Checking in daily to maintain focus #30

Day 365!!!

I completed my first year of sobriety today!

I drank my way through 30 years of my life, stopped one year ago, and have decided to concentrate on moving forward and not dwelling in the past and what if’s. I thought I was lost to alcohol, but proved a lot to myself this past year. I tried more times than I can count to quit. Finding TS was the turning point for me since I realized I was not alone. TS restored my belief in myself and other people.

Keep trying if you are just starting this journey. It is worth it.

Have a great day!!!


This is amazing. Congratulations and great work!!


Massive congrats! I remember u making a group to get to 6 months, and here u are with a year!


Happy for you Kyle! Congratulations! :partying_face:


Big congratz!!! Amazing! Enjoy the feeling of 1 year achievement.


Congratulations Kyle! It’s great to be on this journey with you!

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Im glad my post gave and ment something to you. Anyhows please dont get over your self and move on, you are allowed to feel what ever you feel, its your feelings. But if you can make the post make you think otherwise thats Great. You are you and your feelings :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:You rock!

And EVERYONE say Happy Constituionday NORWAY :bouvet_island: :bouvet_island:


Right back at you and I am so glad to see you on day 184!
Enjoy your vacation


congratulations :+1::dizzy::dizzy::dizzy: you are inspiring

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Congratulations @Gadsden that’s fantastic!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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438 days clean still not giving in. The urge is not strong but im not letting my guard down. I’ve been working on my truck staying busy frustrating as hell at times and still dealing with anxiety and emotions that I’ve tucked away for so many years.i don’t know if they will ever go away to many heart strings being pulled but soberity is number one honesty and responsibility


Congratulations @Squirt and @Dazercat that’s amazing!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Checking I’m substance free for…

Dropping Nuggie off for her skin biopsy this morning. Experience is telling me she has Lupus but recovery is blessing me with so much serenity until I get actual results. :pray:

Here is my new favorite recipe for a happy life…
3c. love, 2c. warmth, 2tbsp tenderness, 1c. forgiveness, 1c. friends, 4tbsp hope, 1 pint faith, 1 bowl of laughter…
Combine love and warmth. Mix thoroughly with half tenderness. Add forgiveness. Blend with friends and hope. Sprinkle all remaining tenderness. Stir in faith and laughter. Bake with sunshine. Serve daily in generous helpings <3

Have an amazing sober Monday :heart:


Take care xxx :sunflower::heart::sunflower:


Omg congrats on your full year of recovery. Your presence on the forum has been missed for sure, but I absolutely love it when you pop back in and drop some wisdom on us. Thank you for being here for me when I was clambering and clawing through my first days, you were an essential part of my success. I AM SO HAPPY to see this post. Stay well friend.


Missed you and your talent at photography, Seb. Welcome back!


Hey Seb welcome back!!!


You are not obligated to count and you are not obligated to check in your days on this thread. Why don’t you just check in sober on(not count days) the gratitude thread instead and write a gratitude list with us everyday? You don’t even need to check in sober its only if it is helpful to you and it doesn’t sound like it’s helpful. So do something different, but stay connected. Maybe the music thread or the foodies thread or like i said the gratitude thread… here is the link.
“Grateful for another sober day…”

Congrats on your days, you are doing a great job, you just need to find what will work for you.

Daily Gratitude List #2


Congratulations on your 1 year of sobriety Kyle.
Haven’t seen you around much but it’s always great to see you pop in. A nice little booster shot of “we can do this” as long as we never give up.

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