3 weeks Licorice.
That’s terrific. Great job :clap:


What are you doing different this time Rich?

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Congratulations on your first full day Kris.
I always have trouble thinking I’m not drinking permanently. To tell you the truth forever scares the shit out of me. All I know is I’m not drinking today! And I’m probably not drinking tomorrow. And that’s worked for me from day 1 to day 488. I’m glad you found this place too. It’s worked wonders for me.


Checking in 492 days substance free.

May the 4th be with you too Laura @littlemisschatterbox


Thank you, it really means a lot to me!

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Congats on your 4 months of recovery Maggie.

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You have been given a huge resource here April I am so happy for you. Congrats on everything finally falling into place for you. It just shows it you keep at it, if you never stop knocking at those doors eventually the right one will open. Hope you had a super first day.


So happy for ya Maggie. Way to go on your 4 months!!



I can really understand this Thomas. I have a hard time seeing my day counter for self injury, I find if I don’t have it there in my face every morning the urges sometimes don’t appear for me. If it is there on my day counter I have urges all day, everyday and have been eventually slipping. After my last slip I just didn’t add a counter, I have no idea what day I slipped and frankly it doesn’t matter. What matters to me is that I am healing inside around why I act out this way.
I wonder if counting days may also be a trigger for you? Have you ever tried not counting?


Today I’m at 4months. Been here before just praying it my last time getting 4 months. Thanks everyone for all your help and support truly appreciate it.


Congratulations on your 4 months Juan. :clap::clap::clap: It’s great to see you around here. Have you had a chance to check out the gratitude thread yet? It’s my strongest tool. Daily Gratitude List #2
Keep up the great work.


Checking in on day 311! Busy day at work as usual today…and making sure I have everything ready for court in July…hanging in one day at a time though. No drinking thoughts or anything like that. Super glad to have this community over the past almost year!


3 days. First time saying I am an alcoholic. 20+years. Just tired and bored with it. Not much for talking to people face to face so I like this format. Thanks.


Hello :raising_hand_man:

I haven’t had a chance to read through the Recovery Dharma thread yet. I’m expecting a whole lot of positive energy over there :grin:


Waking up sober everyday for 4 months is a blessing!!! Great job putting in all that hard work, you have earn that gift.
Happy to be able to celebrate this milestone with you.


Congrats. I am glad you’re here.

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How well you summed up my feelings today. When I finished @ the gym today I thought about stopping @ the store to get wine but my very next thought was that what was the point because tomorrow I would still be living this current reality just with a hangover, nope don’t want that.

Funny thing is that when you actually face reality and deal with it, that’s when you have the power to change it. No more running away :expressionless: