Checking in daily to maintain focus #31 (Part 2)

Ah yep OK gotcha! :joy: went over the top of my head lol :joy: ta ! X

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Just checking in feeling happy. I am feeling so good inside that I did some changes outside I feel amazing even with the pain in my shoulder I have never been happier. I am so blessed to find the people here.


Congrats on 90 days @apes2020!!
Iā€™m so freakin proud of you! Enjoy your philly cheesesteak, you deserve it.

yay ballons


Tomo i hit 73 . Going out with some friends tomo k1 raceway go carts lol first time ever doing something fun sober or fun in general cuz nothing is enjoyable active . Goodnite sober world


Mmmmmm :laughing:


Checking in on Saturday night. Sober.


Needed to check in tonight for no particular reason. I donā€™t know how many days Iā€™ve been sober, March 10 was last drink. I make the decision every morning to not drink, and fingers crossed Iā€™ll make that same decision the next day. I really canā€™t believe how differently I see and feel things. Without a doubt, this community is a major help in making that daily decision. Wish I could express better how important each of you are to this Kansas chick. Sleep well!


Hey Rich, welcome in!!!
Just checked out a bit of your story, glad you made it back. Congrats on your 102 days.



Congrats on your commitment one day at a time, March 10th was many sleeps ago.



Good morning, just checking in .


Congratulations April!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Shit Mike I missed your 30 days bro sorry!!! Congratulations buddy youā€™re killing it!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Not only do we like you we LOVE YOU!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2::metal:t2::metal:t2::metal:t2::metal:t2:


That sounds great, Tyler. So happy for you. Feel for you and the train :see_no_evil:
And with every time you do something like this itā€™ll get easier as you know you already did it.


So happy to hear you so happy @CATMANCAM heck yeah!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Meeting went well tonight. One of the guys was like why donā€™t you chair I think it would benefit you. I wanted to say no but didnā€™t, Iā€™m all over the place when I tell my story lol, but it was nice to get it out. And then we read about step twelve and literally there was everything I just said about me playing god and just a bunch of stuff. But of course as soon as I left I went through a little cruise through lake placid and you just see all these ppl out having fun, standing outside the bars having fun and my mind starts wandering and I just canā€™t help but think why canā€™t I be normal and just go out and have fun and be normal like those ppl, why do I always have to over do it. All those people just seem so care free, Iā€™m sure some of them wish they werenā€™t doing that stuff and weā€™re sober but idk so many ppl just seem happy with alcohol in there life and manage to be successful still. Fuck I canā€™t be successful sober or drunk lol. Idk I came home made a smoothie ate some dinner and watched a movie. Take care


Day 390.
Such a good day. A good long sleep-in, lotsa catch-ups with pals near and afar. Oh, and I turned M-be-free51 today! My whole 50th year was alcohol-free. Astonishing. Last yearā€™s bday was still in early days of sobriety, but the restrictions made it a bit easier. Tomorrow night is something of a reunion dinner with colleague pals. Some of these people I have not seen F2F in months. I anticipate it will be a booze fest. But me? Iā€™m just that much older than them that I can get away with being 51 years old AF ā€“ old as fuck and alcohol free. :wink:

@Hopeful777 put it better than I can: Love the new feeling of looking forward to things for what they are. Not looking forward to events so i can drink, and losing every bit of value of the activity.

Iā€™m going to enjoy another good sleep. And a great wake up. Coffee on my wee patio garden, listening to the birds, coaxing the bloomsā€¦ ā€¦sipping from my new mug!
Whatever day it is, we did another one, friends. Letā€™s go do this again tomorrow. I just know we can.
Gā€™night, big love to all. :orange_heart:

@CATMANCAM ah, I knew it! so good to hear, friend. :blue_heart:

@Girlinterrupted this isnā€™t the point, but you know what? I like you. And none of us really fit in. Which means we all do, you know?


I beg to differ. Today was a raging success for you, Mike. Every sober day is.
Proud of you. :orange_heart:


Day 70 I guess. Still salty about wanting to add the 250 before that. It has been a pretty good day. Feeling ambivalent and pissed at mosquito bites on my feet and toes. Goodnight folks.


Day 13. Bit of a shaky one last night but full of positivity again this morning. Just taken the pooch out and broke my new hiking boots in at the same time. In 2 weeks time Iā€™ll be going up another mountain, all stuff that drinking and using me would only ever dream about. Have a happy and sober day everyone