Checking in daily to maintain focus #31 (Part 1)

Oh, I am so behind on this thread and don’t get me started on how behind I am on the meme thread. I’m going to have to take a day off for that. The meme thread is very important. Checking in beautiful sober friends :heart:


Day 384 clean and sober today. I hope everyone has a great day, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Congratulations @Olivia!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Goodmorning all of you wonderful people

Ran a bunch of errands this morning on and I finally have coffee on

I got sick from the second covid vaccine yesterday but now I feel fine :slight_smile:

Take care


Checking in! 11.21 months
Headed to Utah today. Going to disconnect from the phone and reconnect with nature! We have this poor little baby pine tree that was left for dead around Christmas time that we replanted in our garden. Gonna give him a permanent home in Utah. My daughter named him Kristoff.
My mother in law asked me how I am coping so well (lots of drama going on, she wallows in it). She goes “Is it all the meditation and yoga?” My answer was that I honestly wasn’t aware I wasn’t supposed to be coping. I don’t sweat the small stuff, and it’s all small stuff. Lol. But she did get in my head a little bit… wait a minute, am I supposed to be sad or something??
Have a great sober day y’all! :purple_heart:


Nice job! Let the others enjoy the drama.


Thanks Charlie, you have a good one today!! :blush:

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Congratulations on nine months, Olivia!

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Happy Canada Day to our friends in the Great White North!


Congratulations Olivia! :clap:t3::tada:

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Oh my God. :rofl: :rofl::rofl: Congratulations Olivia.
That’s great :smiley:


Checking in. 55 days sober today. Been a wild last couple days. It’s gonna be alright though. Just kind of feeling meh about almost everything in my life today but that’s not bad entirely. Just feeling feelings. Lol


To all my beautiful sober Canadian friends.



Checking in on day 62. I lost custody of my eyes several times yesterday. It’s a sign that I need to take better care of myself instead of trying to get validation from strangers. I’m not proud about that. But I am feeling more hopeful about my recovery. Today started well with a Blazing Grace leaders Zoom call. Then I had an intimate moment with my wife. And now, I’m choosing to take the morning off so I can prepare myself for the 4th of July weekend. My wife and I are going to be extremely busy. I’m looking forward to it because it’s going to be fun.


Thank you @Rockstar24777 @Misokatsu @Dragonflygirl82 @icebear @gadsden :sparkling_heart:


Checking in on day 18, had a good few urges today, I really don’t know why cause I had no triggers just the want was there but put them to one side , had a few arguments with myself then moved on . Turned things on their heads and focused on healthy eating instead , made a list, went shopping , and downloaded my fitness pal app again to have something to focus on , feel loads better now it’s passed . The strawberry and watermelon juice is much more refreshing . :grinning:.


Checking in at the end of day 179.
This is my 27th year in teaching, and the first time that I have ever witnessed the end of year leaving speeches sober. I felt a bit apprehensive beforehand because I expected cravings and thought that it wouldn’t be the same, or that I wouldn’t enjoy it as much - but it was absolutely fine. Much more enjoyable because I could appreciate what had gone into them and understand the humour in them.
Life is so much better now.
Have a great sober day, wherever you are.
Goodnight. :sleeping::zzz:


Can’t wait to see your mom’s tattoos! I love how supportive she is. She is a badass lady!


:joy: Beth, you are a crack up! But seriously, TRUTH!
Also, I am so behind too! I always have to get to the very bottom before I post any so that I don’t post repeats lol.


This is the dragonfly I did on her. I’m still drawing up the flowers, lots of detail in the silouhettes of the girls faces. She is definitely a badass.