Checking in daily to maintain focus #31 (Part 2)

Looks like youā€™ve prepared yourself. Stay strong!

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Having a great time so far, did a chair lift and some hiking today, here are some pics. Gearing up for the 4th of July celebration here tonight, looks like a good festival!


Wow! How amazing :heart::heart:

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Havenā€™t tried it yet, only count the amount of boxes I had of them :blush: Counting went fine thank you! :+1:


Checking in on day 35ā€¦

Today I went out for lunch with my wife, brother and his partner. I had two cokes and sat and watched him drink two largers :grimacing:

I just got back from the pub watching football. Everyone was drinking apart from me. It did feel a bit awkward and it would of been too easy to cave in, but I didnā€™t :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I was people watching though and felt a bit sorry for some of them!!

Have a good weekend folks.


Grateful to still be sober.:sparkling_heart::pensive: Thankyou TS for all your kind words and your constant encouragement for over 2 years x


@sober_dream welcome :slightly_smiling_face: congrats on 59 :tada:
@Dazercat congrats on 18 months :tada::star2: I canā€™t believe itā€™s been 6 months since we celebrated your year! :exploding_head::scream:
@JLove congrats on double digits :tada:
@Hazy congrats on 90 days :tada:
@Sanuk congrats on 60 days :tada:
@Gadsden congrats on 9 months :tada:
@BluNjaTrtl31 congrats on 180 days :tada:

327 days no alcohol.
295 days no cocaine.
21 days no binge-eating.

This morning began quite sadly, with the news that on Thursday, during surgery to remove a blockage from his intestine, my cousinā€™s dog died, he was only two. Thereā€™s a bit of a backstory why itā€™s extra heart-breaking, because itā€™s the same cousin whoā€™s 6 year old daughter died from a neurodegenerative disease that slowly and painfully took all her abilities away from age 2. They have a son who is now 7, their daughter would have been 11 last month, they canā€™t have anymore children because thereā€™s a 50/50 chance of them having the same terminal disease, so they welcomed a puppy into their family and he gave them so much joy, I really am heart-broken for them.

I then saw my auntie and uncle, who are the parents of that cousin, we met at a garden centre, I had already eaten lunch so I had a slice of cake while they ate theirs, it was lovely and now I donā€™t feel any urge to binge tomorrow. I also bought 6 new plant pots, some plant foods, and 2 massive bags of compost. So Iā€™m looking forward to the repotting tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow is my birthday, Iā€™m really looking forward to spending it sober, this will be the first time since I was 11, I am turning 34 tomorrow. I am repotting my plants in the morning, then gym and swimming at lunchtime, then glow in the dark crazy golf in the evening, which Iā€™m excited about, itā€™s new to the area and itā€™s space themed :star_struck: . Will hopefully see my brother and his little family too. My dad messaged to ask what I was doing Monday, so I replied but then didnā€™t hear back from him.

Really glad I made it to gym and swimming today, I didnā€™t know how much I needed it til the endorphins hit afterwards, the pool was a bit cooler today too, very refreshing :blush:

I hope youā€™re all having enjoyable weekends :blue_heart:


Checking in on day 7 :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


100% agree. Sounds like a new adventure is beginning :innocent: Enjoy it - youā€™ve earned it :+1:


Smashing it!!!


Day 69.

Had an early arrival at the bread cafe this morning. A solo diner :joy: arrived at sunrise at 7.24am and stayed a whole 40 mins eating and playing peek a boo with me on its own! Beautiful way to start my Clean and sober Sunday morning :heart:

Feeling good today. No urges or cravings or triggers recently so Iā€™m doing good. But Iā€™m definetly in the wall stage. As long as I stay busy il be all good :pray:

Were buddies now :joy: this lil dude is smart, he flew in early to have some quite time before the big lunch rush :joy:


April, I love your check-ins from before the cockatoo invasion, but now, pics are mandatory! Thank you so much for sharing these. They make my day!


I think the word has spread that the bread cafe is open for business :joy: they came to dine three times yesterday ! :joy:


I am the bread cafe fyi :joy: @LeeHawk


Iā€™m sure @Olivia

You put up with my shit daily,

But hey, the new AED is supposed to improve my cognitive function and moods,

So Iā€™m hoping to be a nuclear physicist by next year or else

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Hey Jenna,

Itā€™s gonna be hard, when you grown to learn to love a community make friends and a sense of belonging.

Itā€™s like if I am having a bad day I could roll into a AA meeting in person or online and rant it out, yeah those people can be supportive, but they donā€™t know me like you guys do. I can pop in here and someone I know is gonna wanna help, I created bonds, friendships and respect for members here,

And like you said itā€™s like building a real life spreading your wings and leaving the nest, as new opportunities rise, the old ones get replaced, nothing wrong with that but that comfort feeling is what your missing until it comes elsewhere I do wish you the best in your journey and you know your welcome here anytime


We have beautiful lakes where I liveā€¦
Just throwing that out there.


Needed to check in on day 115. It was just a shitty hard day. Holidays only amplify my loneliness and the damage done over the last several years. Really hard day for me and Iā€™m sure others. Grateful to be going to bed sober. Grateful for this community.


Checking in on day 22. Ran through a gauntlet of temptation with coolers full of beer and tons of liquor. Held my sparkling water tight. Swam with all the kids here and got a sunburn. I am so glad to be going to bed sober. One more day left of this trial. Hope everyone is doing well.


You win today. Great job.

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