Checking in daily to maintain focus #30

It went fine. Nothing to be scared about, in case anyone else is planning on going in for some dental work.

Bye for now…


Day 26.
2 degrees (!!! :grimacing:) OK its freezing! What is going on, we are not even in winter, its autumn! :thinking:

@MrsOdh Sophia i am so sorry about your dad. It breaks my heart time hear. Hugs xx PS… The univerese has to give you a break sometime soon, right? You have had one stressful event after the other. You are a beautiful person, somethings gotta give soph, it will get better xx

@Lisa07 Lisa I’m sort your tummy is playing up. Hope it clears up soon :hugs:

@marcusmaximus2000 congrats on 500! :tada::pray::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

@anon53116147 mike, glad your back. I think you need to do the daily work to keep you on course, ask your higher self for the strength, not god, because ultimately its going to be you who is doing the work these coming days /weeks/months. We all believe in you. Chin up eyes forward :hugs: and when did you study to do tattooing!? Sounds like you have found a passion you can focus on instead of using again :pray:

@Charlie_C love that you are excited about database recovery :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

@Wakikki I notice you keep resetting your counter very recently a few times. What’s happening that you havnt jumped on here before you’ve relapsed? We are ALWAYS here. ALWAYS jump on here and read if you feel you are going to drink or use. Thats what we are here for.

@Bigbear twinzie what happened?? Have you stopped?
@Soundlab matt I hope you didnt loose your job? Glad you didn’t pick up. We are almost at one month twinze :tada:
@anon35096624 excited to hear all about your two week holidays!! :tada::tada::tada:

@SoberWalker Claudia that’s one hell of a tower! It looks like a transformer :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: very cool you got up there and conquered it :tada:

So its the weekend and I’m so excited to enjoy it thoroughly! It is so long since I’ve been able to cherish the weekend. The past 15 months , everyday has ultimately been the same. Now that I’m back to a full scheduled Monday to Friday week, I now can cherish my time on the weekends :tada: it is FREZZING out there this morning. 2 degrees and frost. So I’m going to fluff about lazing in bed till it warms up then I’ll head out to get coffee.

I’ve had a very satisfying week just past. I was offered another shift at work so I took it. That was a nice feeling, hearing that I was wanted back :joy:

I’m going to a meeting this arvo and tomorrow morning. Didn’t get to any this week yet coz of my injured ankle. I’m looking forward to them this weekend.

I had two dreams last night , about people that use. I feel OK this morning, it hasn’t rattled me. But I learnt in class that I need to be aware for the next 72 hours as it is type of trigger so my subconscious is on high alert or something along those lines.

Happy weekend TS fam :tada::pray::heart:


So sorry to hear about your Pa. It is terrible you were not able to say a last goodbye. I’m glad you are with your mom during this sad time.

Thank you! Glad to be here!


Checking in, day 21.

Didn’t work out today. My body is still sore from Wednesday roller skating. I fell once on my butt and my tailbone still hurts. I don’t floss regularly, but I decided to floss this morning because I want to take better care of myself. I want to brush and floss twice a day and shave once a day.

Today is my daughter’s birthday. So we took her out and she opened presents. On Sunday, we plan to do more. We’ve booked a nice hotel in Wisconsin and we plan to have fun in the pool.

I haven’t checked out a woman in the past three days. There have definitely been opportunities. But I’m seeing how important it is for me to stop trying to seek validation from other women because it distracts me from demonstrating for myself that I have value.

I’m going to shave now and go to work.


Thanks I believe in myself to, I know what I need to do. It was really a short relapse so not to sound cocky but I’m not to concerned about picking up again. Started doing the tattoos a few months ago, which is exactly why I don’t wanna pick up again because I’d like to pursue it to the best or my ability


@marcusmaximus2000 Massive congratulations!

@Echolaj Triggers are just triggers, they can’t hurt us unless we act

@CATMANCAM Sending strength, sober twin

@Lisa07 Take care! Stomach bugs are the worst.

@MrsOdh My deepest condolences. Sending strength at this difficult time. Humor can be all that gets u thru.


@MrsOdh I’m so sorry for your loss. Your Dad sounds really cool. I’m pretty sure I’d be sliding in the same way. Glad you’re able to think of the joy he brought you.


I am sorry for your loss Sophia, the way your family will be celebrating him warms my heart. I hope you find some peace with your family this weekend. Sending love.:heart:

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Oh Sophia I am terribly sorry to read about your Father. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
I keep hearing stories of people passing away or dying during the pandemic without family members around. That must make it so much harder for you and your family. That really sucks.
I hope you can have a nice celebration of his life. And from what I know of you I am not surprised that you are the capable one of having to take care business. All the necessary calls and stuff. You are a very strong person.
When this is all over make time for Sophia. You are an amazing lady. You take care of yourself too. Big hugs coming your way.


My life goes to shit when I try to control my addiction. When I accept every single day that I have zero control over substances and humbly ask for guidance these inner tug-o-wars do not happen. I have been there though, I get it, and it’s easy to forget what we need to do once we have a few solid months under our belt. Go back to the basics when your spirit is unsettled, the basics will always get you through.


Hi family. Late check-in but at least it’s sober by the grace of God. Going on Day 5 here shortly. Have a great day/night :pray:t3:


Day 328, been busy as all get out, haven’t been on in a while so I wanted to check in. Been enjoying the weather here lately, it is really nice out these days. I got a swimming pool for the kids so that has been a lot of fun and we are going to the zoo tomorrow! Overall things here have been going really well. I hope everyone else has been enjoying their sober life! I miss y’all and welcome to the newer folks I haven’t met yet!


Missed you too! Hope all is well on your end ma’am

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I have not pulled the trigger yet. Reviewing options.
Any suggestions?

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I am so sorry, @MrsOdh
Sincere thoughts for all of you, may you be comforted during this hard time. Let his soul rest forever in peace, and in the many hearts who loved him so much. Your ofrenda is wonderful. Having him always near. Love how you described him :heart:. Take care of yourself.

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I agree the counter is a blessing and a curse. Yes, most of us try for continuous sobriety. But a slip, relapse, major f*ck up, whatever you want to call it does not negate the sober days already racked up. Personally, I was doing this %age thing. Oh, I only drank 10 days out of 100. 90% success. Which, although that is true to an extent…I realized by doing that in the back of my mind I was keeping the door open. Not a good plan for me. So now I am feeling positive with each day the counter shows. Wrapping up day 77. Feeling good about that.


@MrsOdh…Sophia, I am so sad to hear of your Pa’s passing. What a gift to be present for your Mom. And helpful for the things she needs done. :pray::pray: for you and your family.

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My sincere condolences Sophia, may his soul Rest in Everlasting Peace.
Blessings and sobriety!
:sparkling_heart: :hugs: