Checking in daily to maintain focus #31 (Part 1)

Girl!!! congrats to you. Time flies when you’re having fun. Life is sooooo much better sober. You’re so inspiring and you deserve all the happy’s of all the happy’s in the world (and heck, take them moon happy’s too) :heart::heartpulse::heart:



@Misokatsu thanks for your understanding!!! Yes! For me is one of the greatest things I can offer, I dedicate time to think about a particular person or situation and speak about it with Jesus. Day 7. I feel grateful


Good Morning Day two :sunny:


@Jennajen I will miss you

Good morning friends, day 229! Slept rough. Up and signing on to work… Today is full of meetings but no drinking.

Have an awesome day! I am going to do mine sober!


Hello friends. Checking in on day 20. Having coffee and listening to a bunch of crows arguing with one another outside. I had a weird dream about rats last night. There were, like, five rats living in my room and I was trying to figure out how to get rid of them. I ended up getting some rat poison, but then I started feeling really guilty for killing the poor rat. I was happy to wake up to a rat-free room :rofl:


Successful on so many different levels! Good job, man. And iced tea is the bomb.


Hey all, checking in on day 382 alcohol free.

I’m reading a book on optimism, written by the guys who created the Life is Good T-shirt company and there was a great concept that I wanted to share with you guys; it’s focused on being grateful.

The basic idea is to live your life with the phrase “get to” always in mind. For example…Instead of saying or thinking I “have to” go to work. You think I “get to” go to work because there are people who would do anything for a job.

The principle can really apply to anything. I “get to” go shop for food in a well stocked grocery store instead of I “have to” go get groceries.

I’m sure you guys get the idea. Anyway, I’ve been trying to live with that mindset for a few days now and it really does make a difference. Just wanted to share with you guys.

Today I get to be sober for another beautiful day where I won’t miss a thing.

Have a great one guys :metal:


Day 324
Even tho it is more than a month away, have been thinking about the approaching one year. Should I celebrate? How? Should I tell my husband? Would he be happy for me, or just think not drinking like I did is normal and not worth celebrating? Will I feel disappointed if I don’t celebrate? Will I feel deflated if I do celebrate and the next day is just a regular sober day?


Haha, I just saw your selfie with the LIG shirt!

It’s just another sober day, but don’t forget that it’s a big deal to make it a year. Not everyone does it right away, so it is worth commemorating, IMHO. I think you should do something nice for yourself. Up to you to tell hubby, but I would hope he’d be happy for you. Also, I will be celebrating as your former sober twin my “almost” anniversary (minus a 10 day relapse) :smiley:


Day 32 over here :wave:


Sorry to hear that about your son. Hope you have a better day today.

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Life throws so much shit in our way that any reason to celebrate is worth it, IMO. YOU are definitely worth it! Yet, there’s no need to build up expectations on it. I hope you can enjoy the day when it arrives :hibiscus::partying_face::gem::blush:


One week down :tada:


Day 11
I feel good I wake up sometimes and feel like I drank the day before. It’s weird, other than that I feel good. Last time I made it this far out was a real struggle I’m waiting for that feeling again. In a few days this will be the longest I’ve ever gone not drinking in many years. Maybe I’m more motivated. I want this so bad.


Yay! Keep up the great work!

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I popped out a bebe today :blush: :wink:



Congratulations! It’s cute!

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I just got the “Grateful Dude” one, I love it!

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