Checking in daily to maintain focus #31 (Part 2)

Thanks to everyone for the congratulations yesterday! I read them when I got home from my second sober wedding yesterday.

I had the best time. I even danced. And genuinely loved it. I didn’t think I’d have the confidence to do that sober but it was such fun.

I left when I wanted to. I walked away from conversations where people were slurry or repetitive at the end of the night. I had proper, lovely conversations with people that I will fully remember. I drove home with windows down and music on. I have woken with zero regrets, zero hangover and a whole lot of pride.

Today I have a music festival to go to - feels a little strange post-Covid though i must say - and I know I would have been hungover and not enjoyed it fully if I had been drinking last night.

So thank you for all your support. Checking in on Day 101.



Oh and if you ever leave that coffee cup out on that beautiful patio of yours unattended I’m stealing it.


Check in on day 30,went out bowling and playing pool lastnight it took a little getting use to as so use to being under the influence but I had a great time, off swimming with son later. Have a blessed sunday ts.


Congrats on 30 days Emm! :tada: :tada:
You’re doing awesome! Enjoy your swim with your son.


Congratulations on your 30 Days Emma.
So happy for you. Keep up the great work.

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I haven’t posted here in a long time, I think the last time I posted I might have been on my 2week mark… but I wanted to check in because I hit a little speed bump today and I thought I wasn’t going to make it but I’m glad to say I’m 47 days sober. And i also wanted to say…Hmm well today was my grandma’s birthday…she passed away about one year ago… I honestly have no idea how old she would have been but that never mattered because she was grandma, you never ask grandma those questions… lol oorr the thought never really came across my mind… anyways, if she was still alive today, we (my family and I) would have spent the entire day just chilling with her… having lunch, bringing her a card with flowers and maybe a few cupcakes… and her favorite gum “Juicy Fruit”, we probably would have took her for a ride today… she would have talked about when she was coming home, and about how she wanted us to take care of her… and how she wanted to take a road trip with us… and do all of those other things like that with us… she would have laughed with us, because she was funny and liked to joke or tell us funny stories about how her morning was… we would have stayed with her for the whole day, until she told us “it’s getting late, I don’t want you guys driving home in the dark” and I would have hugged her so tight, I never forgot to say “I love you grandma so much” and she would have said “I love you Alyssa see you next time” and she would have squeezed my hand… and we would head on home, talking about our great day with grandma on her birthday… it never really hit me, all those feelings of mourning her… I guess I just pushed it to the back of my mind…until this morning, I talked with my sister, and she said that she was trying to fight her urge to drink today… it made me think about having “just one drink”… that thought was on repeat for a bit… but then, I thought about my grandma (who was also an alcoholic but was sober for 10+ years) and I thought about how that one time I went to see her and she smelled the alcohol… she used to always tell me “you don’t need it, it’s bad for you, look at me and how long I’ve been sober and I’m doing good, if I can do it so can you”… I heard that in the back of my mind today, while I thought about going to the bar money in hand and I knew it was her visiting me, letting me know it’s okay… which just made me miss her more… but I spent today with my sister because sometimes you just need family around you and I’m proud to say that we did not drink one drop of alcohol today, and I feel darn good about that because today was tough, I’m not going to lie… but I’m sober 47 days (so is my sister) and happy/proud to still be sober! My grandma would be too.


Thankyou @Dazercat @Lisa07, @SoberWalker taken odaat. Feels good to be back❤️


That was beautiful to read. Thanks for sharing :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 1040:coffee:
Trying to eat healthier and walk more :see_no_evil:
So walked 15 km/9 miles yesterday. Motivated myself with a walk to a terras :grin:
No triggers at the terras, but it’s stupid to notice I know exacly what everybody is drinking so I’m focussed on that. Still addictive behavior I suppose.

Picture from some streetart I walked by :star_struck:
Going to walk in the forrest today. Have to bike to get there because we have no car for a while. Our car has passed away :expressionless: But hey, we didn’t liked this one anyway. Put loads of money in it to keep it on the road but it refuses to work for us. I think he didn’t liked us as well :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Have a nice sunday folks! 🙋


Well done Emma! Congratulations!! :confetti_ball::facepunch::tada:


Happy birthday Emm!! :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:
I hope you have a lovely day!! Liked your patio and
I definitely need that mug!! :laughing:


Hey Austin your rocking it I also went out bowling and playing pool, it was alittle weird to start off but I just went with it and enjoyed my evening, enjoy your go karting sounds like fun.

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Happy birthday! Excellent mug :nail_care::tipping_hand_woman::sweat_smile:

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Happy Birthday @M-be-free49 ! Happy ‘M’ journeys for your year, wherever you are, whatever you’re doing! Best wishes and a zucchini cake to continue the celebration!

@Girlinterrupted i understand what you’re saying. I think some of it may be that some things are simply overlooked… There is so much activity… … And sometimes people might feel intrusive to comment. Thinking It might take up space Or something like that I don’t know. I like you, I have lots of questions for you, maybe I will come out of my own shyness some day and ask. Lots of admiration for you in any case.

@everybody else Have a good addiction free day. The forum is here for everybody. Help. Community. Distractions. Discussions.
As a new person said today and I can’t look back to see who it was or even exactly what they said … Something like ~ the community looks like a good bunch of friendly addicts~

Try to have just some happiness in your heart no matter how hard it seems. The little bits can be so important …


Happy belated birthday, Emm. Always good to read your progress being it big or small. Haven’t written about your dog girl?

  1. Coffee. I’m developing an interesting routine of getting up very early and continuing my horizontal routine on the couch with a blanket and the Olympics on. Sleeping and waking and watching intermittently. And although Team NL isn’t performing too great this far, I am enjoying the Olympics a lot. Sober and clean. Have as good a Sunday as you all can friends. Clean and sober. Love from my balcony. I love my oregano is loved by the bumblebees.

Me too! Women’s cycling was great - not so much for team NL but well done to Anna from Austria. Love an underdog success!


Só… Who’s arround Eindhoven airport today ? @Flamestar or at London Stansted Tomorrow, or in Vienna the 26th or in Podgorica @Milo or @MiloSr some of you 2 :joy: I’d gladly have some local guides or tips what to do and where to go.
@Mno , Flight back is at Schiphol, I might contact you later.

I will post my pictures for who likes to be coming along a bit, with a poem or some…

I’ve set my mind on writing a bundle during vacation


Thanks for sharing this with us. I’m sure your grandma would be so so proud of you today and well done on 47 days.


@CrazyDucks Welcome!

@apes2020 Congratulations!

@Girlinterrupted I feel a lot like that too, and bet a lot of others do too. I think there are probably more than average amount of awkward overthinkers here!

@Beforemy30s Killing the sober life!