Checking in daily to maintain focus #29

Aww gee, thank you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



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Checking in. Iā€™m still so fucking depressed, I canā€™t seem to find any sense or purpose in anything. Luckily no cravings, just living one day after another looking forward to fall asleep. I hope it soon will be over. Yet Iā€™m glad that Iā€™m sober.


Thanks so much @CATMANCAMā€¦ I hope you feel better soon, sending hugs :hugs::balloon:

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Great progress Mielle! I hope you benefit as much as I have from step work.

Congrats on your days. :heart:


Thank you so much! :hugs::heartpulse: I hope so too! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Was already aware.


@Tomek sorry youā€™re going through a tough time but how brave you are for sharing and helping build others stillā€¦ Youā€™ll feel better again, nothing lasts forever, even pain. Stay strong and well done on maintaining your sobriety, itā€™s inspiring :slightly_smiling_face:


Hiya, thatā€™s tough! Good for you, thatā€™s not easy. I hope you too have a wonderful time together for the birthdays.


I love the quote and itā€™s so true. People who you thought were friends end up not being there when you need them once you are sober. People would say I was just being guy cause I was sleeping around and sending pics to all kinds of women. But my addiction wasnā€™t just me being a guy sleeping around. Itā€™s a lot more than that and they didnā€™t understand it. But keep your head up and stay your path.

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Cracked day 2 today :partying_face: Was feeling really good and proud of myself after a relatively stressful day at work I didnā€™t have any cravings. Got home, partner in a being really supportive, took the dogs out, I thought ā€˜im home clear hereā€™ then after the dinner the urges hit like a tidal wave :confounded:. Took some advice from messages Iā€™d seen in this group and others on ways to distract myself and refocus and am pleased to say Iā€™m now off to bed with the sobriety streak still in tact. 1 day at a time! :pray:


Well done on getting through today, remember donā€™t listen to the lies in your head. Action action action!!!


Had a busy day at work, but never thought about drinking. Grilled a couple of nice ribeye steaks for dinner. Now watching the storm clouds build in the west. Finishing up a successful day 172!


Thatā€™s an amazing achievement after everything you been throughā€¦ you will have the bug now :slightly_smiling_face:

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@Desire2ChangeToday Happy Birthday but sorry to read its been a tough one for you :bouquet:

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Get to bed early, old man!
Happy birthday sweetie! :four_leaf_clover::bouquet:


Checking in on day 20. Today I woke up in shock and realized that there is so much adulting that I need to catch up on ā€¦ Jesus Christ. I was busy being a depressed pile on the couch for the last 2 weeks, so I missed a lot. Moving countries and getting my degree approved is messy and frustrating and I didnā€™t want to deal with it.
I saved up to take off half a year off work to have time to move and to finish my thesis. My 6 months are coming to an end, even when my thesis is not :sweat_smile:
Iā€™ll be starting a part time job at the vaccination center soon, thatā€™ll give me some structure, pay my bills for now and buy me enough time to get everything in order and to apply for jobs. It could all have been avoided if I hadnā€™t vanished in an epic relapse, sigh. Life happens while weā€™re busy making other plans, right? Iā€™ll work my way out of it, one day at a time :+1:


Just teasing, Iā€™m jealous, I wish I was!

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Iā€™m 36 but feel a lot older than that.

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Awwā€¦ I miss that word! :smile:

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