Checking in daily to maintain focus #31 (Part 2)

Checking in this morning (Saturday). Sober. All good.


Have a great day everyone day 72 . Going to try to open a bank account today and turn my cell phone back on since I just been using wifi for months . 2 things that I havenā€™t done in a long time from being so deep into my addiction


The things that we do when deep I addiction is so insane , when I think about the little things i do now that are actually huge things, like answering phone calls, checking my email, having money in my bank account, being available for appointments etcā€¦ Just every day regular stuff that just DID NOT HAPPEN ever when deep in addiction, you know :thinking: sobriety equals growth my friend ! :hugs::tada::pray::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


facts so true . Little things but in reality huge things . Just socializing at work with customers and co workers laughing and getting lunch with them . Im open about being in a recovery home but they donā€™t know truly that just eating the food and giving eye contact is such a change for me lol . Iā€™ve looked at the ground in shame for so many years. First paycheck yesterday and my house sat me down at 30 years old and said they want to protect me and hold it for me but said its up to me if I want to hold my check . Im tired of living in fear . I paid my rent which is also huge lol .my brain still tells me crazy things about myself and I say kick rocks.


Waking up , some coffee, eggs,hashbrowns, bacon English muffin than off to see grandson play some flag football. Taking the Harley out today. This would never happen if I was still drinking and using. I wouldā€™ve said Iā€™ll be there than Iā€™d be a NO SHOW. Or be wasted and be the SHOW ! Well GOD BLESS EVERYONE


Hey all, checking in on day 405. I hope everyone is having a relaxing and sober weekend!


Hey congrats @apes2020 on 90 days and @Beforemy30s on 100 and everyone else I missed on milestone. You are all inspiring to me!

Checking in on day 43. Time for more coffee. Have a lovely weekend, all!


470 today. Covid free and back to work. Get to spend some time doing yard work today to get some airā€¦ be happyā€¦ be sober


Day 407 clean and sober today. Horribly strange dreams/nightmares last night. Super weird. I hope everyone has a great day today, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


How lovely little booties!!! :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:

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My god mother was a very well known Australian Olympic gold medalist champion swimmer, dawn Fraser @Mno we both have super athletes in our family :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::tada::pray:


@Mno I type that as I just finished my fourth ice cream sandwich for the night after having taco bell for dinner :joy: athletic habits I have not :joy:



Atta girl April. Itā€™s so great to have you back and doing it. Youā€™re so worth it.


You did Taco Hell ??
What happened to the cheesesteak?


Congrats on your 30 days, I hope you grabbed that chip. You worked your ass off to get back here. Great job Mike.


Day 360
Relaxing with coffee and reading some David Sedaris before logging in for work in a little bit. Lazy rainy morning. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!


Love David Sedaris :joy::joy::joy:
Fun stuff.
360. Nice number.


Checking in at the end of day 202.
Another lovely sober summer day with the family. Watched a lot of Olympic action today. The girls seemed particularly interested in the menā€™s gymnastics, for some reason. :thinking:
The boys were so inspired that we went for a game of tennis and then badminton. We are only supposed to go out in twos, but we went in a cheeky three and didnā€™t get arrested. :shushing_face:
Played board games this evening. Didnā€™t think about drinking once. Forgot that it was Saturday. Love it.
Life is so much better now.
Have a great sober day, wherever you are. Goodnight. :zzz::sleeping:


403 days It may sound odd but Iā€™m feeling like I did in early sobriety days. My emotions are all over the place and I find them easily triggered by goings on that normally wouldnā€™t matter and I wouldnā€™t mind. I feel myself quickly go from sadness to anger and irritability and often find myself on the verge of tears or screaming. I feel so unsettled that Iā€™m nauseous and completely drained of energy. Yesterday marked two years since my nervous breakdown. Although I have seen a lot of progress since then Iā€™m feeling like Iā€™m back to square one. I have found myself reflecting on two songs, one of which was right after my breakdown and the lyrics read to others at the time and one now that feels like I couldā€™ve wrote it myself. I need to look into this further and sit with these feelings as theyā€™re totally descriptive of how external factors (other people) are something I give too much power to.


Huge congrats to your home team! Yay! Beautiful, exciting race! Makes me feel good knowing these men and women are most likely not drinking, drugging or smoking! Being high on their super achievements is warranted!