Checking in daily to maintain focus #30

You sir are a legend!!!


You done amazing :clap: so happy to read you back on track


Good girl, April!
I’m the only one in my family that’s good with money; my mother and sister are jealous and they say I still have the first dollar I ever made, lol. I grew up with it always being an issue and fights in the family so I learned early that my money is mine! :joy:
I’m really happy to see you doing great!


SO proud of you !!!


Hi TS,I’m on the cusp of 60 days, More than 60 miracles to get me here today,just a question…I was wondering what is going to entitle my thread to go into a different category? got demoted (by TS ADMIN?) to RELAPSES,which I was a bit annoyed about,(probably thought fuck it I’ll carry on relapsing for a while then,(resentments))…I think it was in LIFE IN RECOVERY, so I’d really appreciate going back in that category?..thanks in advance :pray::grimacing::grimacing:


2nd check in. Had a very good day, work went well, my lady did amazing with her supervised visit, made my day.

Thank you for all you birthday wishes :heart:

Was on my own this eve , and did think - one would be nice, but read again my journal of my last relapse which is in such detail it makes me shudder… those thoughts stopped, could not bear the tomorrow. Walked my :dog2: .
@Rockstar24777 sending some comfort your way.
@Charlie_C massive congratulations on 200 days…
@anon53116147 welcome back :slightly_smiling_face:
Wishing you all a strong night or day🙏


@Hazy, Robin explains the trust levels in this link.


That’s the way, never give up the fight.


day 253, + 180 - 1 relapse and 18 months - about 100 24hr relapses + 90 days and another 9 months of relapses. As long as your sober today my dear is the only thing that’s relevant. Congratulations :blush:


Scary shit, glad you’re ok.

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Congrats on 11!! Very cool :confetti_ball::+1:


This to will pass my friend, I have days when I would love a beer and a nice fat joint but it’s just a thought and I don’t have to react to it. I also don’t always have to be happy about my new life choice but I’ll tell you something for nothing as long as I get through the day and wake up sober in the morning that feeling of pride and success is worth all those pity party moments. Keep your chin up bc your doing a great job :+1:


Wait whatttttttt?!?!?!?!?


Hope you had a super day.


I’m already getting excited about your one year, gotta calm down a bit bc it’s one day at a time. Look where they have all got you so far though :+1:


Congrats on 10m!!! I like this post. It’s accurate as to what we go through in life. Mountain tops and Valleys.

What struck me was the fact about loving yourself. I’ve struggled with that practically my whole life…not loving myself. But as you say little by little it does get easier and in my young sobriety I could see glimpses of this in my own life and it’s refreshing. Still getting used to it but it’s a start.

Thanks for the share :slightly_smiling_face:


Oh, I hear you. I am absolutely taking each day at a time, just like how I did for 250 days before, and 30 days, and a week and a couple days, etc. Similar stories, amigo. It just helps remind me that I can keep going each day by reflecting on my previous days, so for the first 30 days or so I’ll keep that 250 on there as a confidence booster :smirk: Thanks for the reminder!


We find it very easy to identify the negatives about ourselves and then we struggle to find those posistives.
Yet if you were to ask a friend the good they can identify so much and find it a tad more challenging/uncomfortable on the negatives.
So if you are struggling go ask a friend and take what they love about you and utalize it.

We all deserve to love ourselves!


Glad you fought through. You know that shit ain’t worth it. Keep doing you. :muscle:t3:


Happy birthday :tada::gift::balloon::birthday::confetti_ball:

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Good evening friends. Finishing up a successful day 200 at a meeting! Enjoying some sub-par AA coffee and lots of experience, strength and hope!

Have an awesome evening!