Checking in daily to maintain focus #32

Love the flower tattoo. Reminds me of some wildflowers I’m growing right now

Both my parents have passed. My Dad loved yellow roses, my mom wildflowers. Trying to think of a design incorporating the two to tattoo as an homage.


Day 173! 6:30 a.m. post workout. A hangover would really ruin this lovely morning. Well, with a hangover I would not have been up this early to see the beautiful sunrise. And certainly not working out! :laughing:

(Sober) Life is good!


Now to get the scnd one that far as wel

Going to hospital now for last news and hope to get to know when I get operated.
Curious about the scan results but the day is so far, so good



The baby,
Imagine yourself as a baby. You would look at that baby and think they lacked nothing. That baby came complete. Their value was innate from their first breath. Their value did not depend on external things like wealth or appearance or politics or popularity. It was the infinite value of a human life. And that value stays with us, even as it becomes easier to forget it. We stay precisely as alive and precisely as human as we were the day we were born. The only thing we need is to exist. And to hope.


Tony, just the usual stress of being a recovering alcoholic, sole breadwinner, grandfather, saving for retirement, etc…
I actually enjoy my dreams most of the time, some of them are stressful.
Have a great evening!


435 days & still struggling. I feel like I’m in my 1st week of sobriety or something. I can’t sleep, my appetite is nearly non-existent, I lack any form of motivation, my thoughts are clouded and maintaining focus is difficult. I just want to curl up in a ball, cry my eyes out and disappear from the world. Something has got to give or I’m going to crack. Thoughts of impending doom are difficult to keep at bay. It’s not just the living situation that feels this way: right now it’s everything.


Yes that flower looks like the one on my tattoo! It’s lovely to create a tattoo to cherish your parents. My mom passed away 16 years ago and I have a star on my wrist for her.
Good luck with finding a good design!


Checking in. Had my 2nd shot Covid vaccine today. Hope I dont going to feel bad… Soon of to pta meeting for my fresh 13year old.


D 1,173

I have written previously about my experiences having ADHD, undiagnosed until age 28, and its ties to my history of substance abuse and addiction.
I stumbled across this study/article this morning from U of Toronto // Oxford University, which I found interesting and thought it may offer insight to some here. (This is the link to the U of Toronto write-up. The source study from Oxford is cited at the end w/ link).


Upright fucked in the bum…

Check out ! No worries

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11.5 days sober! Feeling strong :smiley:


Had a difficult time sleeping last night. The dreams seem to be getting more and more vivid.

It’s a shame cos waking up (or sleeping at all) is a huge bonus to sobriety and these dreams/nightmares seem to be taking that away.

Still, woke up focused and on time. Ate good. Gym now. One day at a time


Congrats on 7 hundo!


Mid day check in…all going well and feeling stable. And sober and healthy. Which is beautiful. :+1::pray::heartbeat:


@Stormy haha nothing if you ask me! But I’m trying my best to avoid being targeted by bullies again when I’m brave enough to go back.
@Dolse71 it’s hard when you first start doing longer shifts, but in the past I’ve found I did adjust pretty quickly, so you might find you need the sugar hit less and less :crossed_fingers:t2::pray:t2: though I can’t say the same re energy drinksz they were yet another previous addiction of mine :roll_eyes:
@Squirt sending strength :blue_heart: I really hope the counselling can help :pray:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:
@Mbwoman stunning photo :heart_eyes:
@050Nl congrats on 700 days of freedom from cocaine :tada: good luck at the hospital :four_leaf_clover:

380 days no alcohol.
348 days no cocaine.
2 days no binge-eating.

Today has been hard, I have been awake since 1am, couldn’t get back to sleep at all. I used to suffer every night with insomnia so I’m grateful it’s not so often now. I spent an hour on the first ever meme thread, then listened to the entire audiobook I bought last night! It was a good listen. I have had many urges to binge today and the supermarket is open for another 3hrs 45mins, so I’m not safe yet but I just haven’t got the energy to go as I’m so tired from no sleep. I hate having these urges and it’s making me sad because I know the first week of being on the diet is going to be hell, but I need to do it, I am so desperately unhappy with the way I look and feel, and after the first week, it does usually become easier.

I am also feeling very hopeful. At my recent appointment with a Podiatrist, she told me about a treatment that isn’t available on the NHS, I spent some of my time last night doing research, and I found a consultant at my local private hospital, that offers the treatment, it will cost around £800 altogether, which is what I was going to pay for that electric wheelchair, but instead, I will regain my mobility and hopefully be in less pain! It makes me very emotional thinking of a chance at life without this pain, I try not to go on about it too much but it honestly does get me so down all the time.


75 days alcohol free, but I also managed to catch this one today:


Being able to check off all of those is a clear joy of sobriety. Happy day, @Soundlab


1114 days alcohol free.


Checking in day 17 with an urge free day thanks to helping my mom with errands and a great afternoon meeting. I’m still working on step one and will be moving on to step two Sunday. I was told to go through the steps fast but I really want to be thoughtful this time and reflect on why I keep choosing to be a drunk. I’ve never made is past 13 days and I must stay focused. Now on to date night with my husband - beach fishing, grilling our catch then bonfire. Lazy summer day. :fish::sun_with_face::ocean::fire:


An addict voice free day is the best kind of day.