Checking in daily to maintain focus #30

Don’t worry about events down the line and just focus on what you need to do to stay away from it. Get a accountability buddy-tell your friends and family you are done drinking. Rally the troops around you…none of us did this alone


Yeah it’s been a adventure, my bike fell off the jack. Got scratched up a little bit. Luckily the girls weren’t near it. But still a good day tire is off and getting ready to put the new one on


C’mon Dan. Say it! FUCK FENTANYL!!
No fucken way. It’s stolen enough of your life.
Not today Dan. Just for today.


Loving this number Charlie…keep making it climb…always rooting for you!

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Thank you @SassyRocks that means a lot to me thank you


Hey Julia.
I’ve posted this before. Thought I’d share it with ya.
Quitting both at the same time can be pretty tough. And ya they do go hand in hand. Anyway. Check this out if you like. I hope it can help.


Way to go Charlie.
It’s great to see you constantly working it.



Sorry buddy. But I’m not letting you catch me. :crazy_face: But I’ll be happy to continue blazing the trail.


@anon27760155 congrats on 10 months :tada:
@Joyce19 congrats on double digits :tada:
@eph-M-eral congrats on 11 months :tada:
@Hopeful777 belated happy birthday! :balloon::birthday::gift::partying_face:
@SoberWalker sorry about the creeps, I agree with Menno, report them, it’s so inappropriate and invasive.
@anon53116147 welcome back, you’ve got this, you sound determined :muscle:t2:
@Charlie_C congrats on 200 days :tada:
@dalex77 I hope you’re okay? Sending strength :pray:t2:
@Singtone congrats on 150 days :tada:
@JuliaLuna I have quit cigs a few times myself, currently still vaping so feel like I’m not the best to give advice, but chewy things helped me in the past when I’ve quit cold turkey, like really chewy sweets or chewing gum, and 2 other times I’ve used Champix, it literally takes away the cravings, not sure where you are or its it’s available, I’m in the UK, I think the drug name is Varenicline. Also, reminding yourself if you’ve done one day, you can do another, and so forth.

296 days no alcohol.
264 days no cocaine.
19 days no binge-eating.

I feel a little out of sync from doing exercise later in the day, usually I’d be checking in a few hours ago, having dinner, and be getting into bed for sleep around now, but this week, I’m only now checking in, at after 8pm UK time, haven’t had dinner yet but will once I’ve hit reply. I’m thinking maybe it will work as it’s still light outside so not so conducive for falling asleep early as it has been, it just feels really strange and I have a fear of late nights because they remind me so much of active addiction hell, I start panicking and my chest goes tight and my heart races.

I couldn’t help smiling to myself as I was swimming today, like who is this guy!? I can’t believe I’m actually exercising again, and not caring what anyone thinks of me :exploding_head: I honestly feel that it’s because of the elimination of the self-loathing that bingeing caused, this ED therapy is changing my life! :raised_hands:t2: Session 4 tomorrow afternoon, looking forward to trying to seem proud of myself so hopefully she won’t feel like she’s having a ‘party for one’ again :smile:


Ekkk getting close to 300!!!


@dalex77 Hey Dan, you have a good buzz going in your life. That shit will just fuck you up, not to mention the hell of withdrawals you told me about. HELL NO!
Tells us what you need to get thru this? Can we help somehow?


Happy for you on your day three! @Betteroffbaby One day at a time, you can do it! Keep checking in!

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Day 38.
11 degrees.

Not much to report. Feeling good. Woke up at 5.20am naturally. Love that for me :pray:

@Charlie_C 200!!! Nice work charlie :tada: love having you around here :hugs:
@dalex77 Dan stay with us :pray:
@Rockstar24777 rob how are you feeling today?
@JuliaLuna Julia congrats on getting to 2 :tada: stay with us :heart:
@CATMANCAM Tyler I’m so proud of you for sticking with swimming :hugs:

So our lockdown has been extended again by another week. We were due to reopen tomorrow but its been extended. So another week of zooms and no gym or work.

I’m proud of myself this time around with no online shopping and no uber eats! I did buy one book from Amazon yesterday, it was only $12 and it is a book I’ve wanted for a while , so I don’t think that was naughty. A book is brain food right ?? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: gotta feed my brain :joy:

Also normally by now I would of spent all my pay already. But with 5 days left till pay day, I still have half of my pay in the bank , that I have put away in a special savings account. This is a goal I’ve tried every fortnight to do but fail every time. I always end up spending it and still leave myself with only enough cash to make sure I get my morning coffees and food each day. This time I finally made a change and adulted !! I cant actually touch the money or see it, its in an account that is hidden. Great idea. Highly recommend it if anyone wants to save. If I can see my funds on my app, I wake up every morning and I end up shopping online before the sun has even risen and before I’ve even finished my morning coffee… I spent tens of thousands last year in lockdown. This time around I feel good and have not made that mistake again.

Its taken me 41 years but I think I’m finally learning how to be responsible with money :joy:


You sir are a legend!!!


You done amazing :clap: so happy to read you back on track


Good girl, April!
I’m the only one in my family that’s good with money; my mother and sister are jealous and they say I still have the first dollar I ever made, lol. I grew up with it always being an issue and fights in the family so I learned early that my money is mine! :joy:
I’m really happy to see you doing great!


SO proud of you !!!


Hi TS,I’m on the cusp of 60 days, More than 60 miracles to get me here today,just a question…I was wondering what is going to entitle my thread to go into a different category? got demoted (by TS ADMIN?) to RELAPSES,which I was a bit annoyed about,(probably thought fuck it I’ll carry on relapsing for a while then,(resentments))…I think it was in LIFE IN RECOVERY, so I’d really appreciate going back in that category?..thanks in advance :pray::grimacing::grimacing:


2nd check in. Had a very good day, work went well, my lady did amazing with her supervised visit, made my day.

Thank you for all you birthday wishes :heart:

Was on my own this eve , and did think - one would be nice, but read again my journal of my last relapse which is in such detail it makes me shudder… those thoughts stopped, could not bear the tomorrow. Walked my :dog2: .
@Rockstar24777 sending some comfort your way.
@Charlie_C massive congratulations on 200 days…
@anon53116147 welcome back :slightly_smiling_face:
Wishing you all a strong night or day🙏


@Hazy, Robin explains the trust levels in this link.